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the heir of redclyffe-第3部分

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show that he was attending; but it was such slight encouragement; that 

any less buoyant spirits must have been checked。'

'Did you like him; on the whole?' asked Laura。  'I hope he has not this 

tremendous Morville temper?  Oh; you don't say so。  What a grievous 


'He is a fine fellow;' said Philip; 'but I did not think Sir Guy 

managed him well。  Poor old man; he was quite wrapped up in him; and 

only thought how to keep him out of harm's way。  He would never let him 

be with other boys; and kept him so fettered by rules; so strictly 

watched; and so sternly called to account; that I cannot think how any 

boy could stand it。'

'Yet; you say; he told everything freely to his grandfather;' said Amy。

'Yes;' added her mother; 'I was going to say that; as long as that went 

on; I should think all safe。

'As I said before;' resumed Philip; 'he has a great deal of frankness; 

much of the making of a fine character; but he is a thorough Morville。  

I remember something that will show you his best and worst sides。  You 

know Redclyffe is a beautiful place; with magnificent cliffs 

overhanging the sea; and fine woods crowning them。  On one of the most 

inaccessible of these crags there was a hawk's nest; about half…way 

down; so that looking from the top of the precipice; we could see the 

old birds fly in and out。  Well; what does Master Guy do; but go down 

this headlong descent after the nest。  How he escaped alive no one 

could guess; and his grandfather could not bear to look at the place 

afterwardsbut climb it he did; and came back with two young hawks; 

buttoned up inside his jacket。' 

'There's a regular brick for you!' cried Charles; delighted。 

'His heart was set on training these birds。  He turned the library 

upside down in search of books on falconry; and spent every spare 

moment on them。  At last; a servant left some door open; and they 

escaped。  I shall never forget Guy's passion; I am sure I don't 

exaggerate when I say he was perfectly beside himself with anger。' 

'Poor boy!' said Mrs。 Edmonstone。 

'Served the rascal right;' said Charles。 

'Nothing had any effect on him till his grandfather came out; and; at 

the sight of him; he was tamed in an instant; hung his head; came up to 

his grandfather; and said〃I am very sorry;〃  Sir Guy answered; 〃My 

poor boy!〃 and there was not another word。  I saw Guy no more that day; 

and all the next he was quiet and subdued。  But the most remarkable 

part of the story is to come。  A couple of days afterwards we were 

walking in the woods; when; at the sound of Guy's whistle; we heard a 

flapping and rustling; and beheld; tumbling along; with their clipped 

wings; these two identical hawks; very glad to be caught。  They drew 

themselves up proudly for him to stroke them; and their yellow eyes 

looked at him with positive affection。'

'Pretty creatures!' said Amabel。  'That is a very nice end to the 


'It is not the end;' said Philip。  'I was surprised to see Guy so 

sober; instead of going into one of his usual raptures。  He took them 

home; but the first thing I heard in the morning was; that he was gone 

to offer them to a farmer; to keep the birds from his fruit。' 

'Did he do it of his own accord?' asked Laura。

'That was just what I wanted to know; but any hint about them brought 

such a cloud over his face that I thought it would be wanton to 

irritate him by questions。  However; I must be going。  Good…bye; Amy; I 

hope your Camellia will have another blossom before I come back。  At 

least; I shall escape the horticultural meeting。'

'Good…bye;' said Charles。  'Put the feud in your pocket till you can 

bury it in old Sir Guy's grave; unless you mean to fight it out with 

his grandson; which would be more romantic and exciting。' 

Philip was gone before he could finish。  Mrs。 Edmonstone looked 

annoyed; and Laura said; 'Charlie; I wish you would not let your 

spirits carry you away。'

'I wish I had anything else to carry me away!' was the reply。 

'Yes;' said his mother; looking sadly at him。  'Your high spirits are a 

blessing; but why misuse them?  If they are given to support you 

through pain and confinement; why make mischief with them?'

Charles looked more impatient than abashed; and the compunction seemed 

chiefly to rest with Amabel。

'Now;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; 'I must go and see after my poor little 


'Ah!' said Laura; as she went; 'it was no kindness in you to encourage 

Charlotte to stay; Amy; when you know how often that inquisitive temper 

has got her into scrapes。'

'I suppose so;' said Amy; regretfully; 'but I had not the heart to send 

her away。'

'That is just what Philip says; that you only want bones and sinews in 

your character to'

'Come; Laura;' interrupted Charles; 'I won't hear Philip's criticisms 

of my sister; I had rather she had no bones at all; than that they 

stuck out and ran into me。  There are plenty of angles already in the 

world; without sharpening hers。'

He possessed himself of Amy's round; plump; childish hand; and spread 

out over it his still whiter; and very bony fingers; pinching her 'soft 

pinky cushions;' as he called them; 'not meant for studying anatomy 


'Ah! you two spoil each other sadly;' said Laura; smiling; as she left 

the room。

'And what do Philip and Laura do to each other?' said Charles。

'Improve each other; I suppose;' said Amabel; in a shy; simple tone; at 

which Charles laughed heartily。

'I wish I was as sensible as Laura!' said she; presently; with a sigh。

'Never was a more absurd wish;' said Charles; tormenting her hand still 

more; and pulling her curls; 'unwish it forthwith。  Where should I be 

without silly little Amy?  If every one weighed my wit before laughing; 

I should not often be in disgrace for my high spirits; as they call 


'I am so little younger than Laura;' said Amy; still sadly; though 


'Folly;' said Charles; 'you are quite wise enough for your age; while 

Laura is so prematurely wise; that I am in constant dread that nature 

will take her revenge by causing her to do something strikingly 


'Nonsense!' cried Amy; indignantly。  'Laura do anything foolish!'

'What I should enjoy;' proceeded Charles; 'would be to see her over 

head and ears in love with this hero; and Philip properly jealous。'

'How can you say such things; Charlie?' 

'Why? was there ever a beauty who did not fall in love with her 

father's ward?'

'No; but she ought to live alone with her very old father and horribly 

grim maiden aunt。'

'Very well; Amy; you shall be the maiden; aunt。'  And as Laura returned 

at that moment; he announced to her that they had been agreeing that no 

hero ever failed to fall in love with his guardian's beautiful 


'If his guardian had a beautiful daughter;' said Laura; resolved not to 

be disconcerted。

'Did you ever hear such barefaced fishing for compliments?' said 

Charles; but Amabel; who did not like her sister to be teased; and was 

also conscious of having wasted a good deal of time; sat down to 

practise。  Laura returned to her drawing; and Charles; with a yawn; 

listlessly turned over a newspaper; while his fair delicate features; 

which would have been handsome but that they were blanched; sharpened; 

and worn with pain; gradually lost their animated and rather satirical 

expression; and assumed an air of weariness and discontent。

Charles was at this time nineteen; and for the last ten years had been 

afflicted with a disease in the hip…joint; which; in spite of the most 

anxious care; caused him frequent and severe suffering; and had 

occasioned such a contraction of the limb as to cripple him completely; 

while his general health was so much affected as to render him an 

object of constant anxiety。  His mother had always been his most 

devoted and indefatigable nurse; giving up everything for his sake; and 

watching him night and day。  His father attended to his least caprice; 

and his sisters were; of course; his slaves; so that he was the 

undisputed sovereign of the whole family。

The two elder girls had been entirely under a governess till a month or 

two before the opening of our story; when Laura was old enough to be 

introduced; and the governess departing; the two sisters became 

Charles's companions in the drawing…room; while Mrs。 Edmonstone; who 

had a peculiar taste and talent for teaching; undertook little 

Charlotte's lessons herself。


If the ill spirit have so fair a house; 

Good things will strive to dwell with't。THE TEMPEST

One of the pleasantest rooms at Hollywell was Mrs。 Edmonstone's 

dressing…roomlarge and bay…windowed; over the drawing…room; having 

little of the dressing…room but the name; and a t
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