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the heir of redclyffe-第25部分

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passed constantly。  It seemed as if there were very few to whom Guy 

would ever give his confidence; but that once bestowed; it was with 

hardly any reserve; and that was his great relief and satisfaction to 

pour out his whole mind; where he was sure of sympathy。

To her; then; he confided how much provoked he was with himself; his 

'first term;' he said; 'having only shown him what an intolerable fool 

he had to keep in order。'  By his account; he could do nothing 'without 

turning his own head; except study; and that stupefied it。'  'Never was 

there a more idle fellow; he could work himself for a given time; but 

his sense would not second him; and was it not most absurd in him to 

take so little pleasure in what was his duty; and enjoy only what was 

bad for him?'

He had tried boating; but it had distracted him from his work; so he 

had been obliged to give it up; and had done so in a hasty vehement 

manner; which had caused offence; and for which he blamed himself。  It 

had been the same with other things; till he had left himself no 

regular recreation but walking and music。  'The last;' he said; 'might 

engross him in the same way; but he thought (here he hesitated a 

little) there were higher ends for music; which made it come under Mrs。 

Edmonstone's rule; of a thing to be used guardedly; not disused。'  He 

had resumed light reading; too; which he had nearly discontinued before 

he went to Oxford。  'One wants something;' he said; 'by way of 

refreshment; where there is no sea nor rock to look at; and no Laura 

and Amy to talk to。'

He had made one friend; a scholar of his own college; of the name of 

Wellwood。  This name had been his attraction; Guy was bent on 

friendship with him; if; as he tried to make him out to be; he was the 

son of that Captain Wellwood whose death had weighed so heavily on his 

grandfather's conscience; feeling almost as if it were his duty to ask 

forgiveness in his grandfather's name; yet scarcely knowing how to 

venture on advances to one to whom his name had such associations。  

However; they had gradually drawn together; and at length entered on 

the subject; and Guy then found he was the nephew; not the son of 

Captain Wellwood; indeed; his former belief was founded on a 

miscalculation; as the duel had taken place twenty…eight years ago。  He 

now heard all his grandfather had wished to know of the family。  There 

were two unmarried daughters; and their cousin spoke in the highest 

terms of their self…devoted life; promising what Guy much wished; that 

they should hear what deep repentance had followed the crime which had 

made them fatherless。  He was to be a clergyman; and Guy admired him 

extremely; saying; however; that he was so shy and retiring; it was 

hard to know him well。

From not having been at school; and from other causes; Guy had made few 

acquaintance; indeed; he amused Mrs。 Edmonstone by fearing he had been 

morose。  She was ready to tell him he was an ingenious self…tormentor; 

but she saw that the struggle to do right was the main spring of the 

happiness that beamed round him; in spite of his self…reproach; heart…

felt as it was。  She doubted whether persons more contented with 

themselves were as truly joyous; and was convinced that; while thus 

combating lesser temptations; the very shadow of what are generally 

alone considered as real temptations would hardly come near him。

If it had not been for these talks; and now and then a thoughtful look; 

she would have believed him one of the most light…hearted and merriest 

of beings。  He was more full of glee and high spirits than she had ever 

seen him; he seemed to fill the whole house with mirth; and keep every 

one alive by his fun and frolic; as blithe and untiring as Maurice de 

Courcy himself; though not so wild。

Very pleasant were those summer daysreading; walking; music; 

gardening。  Did not they all work like very labourers at the new arbour 

in the midst of the laurels; where Charles might sit and see the spires 

of Broadstone?  Work they did; indeed!  Charles looking on from his 

wheeled chair; laughing to see Guy sawing as if for his living and Amy 

hammering gallantly; and Laura weaving osiers; and Charlotte flying 

about with messages。

One day; they were startled by an exclamation from Charles。  'Ah; ha!  

Paddy; is that you?' and beheld the tall figure of a girl; advancing 

with a rapid; springing step; holding up her riding habit with one 

hand; with the other whisking her coral…handled whip。  There was 

something distinguished in her air; and her features; though less fine 

than Laura's; were very pretty; by the help of laughing dark blue eyes; 

and very black hair; under her broad hat and little waving feather。  

She threatened Charles with her whip; calling out'Aunt Edmonstone 

said I should find you here。  What is the fun now?'

'Arbour building;' said Charles; 'don't you see the head carpenter!'

'Sir Guy?' whispered she to Laura; looking up at him; where he was 

mounted on the roof; thatching it with reed; the sunshine full on his 

glowing face and white shirt sleeves。

'Here!' said Charles; as Guy swung himself down with a bound; his face 

much redder than sun and work had already made it; 'here's another wild 

Irisher for you。'

'Sir Guy MorvilleLady Eveleen de Courcy;' began Laura; but Lady 

Eveleen cut her short; frankly holding out her hand; and saying; 'You 

are almost a cousin; you know。  Oh; don't leave off。  Do give me 

something to do。  That hammer; Amy; prayLaura; don't you remember how 

dearly I always loved hammering?'

'How did you come?' said Laura。

'With papa'tis his visit to Sir Guy。  'No; don't go;' as Guy began to 

look for his coat; 'he is only impending。  He is gone on to Broadstone; 

but he dropped me here; and will pick me up on his way back。  Can't you 

give me something to do on the top of that ladder?  I should like it 

mightily; it looks so cool and airy。'

'How can you; Eva?' whispered Laura; reprovingly; but Lady Eveleen only 

shook her head at her; and declaring she saw a dangerous nail sticking 

out; began to hammer it in with such good will; that Charles stopped 

his ears; and told her it was worse than her tongue。  'Go on about the 

ball; do。'

'0h;' said she earnestly; 'do you think there is any hope of Captain 

Morville's coming?'

'Oh yes;' said Laura。

'I am so glad!  That is what papa is gone to Broadstone about。  Maurice 

said he had given him such a lecture; that he would not be the one to 

think of asking him; and papa must do it himself; for if he sets his 

face against it; it will spoil it all。'

'You may make your mind easy;' said Charles; 'the captain is lenient; 

and looks on the ball as a mere development of Irish nature。  He has 

been consoling Guy on the difficulties of dancing。'

'Can't you dance?' said Lady Eveleen; looking at him with compassion。

'Such is my melancholy ignorance;' said Guy。

'We have been talking of teaching him;' said Laura。

'Talk! will that do it?' cried Lady Eveleen; springing up。  'We will 

begin this moment。  Come out on the lawn。  Here; Charles;' wheeling him 

along; 'No; thank you; I like it;' as Guy was going to help her。  

'There; Charles; be fiddler go on; tum…tum; tee! that'll do。  Amy; 

Laura; be ladies。  I'm the other gentleman;' and she stuck on her hat 

in military style; giving it a cock。  She actually set them quadrilling 

in spite of adverse circumstances; dancing better; in her habit; than 

most people without one; till Lord Kilcoran arrived。

While he was making his visit; she walked a little apart; arm…in…arm 

with Laura。 'I like him very much;' she said; 'he looks up to anything。  

I had heard so much of his steadiness; that it is a great relief to my 

mind to see him so unlike his cousin。'


'No disparagement to the captain; only I am so dreadfully afraid of 

him。  I am sure he thinks me such an unmitigated goose。  Now; doesn't 


'If you would but take the right way to make him think otherwise; dear 

Eva; and show the sense you really have。'

'That is just what my fear of him won't let me do。  I would not for the 

world let him guess it; so there is nothing for it but sauciness to 

cover one's weakness。  I can't be sensible with those that won't give 

me credit for it。  But you'll mind and teach Sir Guy to dance; he has 

so much spring in him; he deserves to be an Irishman。'

In compliance with this injunction; there used to be a clearance every 

evening; Charles turned into the bay window out of the way; Mrs。 

Edmonstone at the piano; and the rest figuring away; the partnerless 

one; called 'puss in the corner'; being generally Amabel; while 

Charlotte; disdaining them all the time; used to try to make them 

imitate her dancing…master's graces; causing her father to perform such 

caricatures of them; as 
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