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the heir of redclyffe-第37部分

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sister; and thus introduced; his silence was secure。  In fact; 

confidence was the only way to prevent the shrewd; unscrupulous 

raillery which would have caused great distress; and perhaps led to the 

very disclosure to be deprecated。  Of late; too; there had been such a 

decrease of petulance in Charles; as justified her in trusting him; and 

lastly; it must be observed that she was one of those open…hearted 

people who cannot make a discovery nor endure an anxiety without 

imparting it。  Her tact; indeed; led her to make a prudent choice of 

confidants; and in this case her son was by far the best; though she 

had spoken without premeditation。  Her nature would never have allowed 

her to act as her daughter was doing; she would have been without the 

strength to conceal her feelings; especially when deprived of the 

safety…valve of free intercourse with their object。

The visit took place as arranged; and very uncomfortable it was to all 

who looked deeper than the surface。  In the first place; Philip found 

there the last person he wished his friend to meetLady Eveleen; who 

had been persuaded to stay for the dinner…party; but Mr。 Thorndale was; 

as Charles would have said; on his good behaviour; and; ashamed of the 

fascination her manners exercised over him; was resolved to resist it; 

answered her gay remarks with brief sentences and stiff smiles; and 

consorted chiefly with the gentlemen。

Laura was grave and silent; trying to appear unconscious; and only 

succeeding in being visibly constrained。  Philip was anxious and stern 

in his attempts to appear unconcerned; and even Guy was not quite as 

bright and free as usual; being puzzled as to how far he was forgiven 

about the ball。

Amabel could not think what had come to every one; and tried in vain to 

make them sociable。  In the evening they had recourse to a game; said 

to be for Charlotte's amusement; but in reality to obviate some of the 

stiffness and constraint; yet even this led to awkward situations。  

Each person was to set down his or her favourite character in history 

and fiction; flower; virtue; and time at which to have lived; and these 

were all to be appropriated to the writers。 The first read was

'Lily of the valleytruthJoan of ArcPadre Cristoforothe present 


'Amy!' exclaimed Guy。

'I see you are right;' said Charles; 'but tell me your grounds!'

'Padre Cristoforo;' was the answer。

'Fancy little Amy choosing Joan of Arc;' said Eveleen; 'she who is 

afraid of a tolerable sized grasshopper。'

'I should like to have been Joan's sister; and heard her tell about her 

visions;' said Amy。

'You would have taught her to believe them;' said Philip。

'Taught her!' cried Guy。  'Surely you take the high view of her。'

'I think;' said Philip; 'that she is a much injured person; as much by 

her friends as her enemies; but I don't pretend to enter either 

enthusiastically or philosophically into her character。'

What was it that made Guy's brow contract; as he began to strip the 

feather of a pen; till; recollecting himself; he threw it from him with 

a dash; betraying some irritation; and folded his hands。

'Lavender;' read Charlotte。

'What should make any one choose that?' cried Eveleen。

'I know!' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; looking up。  'I shall never forget the 

tufts of lavender round the kitchen garden at Stylehurst。'

Philip smiled。  Charlotte proceeded; and Charles saw Laura's colour 

deepening as she bent over her work。

'〃LavendersteadfastnessStraffordCordelia in 'King Lear'the late 

war。〃  How funny!' cried Charlotte。  'For hear the next: 'Honeysuckle

steadfastnessLord StraffordCordeliathe present time。〃  Why; 

Laura; you must have copied it from Philip's。'

Laura neither looked nor spoke。  Philip could hardly command his 

countenance as Eveleen laughed; and told him he was much flattered by 

those becoming blushes。  But here Charles broke in;'Come; make haste; 

Charlotte; don't be all night about it;' and as Charlotte paused; as if 

to make some dangerous remark; he caught the paper; and read the next 

himself。  Nothing so startled Philip as this desire to cover their 

confusion。  Laura was only sensible of the relief of having attention 

drawn from her by the laugh that followed。

'A shamrockCaptain Rockthe tailor that was 〃blue moulded for want 

of a bating〃Pat Riotismthe time of Malachy with the collar of 


'Eva!' cried Charlotte。

'Nonsense;' said Eveleen; 'I am glad I know your tastes; Charles。  They 

do you honour。'

'More than yours do; if these are yours;' said Charles; reading them 

contemptuously; 'RosegenerosityCharles EdwardCatherine Seyton

the civil wars。'

'You had better not have disowned Charlie's; Lady Eveleen;' said Guy。

'Nay do you think I would put up with such a set as these?' retorted 

Charles; 'I am not fallen so low as the essence of young ladyism。'

'What can you find to say against them?' said Eveleen。

'Nothing;' said Charles; 'No one ever can find anything to say for or 

against young ladies' tastes。'

'You seem to be rather in the case of the tailor yourself;' said Guy; 

'ready to do battle; if you could but get any opposition。'

'Only tell me;' said Amy; 'how you could wish to live in the civil 


'O; because they would be so entertaining。'

'There's Paddy; genuine Paddy at last!' exclaimed Charles。  'Depend 

upon it; the conventional young lady won't do; Eva。'

After much more discussion; and one or two more papers; came Guy'sthe 

last。  'HeatherTruthKing CharlesSir Galahadthe present time。'

'Sir how much? exclaimed Charles。

'Don't you know him?' said Guy。  'Sir Galahadthe Knight of the Siege 

Perilouswho won the Saint Greal。'

'What language is that?' said Charles。

'What!  Don't you know the Morte d'Arthur!  I thought every one did!  

Don't you; Philip!'

'I once looked into it。  It is very curious; in classical English; but 

it is a book no one could read through。'

'0h!' cried Guy; indignantly; then; 'but you only looked into it。  If 

you had lived with its two fat volumes; you could not help delighting 

in it。  It was my boating…book for at least three summers。'

'That accounts for it;' said Philip; 'a book so studied in boyhood 

acquires a charm apart from its actual merits。'

'But it has actual merits。  The depth; the mystery; the allegorythe 

beautiful characters of some of the knights。'

'You look through the medium of your imagination;' said Philip; but you 

must pardon others for seeing a great sameness of character and 

adventure; and for disapproving of the strange mixture of religion and 


'You've never read it;' said Guy; striving to speak patiently。

'A cursory view is sufficient to show whether a book will repay the 

time spent in reading it。'

'A cursory view enable one to judge better than making it your study?  

Eh; Philip?' said Charles。

'It is no paradox。  The actual merits are better seen by an 

unprejudiced stranger than by an old friend who lends them graces of 

his own devising。'

Charles laughed: Guy pushed back his chair; and went to look out at the 

window。  Perhaps Philip enjoyed thus chafing his temper; for after all 

he had said to Laura; it was satisfactory to see his opinion justified; 

so that he might not feel himself unfair。  It relieved his uneasiness 

lest his understanding with Laura should be observed。  It had been in 

great peril that evening; for as the girls went up to bed; Eveleen 

gaily said; 'Why; Laura; have you quarrelled with Captain Morville?'

'How can you say such things; Eva?  Good night。'  And Laura escaped 

into her own room。

'What's the meaning of it; Amy?' pursued Eveleen。

'Only a stranger makes us more formal;' said Amy。

'What an innocent you are!  It is of no use to talk to you!' said 

Eveleen; running away。

'No; but Eva;' said Amy; pursuing her; 'don't go off with a wrong 

fancy。  Charles has teased Laura so much about Philip; that of course 

it makes her shy of him before strangers; and it would never have done 

to laugh about their choosing the same things when Mr。 Thorndale was 


'I must be satisfied; I suppose。  I know that is what you think; for 

you could not say any other。'

'But what do you think?' said Amy; puzzled。

'I won't tell you; little innocenceit would only shock you。'

'Nothing you _really_ _thought_ about Laura could shock me;' said Amy; 

'I don't mean what you might say in play。'

'Well; then; shall you think me in play or earnest when I say that I 

think Laura likes Philip very much?'

'In play' said Amy; 'for you know that if we had not got our own 

Charlie to show us what a brother is; we should think of Philip as just 

the same as a brother。'

'A brother!  You are pretending to be more simple than yo
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