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the heir of redclyffe-第141部分

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aged; and the change to a new scene; where she could not be distressing 

herself at every failure in cheerfulness of poor Amy's; was just the 

thing to do her good。

Amabel was not afraid of the sole charge of Charles or of the baby; for 

she had been taught but too well to manage for herself; she understood 

Charles very well; and had too much quiet good sense to be fanciful 

about her very healthy baby。  Though she was inexperienced; with old 

nurse hard by; and Dr。 Mayerne at Broadstone; there was no fear of her 

not having good counsel enough。  She was glad to be of some use; by 

enabling her mother to leave Charles; and her only fear was of being 

dull company for him; but as he was so kind as to bear it; she would do 

her best; and perhaps their neighbours would come and enliven him 


Charles threw his influence into the same scale。  His affectionate 

observation had shown him that it oppressed Amabel's spirits to be the 

object of such constant solicitude; and be was convinced it would be 

better for her; both to have some necessary occupation and to be free 

from that perpetual mournful watching of her mother's that caused her 

to make the efforts to be cheerful which did her more harm than 

anything else。

To let her alone to look and speak as she pleased without the fear of 

paining and disappointing those she loved; keep the house quiet; and 

give her the employment of household cares and attending on himself; 

was; he thought; the best thing for her; and he was full of eagerness 

and pleasure at the very notion of being of service to her; if only by 

being good for nothing but to be waited on。  He thought privately that 

the spring of his mother's mind had been so much injured by the grief 

she had herself suffered for 'her son Guy;' her cruel disappointment in 

Laura; and the way in which she threw herself into all Amy's 

affliction; that there was a general depression in her way of observing 

and attending Amy; which did further harm; and that to change the 

current of her thoughts; and bring her home refreshed and inspirited; 

would be the beginning of improvement in all。  Or; as he expressed it 

to Dr。 Mayerne; 'We shall set off on a new tack。'

His counsel and Mr。 Edmonstone's wishes at length decided mamma; on 

condition that Mary Ross and Dr。 Mayerne would promise to write on 

alternate weeks a full report; moral and physical; as Charles called 

it。  So in due time the goods were packed;  Mrs。 Edmonstone cried 

heartily over the baby; advised Amabel endlessly about her; and finally 

looked back through her tears; as she drove away; to see Charles 

nodding and waving his hand at the bay…window; and Amabel standing with 

her parting smile and good…bye on the steps。

The reports; moral and physical; proved that Charles had judged wisely。  

Amabel was less languid as she had more cause for exertion; and seemed 

relieved by the absence of noise and hurry; spending more time down…

stairs; and appearing less weary in the evening。  She still avoided the 

garden; but she began to like short drives with her brother in the 

pony…carriage; when he drove on in silence; and let her lean back and 

gaze up into the sky; or into the far distance; undisturbed。  Now and 

then he would be rejoiced by a bright; genuine smile; perfectly 

refreshing; at some of the pretty ways of the babe; a small but plump 

and lively creature; beginning to grasp with her hands; laugh and gaze 

about with eyes that gave promise of the peculiar colour and brilliancy 

of her father's。  Amabel was afraid she might be tempted into giving 

Charles too much of the little lady's society; but he was very fond of 

her; regarding her with an odd mixture of curiosity and amusement; much 

entertained with watching what he called her unaccountable manners; and 

greatly flattered when he could succeed in attracting her notice。  

Indeed; the first time she looked full at him with a smile on the verge 

of a laugh; it completely overcame him; by the indescribably forcible 

manner in which it suddenly recalled the face which had always shone on 

him like a sunbeam。  Above all; it was worth anything to see the looks 

she awoke in her mother; for which he must have loved her; even had she 

not been Guy's child。

In the evening; especially on Sunday; Amabel would sometimes talk to 

him as she had never yet been able to do; about her last summer's 

journey; and her stay at Recoara; and his way of listening and 

answering had in it something that gave her great pleasure; while; on 

his side; he deemed each fresh word of Guy's a sort of treasure for 

which to be grateful to her。  The brother and sister were a great help 

and happiness to each other; Amabel found herself restored to Charles; 

as Guy had liked to think of her; and Charles felt as if the old 

childish fancies were fulfilled; in which he and Amy were always to 

keep house together。  He was not in the least dull; and though his 

good…natured visitors in the morning were welcome; and received with 

plenty of his gay lively talk; he did not by any means stand in need of 

the compassion they felt for him; and could have done very well without 

them; while the evenings alone with Amy had in them something so 

pleasant that they were almost better than those when Mr。 Ross and Mary 

came to tea。  He wrote word to his mother that she might be quite at 

ease about them; and he thought Amy would get through the anniversaries 

of September better while the house was quiet; so that she need not 

think of trying to hurry home。

He was glad to have done so; for the letters; which scarcely missed a 

day in being written by his mother and Charlotte; seemed to show that 

their stay was likely to be long。  Lady Mabel was more broken than they 

had expected; and claimed a long visit; as she was sure it would be 

their last; while the Kilcoran party had taken possession of Laura and 

Charlotte; as if they never meant to let them go。  Charlotte wrote her 

brother very full and very droll accounts of the Iricisms around her 

which she enjoyed thoroughly; and Charles; declaring he never expected 

to see little Charlotte come out in the character of the facetious 

correspondent; used to send Mary Ross into fits of laughing by what he 

read to her。  Mr。 Fielder; the tutor; wrote Charlotte; was very nearly 

equal to Eveleen's description of him; but very particularly agreeable; 

in fact; the only man who had any conversation; whom she had seen since 

she had been at Kilcoran。

'Imagine;' said Charles; 'the impertinent little puss setting up for 

intellectual conversation; forsooth!'

'That's what comes of living with good company;' said Mary。

The brother and sister used sometimes to drive to Broadstone to fetch 

their letters by the second post。

'Charlotte; of course;' said Charles; as he opened one。  'My Lady 

Morville; what's yours?'

'Only Mr。 Markham;' said Amabel; 'about the winding up of our business 

together; I suppose。  What does Charlotte say?'

'Charlotte is in a fit of impudence; for which she deserves 

chastisement;' said Charles; unable to help laughing; as he read;

'Our last event was a call from the fidus Achates; who; it seems; can 

no longer wander up and down the Mediterranean without his pius Aeneas; 

and so has left the army; and got a diplomatic appointment somewhere in 

Germany。  Lord Kilcoran has asked him to come and stay here; and Mabel 

and I are quite sure he comes for a purpose。  Of course he has chosen 

this time; in order that he may be able to have his companion before 

his eyes; as a model for courtship; and I wish I had you to help me 

look on whenever Philip comes; as that laugh I must enjoy alone with 

Bustle。  However; when Philip will come we cannot think; for we have 

heard nothing of him this age; not even Laura; and she is beginning to 

look very anxious about him。  Do tell us if you know anything about 

him。  The last letter was when parliament was prorogued; and he was 

going to Redclyffe; at least three weeks ago。'

'I wonder if Mr。 Markham mentions him;' said Amabel; hastily unfolding 

her letter; which was; as she expected; about the executors' business; 

but glancing on to the end; she exclaimed;

'Ah! here it is。  Listen; Charlie。  〃Mr。 Morville has been here for the 

last few weeks; and is; I fear; very unwell。  He has been entirely 

confined to the house; almost ever since his arrival; by violent 

headache; which has completely disabled him from attending to business; 

but he will not call in any advice。  I make a point of going to see him 

every day; though I believe my presence is anything but acceptable; as 

in his present state of health and spirits; I cannot think it right 

that he should be left to servants。〃  Poor fellow!   Redclyffe has been 

too much for him。'

'Over…worked; I suppose;' said Charles。  'I thought he was coming it 
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