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the heir of redclyffe-第35部分

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choosing discipline contrary to your mother's judgment?  Yet she could 

not know all。  I thought it her kindness in not liking me to lose the 

pleasure。  Besides; one must act for oneself; and this was only my own 

personal amusement。'

'Yes;' said Amy; timidly hesitating。

'Well?' said he; with the gentle; deferential tone that contrasted with 

his hasty; vehement self…accusations。  'Well?' and he waited; though 

not so as to hurry or frighten her; but to encourage; by showing her 

words had weight。

'I was thinking of one thing;' said Amy; 'is it not sometimes right to 

consider whether we ought to disappoint people who want us to be 



'There it is; I believe;' said Guy; stopping and considering; then 

going on with a better satisfied air; 'that is a real rule。  Not to be 

so bent on myself as to sacrifice other people's feelings to what seems 

best for me。  But I don't see whose pleasure I interfered with。'

Amy could have answered; 'Mine;' but the maidenly feeling checked her 

again; and she said; 'We all thought you would like it。'

'And I had no right to sacrifice your pleasure!  I see; I see。  The 

pleasure of giving pleasure to others is so much the best there is on 

earth; that one ought to be passive rather than interfere with it。'

'Yes;' said Amy; 'just as I have seen Mary Ross let herself be swung 

till she was giddy; rather than disappoint Charlotte and Helen; who 

thought she liked it。'

'If one could get to look at everything with as much indifference as 

the swinging!  But it is all selfishness。  It is as easy to be selfish 

for one's own good as for one's own pleasure; and I dare say; the first 

is as bad as the other。'

'I was thinking of something else;' said Amy。  'I should think it more 

like the holly tree in Southey。  Don't you know it?  The young leaves 

are sharp and prickly; because they have so much to defend themselves 

from; but as the tree grows older; it leaves off the spears; after it 

has won the victory。'

'Very kind of you; and very pretty; Amy;' said he; smiling; 'but; in 

the meantime; it is surely wrong to be more prickly than is 

unavoidable; and there is the perplexity。  Selfish! selfish! selfish!  

Oneself the first object。  That is the root。'

'Guy; if it is not impertinent to ask; I do wish you would tell me one 

thing。  Why did you think it wrong to go to that ball?' said Amy; 


'I don't know that I thought it wrong to go to that individual ball;' 

said Guy; 'but my notion was; that altogether I was getting into a 

rattling idle way; never doing my proper quantity of work; or doing it 

properly; and talking a lot of nonsense sometimes。  I thought; last 

Sunday; it was time to make a short turn somewhere and bring myself up。  

I could not; or did not get out of the pleasant talks as Laura does; so 

I thought giving up this ball would punish me at once; and set me on a 

new tack of behaving like a reasonable creature。'

'Don't call yourself too many names; or you won't be civil to us。  We 

all; except Laura; have been quite as bad。'

'Yes; but you had not so much to do。'

'We ought;' said Amy; 'but I meant to be reasonable when Eveleen is 


Perhaps I ought to have waited till then; but I don't know。  Lady 

Eveleen is so amusing that it leads to farther dawdling; and it would 

not do to wait to resist the temptation till it is out of the way。'

As he spoke; they saw Mrs。 Edmonstone coming out; and went to meet her。  

Guy told her his trouble; detailing it more calmly than before he had 

found out his mistake。  She agreed with him that this had been in 

forgetting that his attending the ball did not concern only himself; 

but he then returned to say that he could not see what difference it 

made; except to their own immediate circle。

'If it was not you; Guy; who made that speech; I should call it fishing 

for a compliment。  You forget that rank and station make people sought 


'I suppose there is something in that;' said Guy; thoughtfully; 'at any 

rate; it is no bad thing to think so; it is so humiliating。'

'That is not the way most people would take it。'

'No?  Does not it prevent one from taking any attention as paid to 

one's real self?  The real flattering thing would be to be made as much 

of as Philip is; for one's own merits; and not for the handle to one's 


'Yes; I think so;' said Amy。

'Well; then;' as if he wished to gather the whole conversation into one 

resolve; the point is to consider whether abstaining from innocent 

things that may be dangerous to oneself mortifies other people。  If so; 

the vexing them is a certain wrong; whereas the mischief of taking the 

pleasure is only a possible contingency。  But then one must take it out 

of oneself some other way; or it becomes an excuse for self…


'Hardly with you;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; smiling。

'Because I had rather go at it at once; and forget all about other 

people。  You must teach me consideration; Mrs。 Edmonstone; and in the 

meantime will you tell me what you think I had better do about this 


'Let it alone;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone。  'You have begged every one's 

pardon; and it had better be forgotten as fast as possible。   They have 

made more fuss already than it is worth。  Don't torment yourself about 

it any more; for; if you have made a mistake; it is on the right side; 

and on the first opportunity; I'll go and call on Mrs。 Deane; and see 

if she is very implacable。'

The dressing…bell rang; and Amy ran up…stairs; stopping at Laura's 

door; to ask how she prospered in the drive she had been taking with 

Charles and Eveleen。

Amy told her of Guy's trouble; and oh! awkward question; inquired if 

she could guess what it could be that Philip imagined that Guy had been 

offended at。

'Can't he guess?' said poor Laura; to gain time; and brushing her hair 

over her face。

'No; he has no idea; though Philip protested that he knew; and would 

not tell him。  Philip must have been most tiresome。'

'What?  Has Guy been complaining?'

'No; only angry with himself for being vexed。 I can't think how Philip 

can go on so!'

'Hush! hush; Amy; you know nothing about it。  He has reasons'

'I know;' said Amy; indignantly; 'but what right has he to go on 

mistrusting?  If people are to be judged by their deeds; no one is so 

good as Guy; and it is too bad to reckon up against him all his 

ancestors have done。  It is wolf and lamb; indeed。'

'He does not!' cried Laura。  'He never is unjust!  How can you say so; 


'Then why does he impute motives; and not straightforwardly tell what 

he means?'

'It is impossible in this case;' said Laura。

'Do you know what it is?'

'Yes;' said Laura; perfectly truthful; and feeling herself in a 

dreadful predicament。

'And you can't tell me?'

'I don't think I can。'

'Nor Guy?'

'Not for worlds;' cried Laura; in horror。

'Can't you get Philip to tell him?'

'Oh no; no!  I can't explain it; Amy; and all that can be done is to 

let it die away as fast as possible。  It is only the rout about it that 

is of consequence。'

'It is very odd;' said Amy; 'but I must dress;' and away she ran; much 

puzzled; but with no desire to look into Philip's secrets。

Laura rested her head on her hand; sighed; and wondered why it was so 

hard to answer。  She almost wished she had said Philip had been 

advising her to discourage any attachment on Guy's part; but then Amy 

might have laughed; and asked why。  No! no!  Philip's confidence was in 

her keeping; and cost her what it might; she would be faithful to the 


There was now a change。  The evenings were merry; but the mornings were 

occupied。  Guy went off to his room; as he used to do last winter; 

Laura commenced some complicated perspective; or read a German book 

with a great deal of dictionary; Amy had a book of history; and 

practised her music diligently; even Charles read more to himself; and 

resumed the study with Guy and Amy; Lady Eveleen joined in every one's 

pursuits; enjoyed them; and lamented to Laura that it was impossible to 

be rational at her own home。

Laura tried to persuade her that there was no need that she should be 

on the level of the society round her; and it ended in her spending an 

hour in diligent study every morning; promising to continue it when she 

went home; while Laura made such sensible comments that Eveleen admired 

her more than ever; and she; knowing that some were second…hand from 

Philip; others arising from his suggestions; gave him all the homage 

paid to herself; as a tribute to him who reigned over her whole being。

Yet she was far from happy。  Her reserve towards Guy made her feel 

stiff and guarded; she had a craving for Philip's presence; with a 

dread of show
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