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the heir of redclyffe-第41部分

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resentment; he took his resolution; quarrelled with Dixon; and carried 

off his wife; bent with desperation on forcing his father into 

receiving her。

Sebastian had not surmounted his anger at this step when he learnt its 

fatal consequences。  Ever since that time; nothing had prospered with 

him: he had married and sunk himself lower; and though he had an 

excellent engagement; the days were past when he was the fashion; and 

his gains and his triumphs were not what they had been。  He had a long 

list of disappointments and jealousies with which to entertain Guy; 

who; on his side; though resolved to like him; and dreading to be too 

refined to be friends with his relations; could not feel as thoroughly 

pleased as he intended to have been。

Music was; however; a subject on which they could meet with equal 

enthusiasm; and by means of this; together with the aid of his own 

imagination; Guy contrived to be very happy。  He stayed with his uncle 

as long as he could; and promised to spend a day with him in London; on 

his way to Oxford; in October。

The next morning; when Philip knew that Guy would be with his tutor; he 

walked to Hollywell; came straight up to his aunt's dressing…room; 

asked her to send Charlotte down to practise; and; seating himself 

opposite to her; began

'What do you mean to do about this unfortunate rencontre?'

'Do you mean Guy and his uncle?  He is very much pleased; poor boy!  I 

like his entire freedom from false shame。'

'A little true shame would be hardly misplaced about such a 


'It is not his fault; and I hope it will not be his misfortune;' said 

Mrs。 Edmonstone。

'That it will certainly be;' replied Philip; 'if we are not on our 

guard; and; indeed; if we are; there is little to be done with one so 

wilful。  I might as well have interfered with the course of a 


'No; no; Philip; he is too candid to be wilful。'

'I cannot be of your opinion; when I have seen him rushing into this 

acquaintance in spite of the warnings he must have had hereto say 

nothing of myself。'

'Nay; there I must defend him; though you will think me very unwise; I 

could not feel that I ought to withhold him from taking some notice of 

so near a relation。'

Philip did think her so unwise; that he could only reply; gravely

'We must hope it may produce no evil effects。'

'How?' she exclaimed; much alarmed。  'Have you heard anything against 


'You remember; of course; that Guy's father was regularly the victim of 

this Dixon。'

'Yes; yes; hut he has had enough to sober him。  Do you know nothing 

more?' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; growing nervously anxious lest she had 

been doing wrong in her husband's absence。

'I have been inquiring about him from old Redford; and I should judge 

him to be a most dangerous companion; as; indeed; I could have told 

from his whole air; which is completely that of a roué。'

'You have seen him; then?'

'Yes。  He paid me the compliment of taking me for Sir Guy; and of 

course made off in dismay when he discovered on whom he had fallen。  I 

have seldom seen a less creditable…looking individual。'

'But what did Mr。 Redford say?  Did he know of the connection?'

'No; I am happy to say he did not。  The fellow has decency enough not 

to boast of that。  Well; Redford did not know much of him personally: 

he said he had once been much thought of; and had considerable talent 

and execution; but taste changes; or he has lost something; so that; 

though he stands tolerably high in his profession; he is not a leader。  

So much for his musical reputation。  As to his character; he is one of 

those people who are called no one's enemy but their own; exactly the 

introduction Guy has hitherto happily wanted to every sort of 


'I think;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; trying to console herself; 'that Guy 

is too much afraid of small faults to be invited by larger evils。  

While he punishes himself for an idle word; he is not likely to go 

wrong in greater matters。'

'Not at present。'

'Is the man in debt or difficulties?  Guy heard nothing of that; and I 

thought it a good sign。'

'I don't suppose he is。  He ought not; for he has a fixed salary; 

besides what he gets by playing at concerts when it is not the London 

season。  The wasting money on a spendthrift relation would be a far 

less evil than what I apprehend。'

'I wish I knew what to do!  It is very unlucky that your uncle is from 



Mrs。 Edmonstone was frightened by the sense of responsibility; and was 

only anxious to catch hold of something to direct her。

'What would you have me do?' she asked; hopelessly。

'Speak seriously to Guy。  He must attend to you: he cannot fly out with 

a woman as he does with me。  Show him the evils that must result from 

such an intimacy。  If Dixon was in distress; I would not say a word; 

for he would be bound to assist him but as it is; the acquaintance can 

serve no purpose but degrading Guy; and showing him the way to evil。  

Above all; make a point of his giving up visiting him in London。  That 

is the sure road to evil。  A youth of his age; under the conduct of a 

worn…out roué; connected with the theatres!  I can hardly imagine 

anything more mischievous。'

'Yes; yes; I will speak to him;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; perfectly 


She promised; but she found the fulfilment difficult; in her dislike of 

vexing Guy; her fear of saying what was wrong; and a doubt whether the 

appearance of persecuting Mr。 Dixon was not the very way to prevent 

Guy's own good sense from finding out his true character; so she 

waited; hoping Mr。 Edmonstone might return before Guy went to Oxford; 

or that he might write decisively。

Mrs。 Edmonstone might have known her husband better than to expect him 

to write decisively when he had neither herself nor Philip at his 

elbow。  The same post had brought him a letter from Guy; mentioning his 

meeting with his uncle; and frankly explaining his plans for London; 

another from Philip; calling on him to use all his authority to prevent 

this intercourse; and a third from his wife。  Bewildered between them; 

he took them to his sister; who; being as puzzle…headed as himself; and 

only hearing his involved history of the affair; confused him still 

more; so he wrote to Philip; saying he was sorry the fellow had turned 

up; but he would guard against him。  He told Guy he was sorry to say 

that his uncle used to be a sad scamp; and he must take care; or it 

would be his poor father's story over again; and to Mrs。 Edmonstone he 

wrote that it was very odd that everything always did go wrong when he 

was away。

He thought these letters a great achievement; but his wife's perplexity 

was not materially relieved。

After considering a good while; she at length spoke to Guy; but it was 

not at a happy time; for Philip; despairing of her; had just taken on 

himself to remonstrate; and had angered him to the verge of an 


Mrs。 Edmonstone; as mildly as she could; urged on him that such 

intercourse could bring him little satisfaction; and might be very 

inconvenient; that his uncle was in no distress; and did not require 

assistance; and that it was too probable that in seeking him out he 

might meet with persons who might unsettle his principles;in short; 

that he had much better give up the visit to London。

'This is Philip's advice;' said Guy。

'It is; but'

Guy looked impatient; and she paused。

'You must forgive me;' he said; 'if I follow my own judgment。  If Mr。 

Edmonstone chose to lay his commands on me; I suppose I must submit; 

but I cannot see that I am bound to obey Philip。'

'Not to obey; certainly; but his advice'

'He is prejudiced and unjust;' said Guy。

'I don't believe that my uncle would attempt to lead me into bad 

company; and surely you would not have me neglect or look coldly on one 

who was so much attached to my parents。  If he is not a gentleman; and 

is looked down on by the world; it is not for his sister's son to make 

him conscious of it。'

'I like your feelings; Guy; I can say nothing against it; but that I am 

much afraid your uncle is not highly principled。'

'You have only Philip's account of him。'

'You are resolved?'

'Yes。  I do not like not to take your advice; but I do believe this is 

my duty。  I do not think my determination is made in self…will;' said 

Guy; thoughtfully; 'I cannot think that I ought to neglect my uncle; 

because I happen to have been born in a different station; which is all 

I have heard proved against him;' he added; smiling。  'You will forgive 

me; will you not; for not following your advice? for really and truly; 

if you will let me say so; I think you would not have given it if 

Philip had not been talking to you。'

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