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the heir of redclyffe-第38部分

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the same as a brother。'

'A brother!  You are pretending to be more simple than you really are; 

Amy!  Don't you know what I mean?'

'O;' said Amy; her cheeks lighting up; 'that must be only play; for he 

has never asked her。'

'Ah; but suppose she was in the state just ready to be asked?'

'No; that could never be; for he could never ask her;'

'Why not; little Amy?'

'Because we are cousins; and everything;' said Amy; confused。  'Don't 

talk any more about it; Eva; for though I know it is all play; I don't 

like it; and mamma; would not wish me to talk of such things。  And 

don't you laugh about it; dear Eva; pray; for it only makes every one 

uncomfortable。  Pray!'

Amy had a very persuasive way of saying 'pray;' and Eveleen thought she 

must yield to it。  Besides; she respected Laura and Captain Morville 

too much to resolve to laugh at them; whatever she might do when her 

fear of the Captain made her saucy。

Mrs。 Edmonstone thought it best on all accounts to sit in the drawing…

room the next morning; but she need not have taken so much pains to 

chaperon her young ladies; for the gentlemen did not come near them。

Laura was more at ease in manner; though very far from happy; for she 

was restlessly eager for a talk with Philip; while he was resolved not 

to seek a private interview; sure that it would excite suspicion; and 

willing to lose the consciousness of his underhand proceedings。

This was the day of the dinner…party; and Laura's heart leaped as she 

calculated that it must fall to Philip's lot to hand her in to dinner。  

She was not mistaken; he did give her his arm; and they found 

themselves most favourably placed; for Philip's other neighbour was 

Mrs。 Brownlow; talking at a great rate to Mr。 de Courcy; and on Laura's 

side was the rather deaf Mr。 Hayley; who had quite enough to do to talk 

to Miss Brownlow。  Charles was not at table; and not one suspicious eye 

could rest on them; yet it was not till the second course was in 

progress that he said anything which the whole world might not have 

heard。  Something had passed about Canterbury; and its distance from 


'I can be here often;' said Philip。

'I am glad。'

'If you can only be guarded;and I think you are becoming so。'

'Is this a time to speak of?  Oh; don't!'

'It is the only time。  No one is attending; and I have something to say 

to you。'

Overpowering her dire confusion; in obedience to him; she looked at the 

epergne; and listened。

'You have acted prudently。  You have checked' and he indicated Guy

'without producing more than moderate annoyance。  You have only to 

guard your self…possession。'

'It is very foolish;' she murmured。

'Ordinary women say so; and rest contented with the folly。  You can do 

better things。'

There was a thrill of joy at finding him conversing with her as his 

'own;' it overcame her embarrassment and alarm; and wishes he would not 

choose such a time for speaking。'

'How shall I?' said she。

'Employ yourself。  Employ and strengthen your mind!'

'How shall I; and without you?'

'Find something to prevent you from dwelling on the future。  That 

drawing is dreamy work; employing the fingers and leaving the mind 


'I have been trying to read; but I cannot fix my mind。'

'Suppose you take what will demand attention。  Mathematics; algebra。  I 

will send you my first book of algebra; and it will help you to work 

down many useless dreams and anxieties。'

'Thank you; pray do; I shall be very glad of it。'

'You will find it give a power and stability to your mind; and no 

longer have to complain of frivolous occupation。'

'I don't feel frivolous now;' said Laura; sadly; 'I don't know why it 

is that everything is so altered; I am really happier; but my light 

heart is gone。'

'You have but now learnt the full powers of your soul; Laura; you have 

left the world of childhood; with the gay feelings which have no 


'I have what is better;' she whispered。

'You have; indeed。  But those feelings must be regulated; and 

strengthening the intellect strengthens the governing power。'

Philip; with all his sense; was mystifying himself; because he was 

departing from right; the only true 'good sense。'  His right judgment 

in all things was becoming obscured; so he talked metaphysical jargon; 

instead of plain practical truth; and thought he was teaching Laura to 

strengthen her powers of mind; instead of giving way to dreams; when he 

was only leading her to stifle meditation; and thus securing her 

complete submission to himself。

She was happier after this conversation; and better able to pay 

attention to the guests; nor did she feel guilty when obliged to play 

and sing in the eveningfor she knew he must own that she could do no 


Lady Eveleen gave; however; its brilliancy to the party。  She had 

something wonderfully winning and fascinating about her; and Philip 

owned to himself that it took no small resolution on the part of Mr。 

Thorndale to keep so steadily aloof from the party in the bay window; 

where she was reigning like a queen; and inspiring gaiety like a fairy。  

She made Guy sing with her; it was the first time he had ever sung; 

except among themselves; as Mrs。 Edmonstone had never known whether he 

would like to be asked; but Eveleen refused to sing some of the Irish 

melodies unless he would join her; and without making any difficulty he 

did so。  Mrs。 Brownlow professed to be electrified; and Eveleen 

declaring that she knew she sung like a peacock; told Mrs。 Brownlow 

that the thing to hear was Sir Guy singing glees with Laura and Amy。  

Of course; they were obliged to sing。  Mrs。 Brownlow was delighted; and 

as she had considerable knowledge of music; they all grew eager and 

Philip thought it very foolish of Guy to allow so much of his talent 

and enthusiasm to display themselves。

When all the people were gone; and the home party had wished each other 

good…night; Philip lingered in the drawing…room to finish a letter。  

Guy; after helping Charles up…stairs; came down a few moments after; to 

fetch something which he had forgotten。  Philip looked up;'You 

contributed greatly to the entertainment this evening;' he said。

Guy coloured; not quite sure that this was not said sarcastically; and 

provoked with himself for being vexed。

'You think one devoid of the sixth sense has no right to speak;' said 


'I can't expect all to think it; as I do; one of the best things in 

this world or out of it;' said Guy; speaking quickly。

'I know it is so felt by those who understand its secrets;' said 

Philip。  'I would not depreciate it; so you may hear me patiently; Guy。  

I only meant to warn you; that it is often the means of bringing 

persons into undesirable intimacies; from which they cannot disentangle 

themselves as easily as they enter them。'

A flush crossed Guy's cheek; but it passed; and he simply said'I 

suppose it may。  Good…night。'

Philip looked after him; and pondered on what it was that had annoyed 

himmanner; words; or advice。  He ascribed it to Guy's unwillingness 

to be advised; since he had observed that his counsel was apt to 

irritate him; though his good sense often led him to follow it。  In the 

present case; Philip thought Mrs。 Brownlow and her society by no means 

desirable for a youth like Guy; and he was quite right。

Philip and his friend went the next morning; and in the afternoon Laura 

received the book of algebraa very original first gift from a lover。  

It came openly; with a full understanding that she was to use it by his 

recommendation; her mother and brother both thought they understood the 

motive; which one thought very wise; and the other very characteristic。

Lord Kilcoran and Lady Eveleen also departed。  Eveleen very sorry to 

go; though a little comforted by the prospect of seeing Laura so soon 

in Ireland; where she would set her going in all kinds of 

'rationalitiesreading; and school teaching; and everything else。'

'Ay;' said Charles; when all were out of hearing but his mother; 'and I 

shrewdly suspect the comfort would be still greater if it was Sir Guy 

Morville who was coming。'

'It would be no bad thing;' said his mother: 'Eveleen is a nice 

creature with great capabilities。'

'Capabilities! but will they ever come to anything?'

'In a few years;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; 'and he is a mere boy at 

present; so there is plenty of time for both to develop themselves。'

'Most true; madame mere; but it remains to be proved whether the liking 

for Sir Guy; which has taken hold of my lady Eveleen; is strong enough 

to withstand all the coquetting with young Irishmen; and all the idling 

at Kilcoran。'

'I hope she has something better to be relied on than the liking for 

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