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the heir of redclyffe-第27部分

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'It is curious;' thought Mrs。 Edmonstone; 'that; so very handsome as 

Philip is; it is never the first thing remarked about him; just as his 

height never is observed till he is compared with other people。  The 

fact is; that his superior sense carries off a degree of beauty which 

would be a misfortune to most men。  It is that sedate expression and 

distinguished air that make the impression。  How happy Laura looks; how 

gracefully she moves。  No; it is not being foolish to think no one 

equal to Laura。  My other pair!' and she smiled much more; 'you happy 

young things; I would not wish to see anything pleasanter than your 

merry faces。  Little Amy looks almost as pretty as Laura; now she is 

lighted up by blush and smile; and her dancing is very nice; it is just 

like her laughing; so quiet; and yet so full of glee。  I don't think 

she is less graceful than her sister; but the complete enjoyment 

strikes one more。  And as to enjoymentthere are those bright eyes of 

her partner's perfectly sparkling with delight; he looks as if it was a 

world of enchantment to him。  Never had any one a greater capacity for 

happiness than Guy。'

Mrs。 Edmonstone might well retain her opinion when; after the 

quadrille; Guy came to tell her that he had never seen anything so 

delightful; and he entertained Mary Ross with his fresh; joyous 

pleasure; through the next dance。

'Laura;' whispered Eveleen; 'I've one ambition。  Do you guess it?  

Don't tell him; but if he would; I should have a better opinion of 

myself ever after。  I'm afraid he'll depreciate me to his friend; and 

really with Mr。 Thorndale; I was no more foolish than a ball requires。'

Lady Eveleen hoped in vain。  Captain Morville danced with little Lady 

Helen; a child of eleven; who was enchanted at having so tall a 

partner; then; after standing still for some time; chose his cousin 


'You are a good partner and neighbour;' said he; giving her his arm; 

'you don't want young lady talk。'

'Should you not have asked Mary?  She has been sitting down this long 


'Do you think she cares for such a sport as dancing?'

Amy made no answer。

'You have been well off。  You were dancing with Thorndale just now。'

'Yes。  It was refreshing to have an old acquaintance among so many 

strangers。  And he is so delighted with Eveleen; but what is more; 

Philip; that Mr。 Vernon; who is dancing with Laura; told Maurice he 

thought her the prettiest and most elegant person here。'

'Laura might have higher praise;' said Philip; 'for hers is beauty of 

countenance even more than of feature。  If only'

'If?' said Amy。

'Look round; Amy; and you will see many a face which speaks of 

intellect wasted; or; if cultivated; turned aside from its true 

purpose; like the double blossom; which bears leaves alone。'

'Ah! you forget you are talking to silly little Amy。  I can't see all 

that。  I had rather think people as happy and good as they look。'

'Keep your child…like temper as long as you canall your life;' 

perhaps; for this is one of the points where it is folly to be wise。'

'Then you only meant things in general?  Nothing about Laura?'

'Things in general;' repeated Philip; 'bright promises blighted or 

thrown away'

But he spoke absently; and his eye was following Laura。  Amy thought he 

was thinking of his sister; and was sorry for him。  He spoke no more; 

but she did not regret it; for she could not moralize in such a scene; 

and the sight and the dancing were pleasure enough。

Guy; in the meantime; had met an Oxford acquaintance; who introduced 

him to his sisterspretty girlswhose father Mr。 Edmonstone knew; but 

who was rather out of the Hollywell visiting distance。  They fell into 

conversation quickly; and the Miss Alstons asked him with some 

interest; 'Which was the pretty Miss Edmonstone?'  Guy looked for the 

sisters; as if to make up his mind; for the fact was; that when he 

first knew Laura and Amy; the idea of criticising beauty had not 

entered his mind; and to compare them was quite a new notion。  'Nay;' 

said he at last; 'if you cannot discover for yourselves when they are 

both before your eyes; I will do nothing so invidious as to say which 

is _the_ pretty one。  I'll tell which is the eldest and which the 

youngest; but the rest you must decide for yourself。'

'I should like to know them;' said Miss Alston。 'Oh! they are both very 

nice…looking girls。'

'There; that is LauraMiss Edmonstone;' said Guy; 'that tall young 

lady; with the beautiful hair and jessamine wreath。'

He spoke as if he was proud of her; and had a property in her。  The 

tone did not escape Philip; who at that moment was close to them; with 

Amy on his arm; and; knowing the Alstons slightly; stopped and spoke; 

and introduced his cousin; Miss Amabel Edmonstone。  At the same time 

Guy took one of the Miss Alstons away to get some tea。

'So you knew my cousin at Oxford?' said Philip; to the brother。

'Yes; slightly。  What an amusing fellow he is!'

'There is something very bright; very unlike other people about him;' 

said Miss Alston。 

'How does he get on?  Is he liked?'

'Why; yes; I should say so; on the whole; but it is rather as my sister 

says; he is not like other people。'

'In what respect?'

'Oh I can hardly tell。  He is a very pleasant person; but he ought to 

have been at school。  He is a man of crotchets。'


'Very; he makes everything give way to that。  He is a capital companion 

when he is to be had; but he lives very much to himself。  He is a man 

of one friend; and I don't see much of him。'

Another dance began; Mr。 Alston went to look for his partner; Philip 

and Amy moved on in search of ice。  'Hum!' said Philip to himself; 

causing Amy to gaze up at him; but he was musing too intently for her 

to venture on a remark。  She was thinking that she did not wonder that 

strangers deemed Guy crotchety; since he was so difficult to 

understand; and then she considered whether to take him to see King 

Charles; in the library; and concluded that she would wait; for she 

felt as if the martyr king's face would look on her too gravely to suit 

her present tone。

Philip helped her to ice; and brought her back to her mother's 

neighbourhood without many more words。  He then stood thoughtful for 

some time; entered into conversation with one of the elder gentlemen; 

and; when that was interrupted; turned to talk to his aunt。

Lady Eveleen and her two cousins were for a moment together。  'What is 

the matter; Eva?' said Amy; seeing a sort of dissatisfaction on her 

bright face。

'The roc's egg?' said Laura; smiling。 'The queen of the evening can't 

be content'

'No; you are the queen; if the one thing can make you sothe one thing 

wanting to me。'

'How absurd you are; Evawhen you say you are so afraid of him; too。'

'That is the very reason。  I should get a better opinion of myself!  

Besides; there is nobody else so handsome。  I declare I'll make a bold 


'Oh! you don't think of such a thing;' cried Laura; very much shocked。

'Never fear;' said Eveleen; 'faint heart; you know。'  And with a nod; a 

flourish; of her bouquet; and an arch smile at her cousin's horror; she 

moved on; and presently they heard her exclaiming; gaily; 'Captain 

Morville; I really must scold you。  You are setting a shocking example 

of laziness!  Aunt Edmonstone; how can you encourage such proceedings!  

Indolence is the parent of vice; you know。'

Philip smiled just as much as the occasion required; and answered; 'I 

beg your pardon; I had forgotten my duty。  I'll attend to my business 

better in future。'  And turning to a small; shy damsel; who seldom met 

with a partner; he asked her to dance。  Eveleen came back to Laura with 

a droll disappointed gesture。  'Insult to injury;' said she; 


'Of course;' said Amy; 'he could not have thought you wanted to dance 

with him; or you would not have gone to stir him up。'

'Well; then; he was very obtuse。'

'Besides; you are engaged。'

'0 yes; to Mr。 Thorndale!  But who would be content with the squire 

when the knight disdains her?'

Mr。 Thorndale came to claim Eveleen at that moment。  It was the second 

time she had danced with him; and it did not pass unobserved by Philip; 

nor the long walk up and down after the dance was over。  At length his 

friend came up to him and said something warm in admiration of her。  

'She is very Irish;' was Philip's answer; with a cold smile; and Mr。 

Thorndale stood uncomfortable under the disapprobation; attracted by 

Eveleen's beauty and grace; yet so unused to trust his own judgment 

apart from 'Morville's;' as to be in an instant doubtful whether he 

really admired or not。

'You have not been dancing with her?' he said; presently。

'No: she a
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