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the heir of redclyffe-第145部分

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she stood in the spot where he had loved to think of seeing her; and 

with Philip by her side。  His sea; his own dear sea; the vision of 

which had cheered; his last day; like the face of a dear old friend; 

his sea; rippling and glancing on; unknowing that the eyes that had 

loved it so well would gaze on it no more; the wind that he had longed 

for to cool his fevered brow; the rock which had been like a playmate 

in his boyhood; and where he had perilled his life; and rescued so 

many。  It was one of the seasons when a whole gush of fresh perceptions 

of his feelings; like a new meeting with himself; would come on her; 

her best of joys; and there she stood; gazing fixedly; her black veil 

fluttering in the wind; and her hands pressed close together; till 

Philip; little knowing what the sight was to her; shivered; saying it 

was very cold and windy; and without hesitation she turned away; 

feeling that now Redclyffe was precious indeed。

She brought her mind back to listen; while Philip was considering of 

means of taking Charles out of doors; he supposed there might be some 

vehicle about the place; but he thought there was no horse。  Very 

unlike was this to the exact Philip。  The great range of stables was 

before them; where the Morvilles had been wont to lodge their horses as 

sumptuously as themselves; and Amabel proposed to go and see what they 

could find; but nothing was there but emptiness; till they came to a 

pony in one stall; a goat in another; and one wheelbarrow in the coach…


On leaving it; under the long…sheltered sunny wall; they came in sight 

of a meeting between the baby taking the air in Anne's arms; and 

Markham; who had been hovering about all day; anxious to know how 

matters were going on。  His back was towards them; so that he was 

unconscious of their approach; and they saw how he spoke to Anne; 

looked fixedly at the child; made her laugh; and finally took her in 

his arms; as he had so often carried her father; studying earnestly her 

little face。  As soon as he saw them coming; he hastily gave her back 

to Anne; as if ashamed to be thus caught; but he was obliged to grunt 

and put his hand up to his shaggy eyelashes; before he could answer 

Amabel's greeting。

He could hardly believe his eyes; that here was Mr。 Morville; who 

yesterday was scarcely able to raise his head from the pillow; and 

could attend to nothing。  He could not think what Lady Morville had 

done to him; when he heard him inquiring and making arrangements about 

sending for a pony carriage; appearing thoroughly roused; and the dread 

of being seen or spoken to entirely passed away; Markham was greatly 

rejoiced; for Mr。 Morville's illness; helplessness; and dependence upon 

himself; had softened and won him to regard him kindly as nothing else 

would have done; and his heart was entirely gained when; after they had 

wished him good…bye; he saw Philip and Amabel walk on; overtake Anne; 

Amy take the baby and hold her up to Philip; who looked at her with the 

same earnest interest。  From thenceforward Markham knew that Redclyffe 

was nothing but a burden to Mr。 Morville; and he could bear to see it 

in his possession since like himself; he seemed to regard Sir Guy's 

daughter like a disinherited princess。

This short walk fatigued Philip thoroughly。  He slept till dinner…time; 

and when he awoke said it was the first refreshing dreamless sleep he 

had had for weeks。  His head was much better; and at dinner he had 

something like an appetite。

It was altogether a day of refreshment; and so were the ensuing ones。  

Each day Philip became stronger; and resumed more of his usual habits。  

From writing a few lines in Amabel's daily letter to Laura; he 

proceeded to filling the envelope; and from being put to sleep by 

Charles's reading; to reading aloud the whole evening himself。  The 

pony carriage was set up; and he drove Charles out every day; Amabel 

being then released from attending him; and free to enjoy herself in 

her own way in rambles about the house and park; and discoveries of the 

old haunts she knew so well by description。

She early found her way to Guy's own room; where she would walk up and 

down with her child in her arms; talking to her; and holding up to her; 

to be admired; the treasures of his boyhood; that Mrs。 Drew delighted 

to keep in order。  One day; when alone in the sitting…room; she thought 

of trying the piano he had chosen for her。  It was locked; but the key 

was on her own split…ring; where he had put it for her the day he 

returned from London。  She opened it; and it so happened; that the 

first note she struck reminded her of one of the peculiarly sweet and 

deep tones of Guy's voice。  It was like awaking its echo again; and as 

it died away; she hid her face and wept。  But from that time the first 

thing she did when her brother and cousin were out; was always to bring 

down her little girl; and play to her; watching how she enjoyed the 


Little Mary prospered in the sea air; gained colour; took to springing 

and laughing; and her intelligent lively way of looking about brought 

out continually more likeness to her father。  Amabel herself was no 

longer drooping and pining; her step grew light and elastic; a shade of 

pink returned to her cheek; and the length of walk she could take was 

wonderful; considering her weakness in the summer。  Every day she stood 

on the cliff and looked at 'Guy's sea;' before setting out to visit the 

cottages; and hear the fond rough recollections of Sir Guy; or to 

wander far away into the woods or on the moor; and find the way to the 

places he had loved。  One day; when Philip and Charles came in from a 

drive; they overtook her in the court; her cloak over her arm; her 

crape limp with spray; her cheeks brightened to a rosy glow by the 

wind; and a real smile as she looked up to them。  When Charles was on 

his sofa; she stooped over him and whispered; 'James and Ben Robinson 

have taken me out to the Shag!'

She saw Mr。 Wellwood; and heard a good account of Coombe Prior。  She 

made great friends with the Ashfords; especially little Lucy and the 

baby。  She delighted in visits to the cottages; and Charles every day 

wondered where was the drooping dejection that she could not shake off 

at home。  She would have said that in Guy's own home; 'the joy' had 

come to her; no longer in fitful gleams and held by an effort for a 

moment; but steadily brightening。  She missed him indeed; but the power 

of finding rest in looking forward to meeting him; the pleasure of 

dwelling on the days he had been with her; and the satisfaction of 

doing his work for the present; had made a happiness for her; and still 

in him; quiet; grave; and subdued; but happiness likely to bloom more 

and more brightly throughout her life。  The anniversary of his death 

was indeed a day of tears; but the tears were blessed ones; and she was 

more full of the feeling that had sustained her on that morning; than 

she had been through all the year before。

Charles and Philip; meanwhile; proceeded excellently together; each 

very anxious for the comfort of the other。  Philip was a good deal 

overwhelmed at first by the quantity of business on his hands; and 

setting about it while his head was still weak; would have seriously 

hurt himself again; if Charles had not come to his help; worked with a 

thorough good will; great clearness and acuteness; and surprised Philip 

by his cleverness and perseverance。  He was elated at being of so much 

use; and begged to be considered for the future as Philip's private 

secretary; to which the only objection was; that his handwriting was as 

bad as Philip's was good; but it was an arrangement so much to the 

benefit of both parties; that it was gladly made。  Philip was very 

grateful for such valuable assistance; and Charles amused himself with 

triumphing in his importance; when he should sit in state on his sofa 

at Hollywell; surrounded with blue…books; getting up the statistics for 

some magnificent speech of the honourable member for Moorworth。

In the meantime; Charles and Amabel saw no immediate prospect of their 

party returning from Ireland; and thought it best to remain at 

Redclyffe; since Philip had so much to do there; and besides; events 

were occurring at Kilcoran which would have prevented his visit; even 

without his illness。

One of the first drives that Charles and Philip took; after the latter 

was equal to any exertion; was to Thorndale。  There Charles was much 

amused by the manner in which Philip was received; and he himself; for 

his sake; and as he said to Amabel on his return; there was no question 

now; that the blame of spoiling Philip did not solely rest at 


Finding only Lady Thorndale at home; and hearing that Lord Thorndale 

was in the grounds; Philip went out to look for him; leaving Charl
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