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the heir of redclyffe-第147部分

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her; and mamma would judge。  They tried to persuade her it was the way 

of all lovers; and appealed to Laura s example; but there little 

Charlotte was less to be shaken than on any point。  〃I did not think 

them worthy to hear their names;〃 she said to me; 〃but I told them; 

that I had seen that the truest and deepest of love had a horror of all 

that was like wrong; and as to Philip and Laura; they little knew what 

they had suffered; besides; theirs was not half so bad。〃  I verily 

believe these were the very words she used to them。  At last Eva threw 

herself on her mercy; and begged so vehemently that she would only wait 

another day; that she suspected; and; with sharpness very like 

Charlie's; forced from Eva that they were to marry the next morning。  

Then she said it would be a great deal better that they should abuse 

her and call her a spy than do what they would repent of all their 

lives; she begged Eva's pardon; and cried so much that Eva was in hopes 

she would relent; and then came straight to me; very unhappy; and not 

in the least triumphant in her discovery。  You can guess what a 

dreadful afternoon we had; I don't think any one was more miserable 

than poor Charlotte; who stayed shut up in my room all day; dreading 

the sight of any one; and expecting to be universally called a traitor。  

The end was; that after much storming; Lord Kilcoran; finding Eveleen 

determined; and anxious to save her the discredit of an elopement; has 

agreed to receive Mr。 Fielder; and they are to be married from this 

house on the 6th of December; though what they are to live upon no one 

can guess。  The Kilcorans are very anxious to put the best face on the 

matter possible; and have persuaded us; for the sake of the family; to 

stay for the wedding; indeed; poor Lady Kilcoran is so completely 

overcome; that I hardly like to leave her till this is over。  How 

unpleasant the state of things in the house is no one can imagine; and 

very; very glad shall I be to get back to Hollywell and my Amy and 

Charlie。  Dearest Amy;

       'Your most affectionate。 

                   'L。 EDMONSTONE。'

The news was at length told; and Philip was indeed thunder…struck at 

this fresh consequence of his interference。  It threatened at first to 

overthrow his scarcely recovered spirits; and but for the presence of 

his guests; it seemed as if it might have brought on a renewal of the 

state from which they had restored him。

'Yes;' said Charles to Amy; when they talked it over alone; 'It seems 

as if good people could do wrong with less impunity than others。  It is 

rather like the saying about fools and angels。  Light…minded people see 

the sin; but not the repentance; so they imitate the one without being 

capable of the other。  Here are Philip and Laura finishing off like the 

end of a novel; fortune and all; and setting a very bad example to the 

world in general。'

'As the world cannot see below the surface;' said Amy; 'how distressed 

Laura; must be!  You see; mamma does not say one word about her。'

Philip had not much peace till he had written to Mr。 Thorndale; who was 

going at once to Germany; not liking to return home to meet the 

condolences。  Mrs。 Edmonstone had nearly the whole correspondence of 

the family on her hands; for neither of her daughters liked to write; 

and she gave the description of the various uncomfortable scenes that 

took place。  Lord de Courcy's stern and enduring displeasure; and his 

father's fast subsiding violence; Lady Kilcoran's distress; and the 

younger girls' excitement and amusement; but she said she thought the 

very proper and serious way in which Charlotte viewed it; would keep it 

from doing them much harm; provided; as was much to be feared; Lord 

Kilcoran did not end by keeping the pair always at home; living upon 

him till Mr。 Fielder could get a situation。  In fact; it was difficult 

to know what other means there were of providing for them。

At last the wedding took place; and Mrs。 Edmonstone wrote a letter; 

divided between indignation at the foolish display that had attended 

it; and satisfaction at being able at length to fix the day for the 

meeting at Hollywell。  No one could guess how she longed to be at home 

again; and to be once more with Charlie。

Nor were Charles and Amabel less ready to go home; though they could 

both truly say that they had much enjoyed their stay at Redclyffe。  

Philip was to come with them; and it was privately agreed that he 

should return to Redclyffe no more till he could bring Laura with him。  

Amabel had talked of her sister to Mrs。 Ashford; and done much to 

smooth the way; and even on the last day or two; held a few 

consultations with Philip; as to the arrangements that Laura would 

like。  One thing; however; she must ask for her own pleasure。  

'Philip;' said she; 'you must let me have this piano。'

His answer was by look and gesture。

'And I want very much to ask a question; Philip。  Will you tell me 

which is Sir Hugh's picture?'

'You have been sitting opposite to it every day at dinner。'

'That!' exclaimed Amy。  'From what I heard; I fully expected to have 

known Sir Hugh's in a moment; and I often looked at that one; but I 

never could see more likeness than there is in almost all the pictures 

about the house。'

She went at once to study it again; and wondered more。

'I have seen him sometimes look like it; but it is not at all the 

strong likeness I expected。'

Philip stood silently gazing; and certainly the countenance he 

recalled; pleading with him to desist from his wilfulness; and bending 

over him in his sickness; was far unlike in expression to the fiery 

youth before him。  In a few moments more; Amabel had run up…stairs; and 

brought down Mr。 Shene's portrait。  There was proved to be more 

resemblance than either of them had at first sight credited。  The form 

of the forehead; nose; and short upper lip were identical; so were the 

sharply…defined black eyebrows; the colour of the eyes; and the way of 

standing in both had a curious similarity; but the expression was so 

entirely different; that strict comparison alone proved; that Guy's 

animated; contemplative; and most winning countenance; was in its 

original lineaments entirely the same with that of his ancestor。  

Although Sir Hugh's was then far from unprepossessing; and bore as yet 

no trace of his unholy passions; it bought to Amabel's mind the shudder 

with which Guy had mentioned his likeness to that picture; and seemed 

to show her the nature he had tamed。

Philip; meanwhile; after one glance at Mr。 Shene's portrait; which he 

had not before seen; had turned away; and stood leaning against the 

window…frame。  When Amy had finished her silent comparison; and was 

going to take her treasure back; he looked up; and said; 'Do you 

dislike leaving that with me for a few minutes?'

'Keep it as long as you like;' said she; going at once; and she saw him 

no more till nearly an hour after; when; as she was coming out of her 

own room; he met her; and gave it into her hands; saying nothing except 

a smothered 'Thank you;' but his eyelids were so swollen and heavy; 

that Charles feared his head was bad again; while Amy was glad to 

perceive that he had had the comfort of tears。

Every one was sorry to wish Lady Morville and her brother good…bye; 

only consoling themselves with hoping that their sister might be like 

them; and as to little Mary; the attention paid to her was so devoted 

and universal; that her mamma thought it very well she should receive 

the first ardour of it while she was too young to have her head turned。

They again slept a night in London; and in the morning Philip took 

Charles for a drive through the places he had heard of; and was much 

edified by actually beholding。  They were safely at home the same 

evening; and on the following; the Hollywell party was once more 

complete; gathered round Charles's sofa in a confusion of welcomes and 


Mrs。 Edmonstone could hardly believe her eyes; so much had Charles's 

countenance lost its invalid look; and his movements were so much more 

active; Amabel; too; though still white and thin; had a life in her eye 

and an air of health most unlike her languor and depression。

Every one looked well and happy but Laura; and she had a worn; faded; 

harassed aspect; which was not cheered even by Philip's presence; 

indeed; she seemed almost to shrink from speaking to him。  She was the 

only silent one of the party that evening; as they gathered round the 

dinner or tea…table; or sat divided into threes or pairs; talking over 

the subjects that would not do to be discussed in public。  Charlotte 

generally niched into Amy's old corner by Charles; hearing about 

Redclyffe; or telling about Ireland。  Mrs。 Edmonstone and Amy on the 

opposite sides of the ottoman; their heads
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