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    IF YOU CAN’T GET OVER IT; GO UNDER IT  我和麦奇先生遇到篱笆的时候,如果他不能从上面爬过去,就会从底下钻过去。  过去,人们很崇尚谦虚。如果你太自高自大,就会有许多门坎没法过去。如果你愿意灵活变通,即使是那些骄傲的狗过不去的地方你也能过去。    When the Munchster and I e to a fence that he can’t climb; he squeezes  under it。  In olden times people had a high value on humility。 If you’re too puffed  up; you can’t get through a lot of openings。  If you’re willing to be flexible; you can get through lots of spaces that  an arrogant dog couldn’t。


    DON’T SETTLE FOR MUSH  如果我的狗粮用完了,在买到优质狗食前,买了劣质面包喂麦奇,他会拒绝进食。  他会坐在狗食盆跟前,看看盆里的食物,然后盯住我,好像在说:“你不是来真的吧?”    然后,他扬长而去。他知道自己该吃什么,不肯退而求其次。  If I run out of dog food and buy an inferior brand until I can get the good  stuff again; Munchie refuses to eat it。  He sits in front of his bowl; looks at his food; and then stares at me as  if to say;“Are you serious?”  Then he walks away。 He knows what he is worth; and doesn’t promise。


    TRUST THE FORCE  麦奇没有银行存款,没有抵押贷款,从不带信用卡,不会被警察罚款,也不会在纳税期限到来时忙于应付、忧心忡忡。  然而,他每天吃得很好,有一个蛮漂亮的小狗窝,生病了就有人带他去看兽医,有一大堆喜欢他的朋友,总之,凡是幸福生活所需要的东西,他应有尽有。    他一定是知道某些我忘记了的东西。  Munchie has no bank account; makes no mortgage payments; carries no credit  cards; doesn’t subscribe to Blue Shield; and doesn’t fret and scheme at tax  time。  Yet he eats well every day; has a lovely little home; gets taken to the vet  when he needs it; enjoys plenty of friends who love him; and has everything  he needs to be happy。  He must know something I forgot。


    THE BEST BISCUITS ARE INSIDE  如果外部世界的某样东西能让你兴高采烈,那么一旦它不见了,就会让你失落消沉。  麦奇的兴高采烈却不依赖于任何物品或某个特定的人。  他一开始就下定决心要活得开心,因此,他的整个世界都围绕着这个最初的选择转。    If something in the outer world can make you high; its absence can make you  low。  Munchie doesn’t depend on a substance or a particular person to make him  feel good。  He just decides to feel good; and his world revolves around his original  choice。


    THINK BIG  没人告诉过麦奇他很小,所以,他总是像大狗一样行事。   我带他去乡间散步的时候,他一会儿追牛,一会儿逐马。麦奇通常能把这些家畜赶动一丁点儿,然后带着得意洋洋的笑容回到我身边。  有一次,他竟然拦住了一辆大卡车。他拦在卡车前坐着狂叫,直到车子停下来才罢休  。  麦奇认为自己很强大,所以他确实表现得很强大。  No one ever told Munchie that he was little; so he acts big。  When I take him on walks through the country; he chases cows and horses。  Munch usually gets the critters to move at least a little bit; and he es  back with a triumphant smile。  Once he got a cement truck to stop。 He sat in front of it and barked until  it came to a halt。  Munchie thinks big; and so he lives big。


    BELIEVE IN YOURSELF  麦奇觉得他所有的想法都是再正当不过的。他的小日子过得悠哉悠哉。   他不会去分析自己的每个念头和行为,也不会疑神疑鬼:是不是因为他心里藏着某种恋母情结,才会有想吃骨头的欲望?    麦奇不会半夜里睡不着觉,思考自己是否存在。他在这里,这就是他存在的充分证明。  他明白,“DOG”(狗)就是把“GOD”(上帝)反过来拼。  他洞悉一切,因为他没有受到过任何蒙蔽。  Munchie assumes that his motivations are worthwhile。 He lives as if he belongs  here。  He doesn’t dissect every thought and action; wondering if his desire for  a bone springs from a deep unresolved Oedipal fixation。  Munchie does not lie awake at night wondering if he exists。 He is here; and  that is proof enough。  He knows that“DOG”is“GOD”spelled backwards。  He is enlightened; because he has never been endarkened。


    THINK POSSIBILITY  每过一两个月,麦奇总要失踪几天。有一次,我出去找他,结果在公路下游的一幢屋子里找到了。他正在追求一只德国牧羊犬呢。虽然小家伙的身高还不到那位高大的女士的膝盖,但这并没能让他退却。   至少,他努力尝试过。    Every few months Munchie disappears for several days。 Once I went searching  for him and found him at a house down the road; trying to romance a German shepherd。  The little guy reached no higher than the big lady’s knee; but that didn’t stop  him。  At least he tried。


    HOWL AT THE MOON  找一个在你能力范围之外的目标,然后唱着歌接近它。   或许你能实现它。  即使没能实现,你也在歌唱中得到了快乐。    Pick a goal that is beyond your limits; then sing to it。  You may get it。  Even if you don’t; you’ll have fun singing。


    DREAM WITH YOUR FEET MOVING  在睡梦中,麦奇的小爪子动来动去,好像在梦里奔跑似的。我猜想,他可能在做梦追猫,所以兴奋得不得了,即使是在睡觉,他的腿也忍不住动来动去。如果你希望把你的梦想变成现实,那么就行动起来吧,即使是在睡梦中也不妨做点什么。别等到梦做完了,那时候可能就太晚了。   When Munchie dreams; his little feet move as if he is running。 I imagine  h  e is dreaming of chasing cats; and he is so excited that his legs have to do  something even though he’s asleep。  If you want to make your dreams e true; do something about them; even  while you are dreaming。  Don’t wait until you are done dreaming ;’couse then it might be too late。


    VENTUREsintosNEW TERRITORY  我们出去散步的时候,麦奇喜欢把鼻子伸进洞里闻来闻去,跑到陌生的田地里去,也很高兴碰到陌生人。他不满足于熟悉的事物。有时他会把鼻子戳伤,但大部分时候,他的世界变得越来越大了。   When we go for walks Munchie loves to poke his nose in holes; runsintosunfamiliar  fields; and meet new people。He is not satisfied with the familiar。Someti  mes he gets his nose stung; but most of the time his world keeps expanding。

换条新的“生活之链”无论IT 带什么

    WHATEVER IT TAKES  我和麦奇常常在河流中的岩石上徒步旅行,有时候,我们会碰到比麦奇大好几百倍的大石头。   这有没有吓退我们的麦奇呢?当然没有!  麦奇往回走几步,仔细观察一下地形,选了另一条路,然后踩在那些小一点的石头上  绕过来。当我走到那块大石头顶上的时候,他也同时到达了。他找到了适合自己的方式,并做出了必要的努力,最终到达了他想去的地方。  When Munchie and I go hiking over rocks up a stream; sometimes we e to  boulders that are hundreds of times his size。  Does this stop the Munchster? Of course not!  Munchie steps back; scans the terrain; and takes a different route over a  number of smaller rocks。 By the time I am on top of the big rock; so is he。  He found the way worked for him; and did whatever he needed to getswhereshe  wanted to go。

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