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the heir of redclyffe-第138部分

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again; and; all the winter; going into her room was like going into 

some peaceful place where one must find comfort。'

'〃Spirits of peace; where are ye〃 I could have said; when I saw her 

drive away at Recoara; and carry all good angels with her except those 

that could not but hover round that grave。'

'How very sad it must have been!  Did'

'Don't speak of it; don't ask me of it' said Philip; hastily。  'There 

is nothing in my mind but a tumult of horror and darkness that it is 

madness to remember。  Tell me of yourselftell me that you have not 

been hurt by all that I have brought on you。'

'Oh; no!' said Laura  'besides; that is all at an end。'

'All an end!  Laura; I fear in joining your fate to mine; you will find 

care and grief by no means at an end。  You must be content to marry a 

saddened; remorseful man; broken down in health and spirits; his whole 

life embittered by that fatal remembrance; forced to endure an 

inheritance that seems to have come like the prosperity of the wicked。  

Yet you are ready to take all this?  Then; Laura; that precious; most 

precious love; that has endured through all; will be the one drop of 

comfort through the rest of my life。

She could but hear such words with thrills of rejoicing affection; and 

on they walked; Laura trembling and struck with sorrow at the depth of 

repentance he now and then disclosed; though not in the least able to 

fathom it; thinking it all his nobleness of mind; justifying him to 

herself; idolizing him too much to own he had ever been wrong; yet the 

innate power of tact and sympathy teaching her no longer to combat his 

self…reproaches; and repeat his former excuses; but rather to say 

something soothing and caressing; or put in some note of thankfulness 

and admiration of Amy and Guy。  This was the best thing she could do 

for him; as she was not capable; like Amy; of acknowledging that his 

repentance was well…founded。  She was a nurse; not a physician; to the 

wounded spirit; but a very good and gentle nurse she was; and the 

thorough enjoyment of her affection and sympathy; the opening into 

confidence; and the freedom from doubt and suspense; were comforts that 

were doing him good every hour。

The christening party consisted only of the Rosses; and Dr。 Mayerne; 

who had joined them at East…hill church; and walked home with Mr。 

Edmonstone。  They could not have been without him; so grateful were 

they for his kindness all through their anxious winter; and Mr。 

Edmonstone was well pleased to tell him on the way home that they might 

look to having a wedding in the family; it had been a very long 

attachment; constancy as good as a story; and he could all along have 

told what was the matter; when mamma was calling in the doctor to 

account for Laura's looking pale。

The doctor was not surprised at the news; for perhaps he; too; had had 

some private theory about those pale looks; but; knowing pretty well 

the sentiments Charles had entertained the winter before last; he was 

curious to find out how he regarded this engagement。  Charles spoke of 

it in the most ready cordial way。  'Well; doctor; so you have heard our 

news!  I flatter myself we have as tall and handsome a pair of lovers 

to exhibit here; as any in the United Kingdom; when we have fattened 

him a little into condition。'

'Never was there a better match;' said Dr。 Mayerne。  'Made for each 

other all along。  One could not see them without feeling it was the 

first chapter of a novel。'

When Mrs。 Edmonstone came in; the doctor was a little taken aback。  He 

thought her mind must be with poor Sir Guy; and was afraid the lovers 

had been in such haste as to pain Lady Morville; for there was a 

staidness and want of 〃epanchement du coeur〃 of answering that was very 

unlike her usual warm manner。  At dinner; Mr。 Edmonstone was in high 

spirits; delighted at Amy's recovery; happy to have a young man about 

the house again; charmed to see two lovers together; pleased that Laura 

should be mistress of Redclyffe; since it could not belong to Amy's 

child; altogether; as joyous as ever。  His wife; being at ease about 

Amy; did her best to smile; and even laugh; though sad at heart all the 

time; as she missed the father from the christening feast; and thought 

how happy she had been in that far different reunion last year。  It 

might be the same with Charles; but the outward effect was exhibited in 

lively nonsense; Charlotte's spirits were rising fast; and only Philip 

and Laura themselves were grave and silent; she; the more so; because 

she was disappointed to find that the one walk back from East…hill; 

much as he had enjoyed it; had greatly tired Philip。  However; the 

others talked enough without them; and Mr。 Edmonstone was very happy; 

drinking the health of Miss Morville; and himself carrying a bit of the 

christening cake to the mamma in the drawing…room。

There sat Amabel by the fire; knowing that from henceforth she must 

exert herself to take part in the cheerfulness of the house; and 

willing to join the external rejoicing in her child's christening; or 

at least not to damp it by remaining up…stairs。  Yet any one but Mr。 

Edmonstone would have seen more sadness than pleasure in the sweet 

smile with which she met and thanked him; but they were cheerful tones 

in which she replied; and in her presence everything was hushed and 

gentle; subdued; yet not mournful。  The spirit of that evening was only 

recognized after it was past; and then it ever grew fairer and sweeter 

in recollection; so as never to be forgotten by any of those who shared 



She was not changed when sorrow came;

  That awed the sternest men;

It rather seemed she kept her flame

  To comfort us till then。

But sorrow passed; and others smiled

  With happiness once more;

And she drew back the spirit mild

  She still had been before。S。 R。

Philip's marriage could not take place at once。  No one said; but every 

one felt; that it must not be talked of till the end of Amabel's first 

year of widowhood; and in the meantime Philip remained at Hollywell; 

gaining strength every day; making more progress in one week than he 

had done in six at St。 Mildred's; finding that; as his strength 

returned; his mind and memory regained their tone; and he was as 

capable as ever of applying to business; and; above all; much settled 

and comforted by some long conversations with Mr。 Ross。

Still he could not endure the thought of being at Redclyffe。  The 

business connected with it was always performed with pain and dislike; 

and he shrank with suffering at every casual mention of his going 

thither。  Mrs。 Edmonstone began to wonder whether he could mean to 

linger at Hollywell all the summer; and Amabel had some fears that it 

would end in his neglecting Redclyffe; till a letter arrived from Lord 

Thorndale; saying that his brother; the member for Moorworth; had long 

been thinking of giving up his seat; and latterly had only waited in 

hopes that the succession at Redclyffe might come to Philip Morville。  

Moorworth was entirely under the Thorndale and Morville interest; and 

Lord Thorndale wrote to propose that Philip should come forward at 

once; inviting him to Thorndale instead of going to his own empty 


To be in parliament had been one of the favourite visions of Philip's 

youth; and for that very reason he hesitated; taking it as one of the 

strange fulfilments of his desires that had become punishments。  He 

could not but feel that as this unhappy load of wealth had descended on 

him; he was bound to make it as beneficial as he could to others; and 

not seeking for rest or luxury; to stand in the gap where every good 

man and true was needed。  But still he dreaded his old love of 

distinction。  He disliked a London life for Laura; and he thought that; 

precarious as his health had become; it might expose her to much 

anxiety; since he was determined that if he undertook it at all; he 

would never be an idle member。

It ended in his referring the decision to Laura; who; disliking London; 

fearful for his health; eager for his glory; and reluctant to keep back 

such a champion from the battle; was much perplexed; only desirous to 

say what he wished; yet not able to make out what that might be。  She 

carried her doubts to Charles and Amabel; who both pronounced that the 

thought of going to Redclyffe seemed far worse for him than any degree 

of employmentthat occupation of the mind was the best thing for his 

spirits; and ended by recommending that Dr。 Mayerne should be 


He was of the same opinion。  He said a man could hardly have two fevers 

following; and one of them upon the brain; without having reason to 

remember them。  That his constitution had been seriously weakened; and 

there was an excitability of brain and 
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