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the heir of redclyffe-第116部分

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to the future。  After a long silence; Guy said

'I am very sorry for him。  I have been making Arnaud write to him for 


'Oh; have you?'

'It was better for you not to do it; Arnaud has written for me at 

night。  You will send it; Amy; and another to my poor uncle。'

'Very well;' said she; as he looked at her。

'I have told Markham;' said he presently; 'to send you my desk。  There 

are all sorts of things in it; just as I threw them in when I cleared 

out my rooms at Oxford。  I had rather nobody but you saw some of them。  

There is nothing of any importance; so you may look at them when you 

please; or not at all。'

She gazed at him without answering。  If there had been any struggle to 

retain him; it would have been repressed by his calmness; but the 

thought had not come on her suddenly; it was more like an inevitable 

fate seen at first at a distance; and gradually advancing upon her。  

She had never fastened on the hope of his recovery; and it had dwindled 

in an almost imperceptible manner。  She kept watch over him; and 

followed his thoughts; without stretching her mind to suppose herself 

living without him; and was supported by the forgetfulness of self; 

which gave her no time to realize her feelings。

'I should like to have seen Redclyffe bay again;' said Guy; after a 

space。  'Now that mamma is coming; that is the one thing。  I suppose I 

had set my heart on it; for it comes back to me how I reckoned on 

standing on that rock with you; feeling the wind; hearing the surge; 

looking at the meeting of earth and sky; and the train of sunlight。'  

He spoke slowly; pausing between each recollection;'You will see it 

some day;' he added。  'But I must give it up; it is earth after all; 

and looking back。'

Through the evening; he seemed to be dwelling on thoughts of his own; 

and only spoke to tell her of some message to friends at Redclyffe; or 

Hollywell; to mention little Marianne Dixon; or some other charge that 

he wished to leave。  She thought he had mentioned almost every one with 

whom he had had any interchange of kindness at either of his homes; 

even to old nurse at Hollywell; remembering them all with quiet 

pleasure。  At half…past eleven; he sent her to bed; and she went 

submissively; cheered by thinking him likely to sleep。

As soon as she could conscientiously call the night over; she returned 

to him; and was received with one of the sweet; sunny; happy looks that 

had always been his peculiar charm; and; of late; had acquired an 

expression almost startling from their very beauty and radiance。  It 

was hardly to be termed a smile; for there was very little; if any; 

movement of the lips; it was more like the reflection of some glory 

upon the whole countenance。

'You have had a good night?' she said。

'I have had my wish; I have seen Redclyffe;' then; seeing her look 

startled; 'Of course; it was a sort of wandering; but I never quite 

lost the consciousness of being here; and it was very delightful。  I 

saw the waves; each touched with light;the foamthe sea…birds; 

floating in shade and light;the treesthe Shagthe skyoh! such a 

glory as I never knewthemselvesbut so intensely glorious!'

'I am glad' said Amabel; with a strange participation of the delight it 

had given him。

'I don't understand such goodness!' he continued。  'As if it were not 

enough to look to heaven beyond; to have this longing gratified; which 

I thought I ought to conquer。  Oh; Amy! is not that being Fatherly!'

'Yes; indeed。'

'Now after that; and with mamma's coming (for you will have her if I 

don't see her); I have but one wish unfulfilled。'

'Ah! a clergyman。'

'Yes; but if that is withheld; I must believe it is rightly ordered。  

We must think of that Sunday at Stylehurst and Christmas…day; and that 

last time at Munich。'

'Oh; I am so glad we stayed at Munich for that!'

'Those were times; indeed! and many more。  Yes; I have been a great 

deal too much favoured already; and now to be allowed to die just as I 

should have chosen'

He broke off to take what Amabel was preparing for him; and she felt 

his pulse。  There was fever still; which probably supplied the place of 

strength; for he said he was very comfortable; and his eyes were as 

bright as ever; but the beats were weak and fluttering; and a thrill 

crossed her that it might be near; but she must attend to him; and 

could not think。

When it was time for her to go down to breakfast with Philip; Guy said; 

'Do you think Philip could come to me to…day?  I want much to speak to 


'I am sure he could。'

'Then pray ask him to come; if it will not tire him very much。'

Philip had; the last two mornings; risen in time to breakfast with 

Amabel; in the room adjoining his own; he was still very weak; and 

attempted no more than crossing the room; and sitting in the balcony to 

enjoy the evening air。  He had felt the heat of the weather severely; 

and had been a good deal thrown back by his fatigue and agitation the 

day he wrote the letter; while also anxiety for Guy was retarding his 

progress; though he only heard the best side of his condition。  Besides 

all this; his repentance both for his conduct with regard to Laura and 

the hard measure he had dealt to Guy was pressing on him increasingly; 

and the warm feelings; hardened and soured by early disappointment; 

regained their force; and grew into a love and admiration that made it 

still more horrible to perceive that he had acted ungenerously towards 

his cousin。

When he heard of Guy's desire to see him; he was pleased; said he was 

quite able to walk up…stairs; had been thinking of offering to help her 

by sitting with him; and was very glad to hear he was well enough to 

wish for a visit。  She saw she must prepare him for what the 

conversation was likely to be。

'He is very anxious to see you;' she said。  'He is wishing to set all 

in order。  And if he does speak aboutabout dying; will you be so kind 

as not to contradict him?'

'There is no danger?' cried Philip; startling; with a sort of agony。  

'He is no worse?  You said the fever was lower。'

'He is rather better; I think; but he wishes so much to have everything 

arranged; that I am sure it will be better for him to have it off his 

mind。  So; will you bear it; please; Philip?' ended she; with an 

imploring look; that reminded him of her childhood。

'How do you bear it?' he asked。

'I don't knowI can't vex him。'

Philip said no more; and only asked when he should come。

'In an hour's time; perhaps; or whenever he was ready;' she said; 'for 

he could rest in the sitting…room before coming in to Guy。'

He found mounting the stairs harder than he had expected; and; with 

aching knees and gasping breath; at length reached the sitting…room; 

where Amabel was ready to pity him; and made him rest on the sofa till 

he had fully recovered。  She then conducted him in; and his first 

glance gave him infinite relief; for he saw far less change than was 

still apparent in himself。  Guy's face was at all times too thin to be 

capable of losing much of its form; and as he was liable to be very 

much tanned; the brown; fixed on his face by the sunshine of his 

journey had not gone off; and a slight flush on his cheeks gave him his 

ordinary colouring; his beautiful hazel eyes were more brilliant than 

ever; and though the hand he held out was hot and wasted; Philip could 

not think him nearly as ill as he had been himself; and was ready to 

let him talk as he pleased。  He was reassured; too; by his bright 

smile; and the strength of his voice; as he spoke a few playful words 

of welcome and congratulation。  Amy set a chair; and with a look to 

remind Philip to be cautious; glided into her own room; leaving the 

door open; so as to see and hear all that passed; for they were not fit 

to be left absolutely alone together。

Philip sat down; and after a little pause Guy began:

'There were a few things I wanted to say; in case you should be my 

successor at Redclyffe。'

A horror came over Philip; but he saw Amy writing at her little table; 

and felt obliged to refrain。

'I don't think of directing you;' said Guy; 'You will make a far better 

landlord than I; but one or two things I should like。'

'Anything you wish!'

'Old Markham。  He has old…world notions and prejudices; but his soul is 

in the family and estate。  His heart will be half broken; for me; and 

if he loses his occupation; he will be miserable。  Will you bear with 

him; and be patient while he lives; even if he is cross and absurd in 

his objections; and jealous of all that is not me?'


'Thank you。  Then there is Coombe Prior。  I took Wellwood's pay on 

myself。  Will you?  And I should like him to have the living。  Then 

there is the school to be built; and I thou
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