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the heir of redclyffe-第136部分

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disregard of her just displeasure。

Poor Laura saw in it both severe suffering and dislike to her; and the 

more she understood from her father's manner what had passed in the 

other room; the more she honoured him for the sacrifice he was making 

of himself。

Mrs。 Edmonstone waited on the headache with painful attention; but they 

all felt that the only thing to be done for the two poor things was to 

let them come to an explanation; so Charlotte was sent to bed; her 

mother went up to Amy; Charles carried off his father to the study; and 

they found themselves alone。

Laura held down her face; and struggled to make her palpitating heart 

and dry tongue suffer her to begin the words to which she had wound 

herself up。  Philip raised his hands from his eyes as the door shut; 

then rose up; and fixed them on Laura。  She; too; looked up; as if to 

begin; their eyes met; and they understood all。  He stepped towards 

her; and held out his hands。  The next moment both hers were clasped in 

hishe had bent down and kissed her brow。

No words of explanation passed between them。  Laura knew he was her 

own; and needed no assurance that her misgivings had been vain。  There 

was a start of extreme joy; such as she had known twice before; but it 

could be only for a moment while he looked so wretchedly unwell。  It 

did but give her the right to attend to him。  The first thing she said 

was to beg him to lie down on the sofa; her only care was to make him 

comfortable with cushions; and he was too entirely worn out to say 

anything he had intended; capable only of giving himself up to the 

repose of knowing her entirely his own; and of having her to take care 

of him。  There he lay on the sofa; with his eyes shut; and Laura's hand 

in his; while she sat beside him; neither of them speaking; and; 

excepting that she withdrew her hand; neither moved when the others 


Mrs。 Edmonstone compassionated him; and showed a great deal of 

solicitude about him; trying hard to regard him as she used to do; yet 

unable to bring back the feeling; and therefore; do what she would; 

failing to wear its semblance。

Laura; sad; anxious; and restless; had no relief till she went to wish 

her sister good night。  Amabel; who was already in bed; stretched out 

her hand with a sweet look; beaming with affection and congratulation。

'You don't want to be convinced now that all is right!' said she。

'His head is so dreadfully bad!' said Laura。

'Ah! it will get better now his mind is at rest。'

'If it will but do so!'

'And you know you must be happy to…morrow; because of baby。'

'My dear;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; coming in; 'I am sorry to prevent your 

talk; but Amy must not be kept awake。  She must keep her strength for 


'Good night; then; dear; dear Laura。  I am so glad your trouble is 

over; and you have him again!' whispered Amabel; with her parting kiss; 

and Laura went away; better able to hope; to pray; and to rest; than 

she could have thought possible when she left the drawing…room。

'Poor dear Laura;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; sighing; 'I hope he will soon 

be better。'

'Has it been very uncomfortable?'

'I can't say much for it; my dear。   He was suffering terribly with his 

head; so that I should have been quite alarmed if he had not said it 

was apt to get worse in the evening; and she; poor thing; was only 

watching him。  However; it is a comfort to have matters settled; and 

papa and Charlie are well pleased with him。  But I must not keep you 

awake after driving Laura away。  You are not over…tired to…night I 

hope; my dear?'

'Oh; no; only sleepy。 Good night; dearest mamma。'

'Good night; my own Amy;' then; as Amy put back the coverings to show 

the little face nestled to sleep on her bosom; 'good night; you little 

darling! don't disturb your mamma。  How comfortable you look!  Good 

night; my dearest!'

Mrs。 Edmonstone looked for a moment; while trying to check the tears 

that came at the thought of the night; one brief year ago; when she 

left Amy sleeping in the light of the Easter moon。  Yet the sense of 

peace and serenity that had then given especial loveliness to the 

maiden's chamber on that night; was there still with the young widow。  

It was dim lamplight now that beamed on the portrait of her husband; 

casting on it the shade of the little wooden cross in front; while she 

was shaded by the white curtains drawn from her bed round the infant's 

little cot; so as to shut them both into the quiet twilight; where she 

lay with an expression of countenance that; though it was not sorrow; 

made Mrs。 Edmonstone more ready to weep than if it had been; so with 

her last good night she left her。

And Amabel always liked to be shut in by herself; dearly as she loved 

them all; and mamma especially; there was always something pleasant in 

being able to return to her own world; to rest in the thoughts of her 

husband; and in the possession of the little unconscious creature that 

had come to inhabit that inner world of hers; the creature that was 

only his and hers。

She had from the first always felt herself less lonely when quite 

alone; before with his papers; and now with his child; and could Mrs。 

Edmonstone have seen her face; she would have wept and wondered more; 

as Amy fondled and hushed her babe; whispering to it fond words which 

she could never have uttered in the presence of any one who could 

understand them; and which had much of her extreme youthfulness in 

them。  Not one was so often repeated or so endearing as 'Guy's baby!  

Guy's own dear little girl!'  It did not mean half so much when she 

called it her baby; and she loved to tell the little one that her 

father had been the best and the dearest; but he was gone away; and 

would she be contented to be loving and good with only her mother to 

take care of her; and tell her; as well as she could; what a father 

hers was; when she was old enough to know about him?

To…night; Amy told her much in that soft; solemn; murmuring tone; about 

what was to befall her to…morrow; and the great blessings to be given 

to her; and how the poor little fatherless one would be embraced in the 

arms of His mercy; and received by her great Father in heaven:'Ay; 

and brought nearer to your own papa; and know him in some inner way; 

and he will know his little child then; for you will be as good and 

pure and bright as he; and you will belong to the great communion of 

saints to…morrow; you precious little one; and be so much nearer to him 

as you will be so much better than I。  Oh! baby; if we can but both 

endure to the end!'

With such half…uttered words; Amabel Morville slept the night before 

her babe's christening。


A stranger's roof to hold thy head;

A stranger's foot thy grave to tread;

Desert and rock; and Alp and sea;

Spreading between thy home and thee。SEWELL

Mary Ross was eager for the first report from Hollywell the next 

morning; and had some difficulty in keeping her attention fixed on her 

class at school。  Laura and Charlotte came in together in due time; and 

satisfied her so far as to tell her that Amy was very well。

'Is Captain Morville come?' thought Mary。  'No; I cannot guess by 

Laura's impressive face。  Never mind; Charles will tell me all between 


The first thing she saw on coming out of school was the pony carriage; 

with Charles and Captain Morville himself。  Charlotte; who was all 

excitement; had time to say; while her sister was out of hearing;

'It is all made up now; Mary; and I really am very sorry for Philip。'

It was fortunate that Mary understood the amiable meaning this speech 

was intended to convey; and she began to enter into its grounds in the 

short conference after church; when she saw the alteration in the whole 

expression of countenance。

'Yes;' said Charles; who as usual remained at the vicarage during the 

two services; and who perceived what passed in her mind; 'if it is any 

satisfaction to you to have a good opinion of your fellow…sponsor; I 

assure you that I am converted to Amy's opinion。  I do believe the 

black dog is off his back for good and all。'

'I never saw any one more changed;' said Mary。

'Regularly tamed;' said Charles。   He is something more like his old 

self to…day than last night; and yet not much。  He was perfectly 

overpowered thenso knocked up that there was no judging of him。  To…

day he has all his sedateness and scrupulous attention; but all like a 

shadow of former timenot a morsel of sententiousness; and seeming 

positively grateful to be treated in the old fashion。'

'He looks very thin and pale。  Do you think him recovered?'

'A good way from it;' said Charles。  'He is pretty well to…day; 

comparatively; though that obstinate headache hangs about him
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