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the heir of redclyffe-第122部分

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soon as he was able。  Guy sent you a long message。  He was so anxious 

about it。'

Amabel showed more eagerness to understand the state of the case; than 

she had about anything else。  She urged that Philip should be spoken 

to; as soon as possible; saying the suspense must be grievous; and 

dwelling on his repentance。  Mrs。 Edmonstone promised to speak to papa; 

and this satisfied her; but she held her resolution of meeting Philip 

that evening; looking on him as a charge left her by her husband; and 

conscious that; as she alone understood how deep was his sorrow; she 

could make the time spent with her parents less embarrassing。

Her presence always soothed him; and regard for her kept her father 

quiet; so that the evening passed off very well。  Mrs。 Edmonstone 

waited on both; and; in Amy's presence; was better able to resume her 

usual manner towards her nephew; and he sat wondering at the placidity 

of Amy's pale face。  Her hair was smoothed back; and she wore a cap;

the loss of her long shady curls helping to mark the change from the 

bright days of her girlhood; but the mournfulness of her countenance 

did not mar the purity and serenity that had always been its great 

characteristic; and in the faint sweet smile with which she received a 

kind word or attention; there was a likeness to that peculiar and 

beautiful expression of her husband's; so as; in spite of the great 

difference of feature and colouring; to give her a resemblance to him。

All this day had been spent by Mr。 Edmonstone in a fret to get away 

from Recoara; and his wife was hardly less desirous to leave it than 

himself; for she could have no peace or comfort about Amabel; till she 

had her safely at home。  Still she dreaded proposing the departure; and 

even more the departure itself; and; in spite of Mr。 Edmonstone's 

impatience; she let her alone till she had her mourning; but when; 

after two days of hard work; Anne had nearly managed to complete it; 

she made up her mind to tell her daughter that they ought to set out。

Amabel replied by mentioning Philip。  She deemed him a sort of trust; 

and had been reposing in the thought of making him a reason for 

lingering in the scene where the brightness of her life had departed 

from her。  Mrs。 Edmonstone would not allow that she ought to remain for 

his sake; and told her it was her duty to resolve to leave the place。  

She said; 'Yes; but for him;' and it ended in Mrs。 Edmonstone going; 

without telling her; to inform him that she thought Amy ought to be at 

home as soon as possible; but that it was difficult to prevail on her; 

because she thought him as yet not well enough to be left。  He was; of 

course; shocked at being thus considered; and as soon as he next saw 

Amabel; told her; with great earnestness; that he could not bear to see 

her remaining there on his account; that he was almost well; and meant 

to leave Recoara very soon; the journey was very easy; the sea voyage 

would be the best thing for him; and he should be glad to get to the 

regimental doctor at Corfu。

Amabel sighed; and knew she ought to be convinced。  The very pain it 

gave her to lose sight of that green; grave; the chestnut…tree; and the 

white mountain; to leave the rooms and passages which still; to her 

ears; were haunted by Guy's hushed step and voice; and to part with the 

window where she used each wakeful night to retrace his profile as he 

had stood pausing before telling her of his exceeding happiness; that 

very pain made her think that opposition would be selfish。  She must go 

some time or other; and it was foolish to defer the struggle; she must 

not detain her parents in an infected place; nor keep her mother from 

Charles。  She therefore consented; and let them do what they pleased;

only insisting on Arnaud's being left with Philip。

Philip did not think this necessary; but yielded; when she urged it as 

a relief to her own mind; and Arnaud; though unwilling; and used to his 

own way; could make no objection when she asked it as a personal 

favour。  Arnaud was; at his own earnest wish; to continue in her 

service; and; as soon as Philip was able to embark; was to follow her 

to Hollywell。

All this time nothing passed about Laura。  Amabel asked several times 

whether papa had spoken; but was always answered; 'Not yet;' and at 

last Mrs。 Edmonstone; after vainly trying to persuade him; was obliged 

to give it up。  The truth was; he could not begin; he was afraid of his 

nephew; and so unused to assume superiority over him that he did not 

know what to do; and found all kinds of reasons for avoiding the 

embarrassing scene。  Since Philip still must be dealt with cautiously; 

better not enter on the subject at all。  When reminded that the 

suspense was worse than anything; he said; no one could tell how things 

would; turn out; and grew angry with his wife for wishing him to make 

up a shameful affair like that; when poor Guy had not been dead a week; 

and he had been the death of him; but it was just like mamma; she 

always spoilt him。  He had a great mind to vow never to consent to his 

daughter's marrying such an overbearing; pragmatical fellow; she ought 

to be ashamed of even thinking of him; when he was no better than her 

brother's murderer。

After this tirade; Mrs。 Edmonstone might well feel obliged to tell 

Amabel; that papa must not be pressed any further; and; of course; if 

he would not speak; she could not (nor did she wish it)。

'Then; mamma;' said Amabel; with the air of decision that had lately 

grown on her; 'I must tell him。  I beg your pardon;' she added; 

imploringly; 'but indeed I must。  It is hard on him not to hear that 

you had not his letter; and that Laura has told。  I know Guy would wish 

me; so don't be displeased; dear mamma。'

'I can't be displeased with anything you do。'

'And you give me leave?'

'To be sure I do;leave to do anything but hurt yourself。'

'And would it be wrong for me to offer to write to him?  No one else 

will; and it will be sad for him not to hear。  It cannot be wrong; can 

it?'  said she; as the fingers of her right hand squeezed her wedding…

ring; a habit she had taken up of late。

'Certainly not; my poor darling。  Do just as you think fit。  I am sorry 

for him; for I am sure he is in great trouble; and I should like him to 

be comfortedif he can。  But; Amy; you must not ask me to do it。  He 

has disappointed me too much。'

Mrs。 Edmonstone left the room in tears。

Amabel went up to the window; looked long at the chestnut…tree; then up 

into the sky; sat down; and leant her forehead on her hand in 

meditation; until she rose up; cheered and sustained; as if she had 

been holding council with her husband。

She did not over…estimate Philip's sufferings from suspense and 

anxiety。  He had not heard a word of Laura; how she had borne his 

illness; nor how much displeasure his confession had brought upon her; 

nor could he learn what hope there was that his repentance was 

accepted。  He did not venture to ask; for after engaging to leave all 

to them; could he intrude his own concerns on them at such a time?  It 

was but a twelvemonth since he had saddened and shadowed Guy's short 

life and love with the very suffering from uncertainty that he found so 

hard to bear。  As he remembered this; he had a sort of fierce 

satisfaction in enduring this retributive justice; though there were 

moods when he felt the torture so acutely; that it seemed to him as if 

his brain would turn if he saw them depart; and was left behind to this 

distracting doubt。

The day had come; on which they were to take their first stage; as far 

as Vicenza; and his last hopes were fading。  He tried to lose the sense 

of misery by bestirring himself in the preparations; but he was too 

weak; and Mrs。 Edmonstone; insisting on his attempting no more; sent 

him back: to his own sitting…room。

Presently there was a knock; and in came Amabel; dressed; for the first 

time; in her weeds; the blackness and width of her sweeping crape 

making her young face look smaller and paler; while she held in her 

hand some leaves of chestnut; that showed where she had been。  She 

smiled a little as she came in; saying; 'I am come to you for a little 

quiet; out of the bustle of packing up。  I want you to do something for 


'Anything for you。'

'It is what you will like to do;' said she; with _that_ smile; 'for it 

is more for _him_ than for me。  Could you; without teasing yourself; 

put that into Latin for me; by and by?  I think it should be in Latin; 

as it is in a foreign country。'

She gave him a paper in her own writing。




AGED 21 1/2。


'Will you be so kind as to give it to Arnaud when it is done?' she 

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