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the heir of redclyffe-第39部分

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at Kilcoran。'

'I hope she has something better to be relied on than the liking for 

Sir Guy。'

'You may well do so; for I think he has no notion of throwing off his 

allegiance to youhis first and only love。  He liked very well to make 

fun with Eva; but he regarded her rather as a siren; who drew him off 

from his Latin and Greek。'

'Yes; I am ashamed of myself for such a fit of match…making!  Forget 

it; Charlie; as fast as you can。'


This warld's wealth; when I think o't;

Its pride; and a' the lave o't;

Fie; fie on silly coward man;

That he should be the slave o't。BURNS

In another week Mr。 Edmonstone and his eldest daughter were to depart 

on their Irish journey。  Laura; besides the natural pain in leaving 

home; was sorry to be no longer near Philip; especially as it was not 

likely that he would be still at Broadstone on their return; yet she 

was so restless and dissatisfied; that any change was welcome; and the 

fear of betraying herself almost took away the pleasure of his 


He met them at the railway station at Broadstone; where Mr。 Edmonstone; 

finding himself much too early; recollected something he had forgotten 

in the town; and left his daughter to walk up and down the platform 

under Philip's charge。  They felt it a precious interval; but both were 

out of spirits; and could hardly profit by it。

'You will be gone long before we come back;' said Laura。

'In a fortnight or three weeks; probably。'

'But you will still be able to come to Hollywell now and then?'

'I hope so。  It is all the pleasure I can look for。  We shall never see 

such a summer again。'

'Oh; it has been a memorable one!'

'Memorable!  Yes。  It has given me an assurance that compensates for 

all I have lost; yet it has made me feel; more than ever before; how 

poverty withers a man's hopes。'

'0 Philip; I always thought your poverty a great; noble thing!'

'You thought like a generous…tempered girl who has known nothing of its 


'And do you know that Guy says the thing to be proud of is of holding 

the place you do; without the aid of rank or riches。' 

'I would not have it otherwiseI would not for worlds that my father 

had acted otherwise;' said Philip。  'You understand that; Laura。'

'Of course I do。'

'But when you speakwhen Guy speaks of my holding the place I do; you 

little know what it is to feel that powers of usefulness are wastedto 

know I have the means of working my way to honour and distinction; such 

as you would rejoice in Laura; to have it all within; yet feel it 

thrown away。  Locksley Hall; again〃every door is barred with gold; 

and opens but to golden keys。'〃 

'I wish there was anything to be done;' said Laura。

'It is my profession that is the bar to everything。  I have sold the 

best years of my life; and for what?  To see my sister degrade herself 

by that marriage。'

'That is the real grief;' said Laura。

'But for that; I should never have cast a look back on what I 

relinquished。  However; why do I talk of these things; these vain 

regrets?  They only occurred because my welfare does not concern myself 

aloneand here's your father。'

Mr。 Edmonstone returned; out of breath; in too much bustle remark his 

daughter's blushes。  Even when the train was moving off; he still had 

his head out at the window; calling to Philip that they should expect a 

visit from him as soon as ever they returned。  Such cordiality gave 

Philip a pang; and in bitterness of spirit he walked back to the 

barracks。  On the way he met Mrs。 Deane who wanted to consult him about 

inviting his cousin; Sir Guy to a dinner…party she intended to give 

next week。  'Such an agreeable; sensible youth; and we feel we owe him 

some attention; he took so much pains to make apologies about the 


'I dare say he will be very happy to come。'

'We will write at once。  He is a very fine young man; without a shade 

of vanity or nonsense。'

'Yes; he has very pleasant; unaffected manners。'

'I am sure he will do credit to his estate。  It is a very handsome 

fortune; is it not?'

'It is a very large property。'

'I am glad of it; I have no doubt we shall see him one of the first men 

of his time。'

These words brought into contrast in Philip's mind the difference 

between Guy's position and his own。  The mere possession of wealth was 

winning for Guy; at an age when his merits could only be negative; that 

estimation which his own tried character had scarcely achieved; placing 

him not merely on a level with himself; but in a situation where 

happiness and influence came unbidden。  His own talents; attainments; 

and equal; if not superior claims; to gentle blood; could not procure 

him what seemed to lie at Guy's feet。  His own ability and Laura's 

heart alone were what wealth could not affect; yet when he thought how 

the want of it wasted the one; and injured the hopes of the other; he 

recurred to certain visions of his sister Margaret's; in days gone by; 

of what he was to do as Sir Philip; lord of Redclyffe。  He was 

speculating on what would have happened had Guy died in his sickly 

infancy; when; suddenly recollecting himself; he turned his mind to 

other objects。

Guy was not much charmed with Mrs。 Deane's invitation。  He said he knew 

he must go to make up for his rudeness about the ball; but he grumbled 

enough to make Mrs。 Edmonstone laugh at him for being so stupid as to 

want to stay hum…drum in the chimney corner。  No doubt it was very 

pleasant there。  There was that peculiar snugness which belongs to a 

remnant of a large party; when each member of it feels bound to prevent 

the rest from being dull。  Guy devoted himself to Charles more than 

ever; and in the fear that he might miss the late variety of amusement; 

exerted even more of his powers of entertainment than Lady Eveleen had 

called forth。 

There were grave readings in the mornings; and long walks in the 

afternoons; when he dragged Charles; in his chair; into many a place he 

had never expected to see again; and enabled him to accompany his 

mother and sisters in many a delightful expedition。  In the evening 

there was music; or light reading; especially poetry; as this was 

encouraged by Mrs。 Edmonstone; in the idea that it was better that so 

excitable and enthusiastic a person as Guy should have his objects of 

admiration tested by Charles's love of ridicule。 

Mr。 Edmonstone had left to Guy the office of keeping the 1st of 

September; one which he greatly relished。  Indeed; when he thought of 

his own deserted manors; he was heard to exclaim; in commiseration for 

the neglect; 'Poor partridges!'  The Hollywell shooting was certainly 

not like that at Redclyffe; where he could hardly walk out of his own 

grounds; whereas here he had to bear in mind so many boundaries; that 

Philip was expecting to have to help him out of some direful scrape。  

He had generally walked over the whole extent; and assured himself that 

the birds were very wild; and Bustle the best of dogs; before 

breakfast; so as to be ready for all the occupations of the day。  He 

could scarcely be grateful when the neighbours; thinking it must be 

very dull for him to be left alone with Mrs。 Edmonstone and her 

crippled son; used to ask him to shoot or dine。  He always lamented at 

first; and ended by enjoying himself。 

One night; he came home; in such a state of eagerness; that he must 

needs tell his good news; and; finding no one in the drawing…room; he 

ran up…stairs; opened Charles's door; and exclaimed'There's to be a 

concert at Broadstone!'  Then perceiving that Charles was fast asleep; 

he retreated noiselessly; reserving his rejoicings till morning; when 

it appeared that Charles had heard; but had woven the announcement into 

a dream。

This concert filled Guy's head。 His only grief was that it was to be in 

the evening; so that Charles could not go to it; and his wonder was not 

repressed at finding that Philip did not mean to favour it with his 

presence; since Guy would suffice for squire to Mrs。 Edmonstone and her 


In fact; Philip was somewhat annoyed by the perpetual conversation 

about the concert; and on the day on which it was to take place 

resolved on making a long expedition to visit the ruins of an old 

abbey; far out of all reports of it。  As he was setting out; he was 

greeted; in a very loud voice; by Mr。 Gordon。

'Hollo; Morville! how are you?  So you have great doings to…night; I 

hear!' and he had only just forced himself from him; when he was again 

accosted; this time in a hasty; embarrassed manner;

'I beg your pardon; sir; but the ties of relationship'

He drew himself up as if he was on parade; faced round; and replied 

with an emphatic 'Sir!' as he behold a thin; foreign…looking
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