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the heir of redclyffe-第144部分

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home。  Left; she told herself; to finish the task he had begun; and to 

become fit to follow him。  Was she not in the midst of fulfilling his 

last charge; that Philip should be taken; care of?  It was no time for 

giving way; and here was his own little messenger of comfort looking up 

with her sleepy eyes to tell her so。  Down she must go; and put off 

'thinking herself into happiness' till the peaceful time of rest; and 

presently she softly re…entered the sitting…room; bringing to both its 

inmates in her very presence such solace as she little guessed; in her 

straightforward desire to nurse Philip; and take care Charles was not 

made uncomfortable。

That stately house had probably never; since its foundation; seen 

anything so home…like as Amabel making tea and waiting on her two 

companions; both she and Charles pleasing each other by enjoying the 

meal; and Philip giving his cup to be filled again and again; and 

wondering why one person's tea should taste so unlike another's。

He was not equal to conversation; and Charles and Amabel were both 

tired; so that tea was scarcely over before they parted for the night; 

and Amy; frightened at the bright and slipperiness of the dark…oak 

stairs; could not be at peace till she had seen Arnaud help Charles 

safely up them; and made him promise not to come down without 

assistance in the morning。

She was in the sitting…room soon after nine next morning; and found 

breakfast on one table; and Charles writing a letter on the other。

'Well;' said he; as she kissed him; 'all right with you and little 


'Quite; thank you。  And are you rested?'

'Slept like a top; and what did you do?  Did you sleep like a sensible 


'Pretty well; and baby was very good。  Have you heard anything of 


'Bolton thinks him rather better; and says he is getting up。'

'How long have you been up?'

'A long time。  I told Arnaud to catch Markham when he came up; as he 

always does in a morning to see after Philip; and I have had a 

conference with him and Bolton; so that I can lay the case before Dr。 

Mayerne scientifically。'

'What do you think of it?'

'I think we came at the right time。  He has been getting more and more 

into work in London; taking no exercise; and so was pretty well knocked 

up when he came here; and this place finished it。  He tried to attend 

to business about the property; but it always ended in his head growing 

so bad; he had to leave all to Markham; who; by the way; has been 

thoroughly propitiated by his anxiety for him。  Then he gave up 

entirely; has not been out of doors; written a note; nor seen a 

creature the last fortnight; but there he has lain by himself in the 

library; given up to all manner of dismal thoughts without a break。'

'How dreadful!' said Annabel; with tears in her eyes。  'Then he would 

not see Mr。 Ashford?  Surely; he could have done something for him。'

'I'll tell you what;' said Charles; lowering his voice;' from what 

Bolton says; I think he had a dread of worse than brain fever。'

She shuddered; and was paler; but did not speak。

'I believe;' continued Charles; 'that it is one half nervous and the 

oppression of this place; and the other half; the over…straining of a 

head that was already in a ticklish condition。  I don't think there was 

any real danger of more than such a fever as he had at Corfu; which 

would probably have been the death of him; but I think he dreaded still 

worse; and that his horror of seeing any one; or writing to Laura; 

arose from not knowing how far he could control his words。'

'0!  I am glad we came;' repeated Amabel; pressing her hands together。

'He has been doctoring himself;' proceeded Charles; 'and probably has 

kept off the fever by strong measures; but; of course; the more he 

reduced his strength; the greater advantage he gave to what was simply 

low spirits。  He must have had a terrible time of it; and where it 

would have ended I cannot guess; but it seems to me that most likely; 

now that he is once roused; he will come right again。'

Just as Charles had finished speaking; he came down; looking extremely 

ill; weak; and suffering; but calmed; and resting on that entire 

dependence on Amabel which had sprung up at Recoara。

She would not let him go back to his gloomy library; but made him lie 

on the sofa in the sitting…room; and sat there herself; as she thought 

a little quiet conversation between her and Charles would be the best 

thing for him。  She wrote to Laura; and he sent a message; for he could 

not yet attempt to write; and Charles wrote reports to his mother and 

Dr。 Mayerne; a little talk now and then going on about family matters。

Amabel asked Philip if he knew that Mr。 Thorndale was at Kilcoran。

'Yes;' he said; 'he believed there was a letter from him; but his eyes 

had ached too much of late to read。'

Mrs。 Ashford sent in to ask whether Lady Morville would like to see 

her。  Amabel's face flushed; and she proposed going to her in the 

library; but Philip; disliking Amy's absence more than the sight of a 

visitor; begged she might come to the sitting…room。

The Ashfords had been surprised beyond measure at the tidings that Lady 

Morville had actually come to Redclyffe; and had been very slow to 

believe it; but when convinced by Markham's own testimony; Mrs。 

Ashford's first idea had been to go and see if she could be any help to 

the poor young thing in that great desolate house; whither Mrs。 Ashford 

had not been since; just a year ago; Markham had conducted her to 

admire his preparations。  There was much anxiety; too; about Mr。 

Morville; of whose condition; Markham had been making a great mystery; 

and on her return; Mr。 Ashford was very eager for her report。

Mr。 Morville; she said; did look and seem very far from well; but Lady 

Morville had told her they hoped it was chiefly from over fatigue; and 

that rest would soon restore him。  Lady Morville herself was a fragile 

delicate creature; very sweet looking; but so gentle and shrinking; 

apparently; that it gave the impression of her having no character at 

all; not what Mrs。 Ashford would have expected Sir Guy to choose。  She 

had spoken very little; and the chief of the conversation had been 

sustained by her brother。

'I was very much taken with that young Mr。 Edmonstone;' said Mrs。 

Ashford; 'he is about three…and…twenty; sadly crippled; but with such a 

pleasing; animated face; and so extremely agreeable and sensible; I do 

not wonder at Sir Guy's enthusiastic way of talking of him。  I could 

almost fancy it was admiration of the brother transferred to the 


'Then after all you are disappointed in her; and don't lament; like 

Markham; that she is not mistress here?'

'No: I won't say I am disappointed; she is a very sweet creature。  0 

yes; very! but far too soft and helpless for such a charge as this 

property; unless she had her father or brother to help her。  But I must 

tell you that she took me to see her baby; a nice little lively thing; 

poor little dear! and when we were alone; she spoke rather more; begged 

me to send her godson to see her; thanked me for coming; but crying 

stopped her from saying more。  I could grow very fond of her。  No; I 

don't wonder at him; for there is a great charm in anything so soft and 


Decidedly; Mary Ross had been right when she said; that except Sir Guy; 

there was no one so difficult to know as Amy。

In the afternoon; Charles insisted on Amabel's going out for fresh air 

and exercise; and she liked the idea of a solitary wandering; but 

Philip; to her surprise; offered to come with her; and she was too glad 

to see him exert himself; to regret the musings she had hoped for; so 

out they went; after opening the window to give Charles what he called 

an airing; and he said; that in addition he should 'hirple about a 

little to explore the ground…floor of the house。'

'We must contrive some way for him to drive out;' said Philip; as he 

crossed the court with Amabel; 'and you too。  There is no walk here; 

but up hill or down。'

Up…hill they went; along the path leading up the green slope; from 

which the salt wind blew refreshingly。  In a few minutes; Amabel found 

herself on a spot which thrilled her all over。

There lay before her Guy's own Redclyffe bay; the waves lifting their 

crests and breaking; the surge resounding; the sea…birds skimming 

round; the Shag Rock dark and rugged; the scene which seemed above all 

the centre of his home affections; which he had so longed to show her; 

that it had cost him an effort on his death…bed to resign the hope; the 

leaping waves that he said he would not change for the white…headed 

mountains。  And now he was lying among those southern mountains; and 

she stood in the spot where he had loved to think of seeing her; and
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