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the heir of redclyffe-第146部分

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was in the grounds; Philip went out to look for him; leaving Charles on 

the sofa; under her ladyship's care。  Charles; with a little 

exaggeration; professed that he had never been so flattered in his 

whole life; as he was by the compliments that reflected on him as the 

future brother…in…law of Philip; and that he had really begun to think 

even Laura not half sensible enough of her own happiness。  Lady 

Thorndale afterwards proceeded to inquiries about the De Courcy family; 

especially Lady Eveleen; and Charles; enlightened by Charlotte; took 

delight in giving a brilliant description of his cousin's charms; for 

which he was rewarded by very plain intimations of the purpose for 

which her son James was gone to Kilcoran。

On talking the visit over; as they drove home; Charles asked Philip if 

he had guessed at his friend's intentions。  'Yes;' he answered。

'Then you never took the credit of it。  Why did you not tell us?'

'I knew it from himself; in confidence。'

'Oh!' said Charles; amusing himself with the notion of the young man's 

dutifully asking the permission of his companion; unshaken in 

allegiance though the staff might be broken; and the book drowned 

deeper than did ever plummet sound。  Philip spoke no more; and Charles 

would ask no more; for Philip's own affairs of the kind were not such 

as to encourage talking of other people's。  No explanation was needed 

why he should now promote an attachment which he had strongly 

disapproved while James Thorndale was still in the army。

A day or two after; however; came a letter from Charlotte; bringing 

further news; at which Charles was so amazed; that he could not help 

communicating it at once to his companions。

'So!  Eveleen won't have him!'

'What?' exclaimed both。

'You don't mean that she has refused Thorndale?' said Philip。

'Even so!' said Charles。  'Charlotte says he is gone。  〃Poor Mr。 

Thorndale left us this morning; after a day of private conferences; in 

which he seems to have had no satisfaction; for his resolute dignity 

and determination to be agreeable all the evening were〃ahem〃were 

great。  Mabel cannot get at any of the real reasons from Eveleen; 

though I think I could help her; but I can't tell you。〃'

'Charlotte means mischief。' said Charles; as he concluded。

'I am very sorry!' said Philip。  'I did think Lady Eveleen would have 

been able to estimate Thorndale。  It will be a great disappointment

the inclination has been of long standing。  Poor Thorndale!'

'It would have been a very good thing for Eva;' said Amabel。  'Mr。 

Thorndale is such a sensible man。'

'And I thought his steady sense just what was wanting to bring out all 

her good qualities that are running to waste in that irregular home;' 

said Philip。  'What can have possessed her?'

'Ay! something must have possessed her;' said Charles。  'Eva was always 

ready to be fallen in love with on the shortest notice; and if there 

was not something prior in her imagination; Thorndale would not have 

had much difficulty。  By the bye; depend upon it; 'tis the tutor。'

Philip looked a little startled; but instantly reassuring himself; 


'George Fielder!  Impossible!  You have never seen him!'

'Ah! don't you remember her description!' said Amy; in a low voice; 

rather sadly。

The very reason; Amy;' said Charles; 'it showed that he had attracted 

her fancy。'

Philip smiled a little incredulously。

'Ay!' said Charles; 'you may smile; but you handsome men can little 

appreciate the attractiveness of an interesting ugliness。  It is the 

way to be looked at in the end。  Mark my words; it is the tutor。'

'I hope not!' said Philip; as if shaken in his confidence。  'Any way it 

is a bad affair。  I am very much concerned for Thorndale。'

So sincerely concerned; that his head began to ache in the midst of 

some writing。  He was obliged to leave it to Charles to finish; and go 

out to walk with Amy。

Amabel came in before him; and began to talk to Charles about his great 

vexation at his friend's disappointment。

'I am almost sorry you threw out that hint about Mr。 Fielder;' said 

she。  'Don't you remember how he was recommended?'

'Ah! I had forgotten it was Philip's doing; a bit of his spirit of 

opposition;' said Charles。  'Were not the boys to have gone to Coombe 


'Yes' said Amabel; 'that is the thing that seems to have made him so 

unhappy about it。  I am sure I hope it is not true;' she added; 

considering; 'for; Charlie; you must know that Guy had an impression 

against him。'

'Had he?' said Charles; anxiously。

'It was only an impression; nothing he could accuse him of; or mention 

to Lord Kilcoran。  He would have told no one but me; but he had seen 

something of him at Oxford; and thought him full of conversation; very 

clever; only not the sort of talk he liked。' 

'I don't like that。  Charlotte concurs in testifying to his 

agreeableness; and in the dearth of intellect; I should not wonder at 

Eva's taking up with him。  He would be a straw to the drowning。  It 

looks dangerous。'

They were very anxious for further intelligence; but received none; 

except that Philip had a letter from his friend; on which his only 

comment was a deep sigh; and 'Poor Thorndale!  She little knows what 

she has thrown away!'  Letters from Kilcoran became rare; Laura 

scarcely wrote at all to Philip; and though Mrs。 Edmonstone wrote as 

usual; she did not notice the subject; while Charlotte's gravity and 

constraint; when she did achieve a letter to Charles; were in such 

contrast to her usual free and would…be satirical style; that such eyes 

as her brother's could hardly fail to see that something was on her 


So it went on week after week; Charles and Amabel wondering when they 

should ever have any notice to go home; and what their family could be 

doing in Ireland。  October had given place to November; and more than a 

week of November had passed; and here they still were; without anything 

like real tidings。

At last came a letter from Mrs。 Edmonstone; which Amabel could not read 

without one little cry of surprise and dismay; and then had some 

difficulty in announcing its contents to Philip。

       'Kilcoran; Nov。 8th。

'My Dearest Amy;You will be extremely surprised at what I have to 

tell you; and no less grieved。  It has been a most unpleasant; 

disgraceful business from beginning to end; and the only comfort in it 

to us is the great discretion and firmness that Charlotte has shown。  I 

had better; however; begin at the beginning; and tell you the history 

as far as I understand it myself。  You know that Mr。 James Thorndale 

has been here; and perhaps you know it was for the purpose of making an 

offer to Eveleen。  Every one was much surprised at her refusing him; 

and still more when; after much prevarication; it came out that the 

true motive was her attachment to Mr。 Fielder; the tutor。  It appeared 

that they had been secretly engaged for some weeks; ever since they had 

perceived Mr。 Thorndale's intentions; and not; as it was in poor 

Laura's case; an unavowed attachment; but an absolute engagement。  And 

fancy Eva justifying it by Laura's example!  There was of course great 

anger and confusion。  Lord Kilcoran was furious; poor Lady Kilcoran had 

nervous attacks; the gentleman was dismissed from the house; and 

supposed to be gone to England; Eva shed abundance of tears; but after 

a great deal of vehemence she appeared subdued and submissive。  We were 

all very sorry for her; as there is much that is very agreeable and 

likely to attract her in Mr。 Fielder; and she always had too much mind 

to be wasted in such a life as she leads here。  It seemed as if Laura 

was a comfort to her; and Lady Kilcoran was very anxious we should stay 

as long as possible。  This was all about three weeks or a month ago; 

Eva was recovering her spirits; and I was just beginning a letter to 

tell you we hoped to be at home in another week; when Charlotte came 

into my room in great distress to tell me that Eveleen and Mr。 Fielder 

were on the verge of a run…away marriage。  Charlotte had been coming 

back alone from a visit to grandmamma; and going down a path out of the 

direct way to recall Bustle; who had run on; she said; as if he scented 

mischief; came; to her great astonishment; on Eveleen walking arm…in…

arm with Mr。 Fielder!  Charlie will fancy how Charlotte looked at them!  

They shuffled; and tried to explain it away; but Charlotte was too 

acute for them; or rather; she held steadily to 〃be that as it may; 

Lord Kilcoran ought to know it。〃  They tried to frighten her with the 

horrors of betraying secrets; but she said none had been confided to 

her; and mamma would judge。  They tried to persuade her it was the way 

of all lovers; and appealed to Laura s example; but there little 

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