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the heir of redclyffe-第151部分

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how pretty she is growingso that will keep him from being vexed。  So 

now you see I can go on my own way; attend to baby; and take Laura's 

business about the school; and keep out of the way of company; so that 

it is very nice and comfortable。  It is the very thing that Guy 


Amabel's life is here pretty well shown。  That of Philip and Laura may 

be guessed at。  He was a distinguished man; one of the most honoured 

and respected in the country; admired for his talents and excellence; 

and regarded universally as highly prosperous and fortunate; the pride 

of all who had any connection with him。  Yet it was a harassed; anxious 

life; with little of repose or relief; and Laura spent her time between 

watching him and tending his health; and in the cares and 

representation befitting her station; with little space for domestic 

pleasure and home comfort; knowing her children more intimately through 

her sister's observation than through her own。

Perfect and devoted as ever was their love; and they were thought most 

admirable and happy people。  There was some wonder at his being a 

grave; melancholy man; when he had all before him so richly to enjoy; 

contrary to every probability when he began life。  Still there was one 

who never could understand why others should think him stern and 

severe; and why even his own children should look up to him with love 

that partook of distant awe and respect; one to whom he never was 

otherwise than indulgent; nay; almost reverential; in the gentleness of 

his kindness; and that was Mary Verena Morville。

                                THE END

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