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the heir of redclyffe-第134部分

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easily that she must be on her guard。  She sat down; settled the little 

one on her knee; and gave him time to recover himself。

Presently he came and stood by her saying; in a most decided tone; 

'Amabel; you must let me do this child justice。'

She looked up; wondering what he could mean。

'I will not delay in taking steps for restoring her inheritance;' said 

he; hoping by determination to overpower Amabel; and make her believe 

it a settled and a right thing。

'0 Philip; you are not thinking of that!'

'It is to be done。'

'You would not be so unkind to this poor little girl;' said Amy; with a 

persuasive smile; partaking of her old playfulness; adding; very much 

in earnest; 'Pray put it out of your head directly; for it would be 

very wrong。'

The nurse knocked at the door to fetch the baby; as Amabel had desired。  

When this interruption was over; Philip came and sat down opposite to 

her; and began with his most decided manner:

'You must listen to me; Amy; and not allow any scruples to prevent you 

from permitting your child to be restored to her just rights。  You must 

see that the estate has come to me by circumstances such that no honest 

man can be justified in retaining it。  The entail was made to exclude 

females; only because of the old Lady Granard。  It is your duty to 


'The property has always gone in the male line;' replied Amabel。

'There never was such a state of things。  Old Sir Guy could never have 

thought of entailing it away from his own descendant on a distant 

cousin。  It would be wrong of me to profit by these unforeseen 

contingencies; and you ought not; in justice to your child; to object。'

He spoke so forcibly and decidedly that he thought he must have 

prevailed。  But not one whit convinced; Amabel answered; in her own 

gentle voice; but beginning with a business…like argument:'Such a 

possibility was contemplated。  It was all provided for in the marriage 

settlements。  Indeed; I am afraid that; as it is; she will be a great 

deal too rich。  Besides; Philip; I am sure this is exactly what Guy 

would have chosen;' and the tears rose in her eyes。  'The first thing 

that came into my head when she was born; was; that it was just what he 

wished; that I should have her for myself; and that you should take 

care of Redclyffe。  I am certain now that he hoped it would be so。  I 

knowindeed I dothat he took great pleasure in thinking of its being 

in your hands; and of your going on with all he began。  You can't have 

forgotten how much he left in your charge?  If you were to give it up; 

it would be against his desire; and with that knowledge; how could I 

suffer it?  Then think what a misfortune to her; poor little thing; to 

be a great heiress; and how very bad for Redclyffe to have no better a 

manager than me!  Oh; Philip; can you not see it is best as it is; and 

just as he wished?'

He almost groaned 'If you could guess what a burden it is。'

'Ah! but you must carry it; not throw it down on such hands as mine and 

that tiny baby's;' said she; smiling。

'It would have been the same if it had been a boy。'

'Yes; then I must have done the best I could; and there would have been 

an end to look to; but I am so glad to be spared。  And you are so fit 

for it; and will make it turn to so much use to every one。'

'I don't feel as if I should ever be of use to any one;' said Philip; 

in a tone of complete dejection。

'Your head is aching;' said she; kindly。

'It always does; more or less;' replied he; resting it on his hand。

'I am so sorry。  Has it been so ever since you were ill?  But you are 

better?  You look better than when I saw you last。'

'I am better on the whole; but I doubt whether I shall ever be as 

strong as I used to be。  That ought to make me hesitate; even if' 

then came a pause; while he put his hand over his face; and seemed 

struggling with irrepressible emotion; and after all he was obliged to 

take two walks to the window before he could recover composure; and 

could ask in a voice which he tried to make calm and steady; though his 

face was deeply flushed 'Amy; how is Laura?'

'She is very well;' answered Amabel。  'Only you must not be taken by 

surprise if you see her looking thinner。'

'And she has trustedshe has endured through all?' said he; with 

inquiring earnestness。

'O yes!'

'And theyyour father and mothercan forgive?'

'They dothey have。  But; Philip; it was one of the things I came down 

to say to you。  I don't think you must expect papa to begin about it 

himself。  You know he does not like awkwardness; though he will be very 

glad when once it is done; and ready to meet you half way。'  He did not 

answer; and after a silence Amabel added; 'Laura is out of doors。 She 

and Charlotte take very long walks。'

'And is she really strong and well; or is it that excited overdoing of 

employment that I first set her upon?' he asked; anxiously。

'She is perfectly well; and to be busy has been a great help to her;' 

said Amabel。  'It was a great comfort that we did not know how ill you 

had been at Corfu; till the worst was over。  Eveleen only mentioned it 

when you were better。  I was very anxious; for I had some fears from 

the note that you sent by Arnaud。  I am very glad to see you safe here; 

for I have felt all along that we forsook you; but I could not help 


'I am very glad you did not stay。  The worst of all would have been 

that you should have run any risk。'

'There is the carriage;' said Amy。  'Mamma and Charlie have been to 

Broadstone。  They thought they might meet you by the late train。'

Philip's colour rose。 He stood upsat down; then rising once more; 

leant on the mantel…piece; scarcely knowing how to face either of them…

…his aunt; with her well…merited displeasure; and Charles; who when he 

parted with him had accused him so justlyCharles; who had seen 

through him and had been treated with scorn。

A few moments; and Charles came in; leaning on his mother。  They both 

shook hands; exclaimed at finding Amabel downstairs; and Mrs。 

Edmonstone asked after Philip's health in her would…be cordial manner。  

The two ladies then went up…stairs together; and thus ended that 

conference; in which both parties had shown rare magnanimity; of which 

they were perfectly unconscious; and perhaps the most remarkable part 

of all was that Philip quietly gave up the great renunciation and so…

called sacrifice; with which he had been feeding his hopes; at the 

simple bidding of the gentle…spoken Amabelnot even telling her that 

he resigned it。  He kept the possessions which he abhorred; and gave up 

the renunciation he had longed to make; and in this lay the true 

sacrifice; the greater because the world would think him the gainer。

When the mother and daughter were gone; the cousins were silent; Philip 

resting his elbow on the mantel…shelf and his head on his hand; and 

Charles sitting at the end of the sofa; warming first one hand; then 

the other; while he looked up to the altered face; and perceived in it 

grief and humiliation almost as plainly as illness。  His keen eyes read 

that the sorrow was indeed more deeply rooted than he had hitherto 

believed; and that Amabel's pity had not been wasted; and he was also 

struck by the change from the great personal strength that used to make 

nothing of lifting his whole weight。

'I am sorry to see you so pulled down;' said he。  'We must try if we 

can doctor you better than they did at St。 Mildred's。  Are you getting 

on; do you think?'

He had hardly ever spoken to Philip; so entirely without either 

bitterness or sarcasm; and his manner hardly seemed like that of the 

same person。

'Thank you; I am growing stronger; but as long as I cannot get rid of 

this headache; I am good for nothing。'

'You have had a long spell of illness indeed;' said Charles。  'You 

can't expect to shake off two fevers in no time。  Now all the anxiety 

is over; you will brighten like this house。'

'But tell me; what is thought of Amabel?  Is she as well as she ought 

to be?'

'Yes; quite; they sayhas recovered her strength very fast; and is in 

just the right spirits。  She was churched yesterday; and was not the 

worse for it。  It was a trial; for she had not been to East…hill since…

…since last May。'

'It is a blessing; indeed;' said Philip; earnestly。

'She has been so very happy with the baby;' said Charles。  'You hear 

what its name is to be?'

'Yes; she told me in her letter。'

'To avoid having to tell you here; I suppose。  Mary is for common wear; 

Verena is for ourselves。  She asked if it would be too foolish to give 

such a name; and mamma said the only question was; whether she would 

like indifferent people to ask the reason of it。'

Philip lapsed into thought; and presently said; abruptly; 
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