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the heir of redclyffe-第43部分

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vacation; but that he thought he could not give time enough to his 

studies here; and had settled; at Oxford; to make one of a reading…

party; under the tutorship of his friend; Mr。 Wellwood。

'Where do they go?'

'It is not settled。  Guy wished it to be the sea…side; but Philip has 

been recommending a farmhouse in Stylehurst parish; rather nearer St。 

Mildred's Wells than Stylehurst; but quite out in the moor; and an 

immense way from both。'

'Do you think it will be the place?'

'Yes; Guy thinks it would suit Mr。 Wellwood; because he has friends at 

St。 Mildred's; so he gave his vote for it。  He expects to hear how it 

is settled to…day or to…morrow。'

Coming out on the lawn; they found the three ladies sitting under the 

acacia; with their books and work。  Laura did; indeed; look older than 

her real age; as much above twenty as Amy looked under nineteen。  She 

was prettier than ever; her complexion exquisite in delicacy; her fine 

figure and the perfect outline of her features more developed; but the 

change from girl to woman had passed over her; and set its stamp on the 

anxious blue eye; and almost oppressed brow。  Mary thought it would be 

hard to define where was that difference。  It was not want of bloom; 

for of that Laura had more than any of the others; fresh; healthy; and 

bright; while Amy was always rather pale; and Lady Eveleen was 

positively wan and faded by London and late hours; nor was it loss of 

animation; for Laura talked and laughed with interest and eagerness; 

nor was it thought; for little Amy; when at rest; wore a meditative; 

pensive countenance; but there was something either added or taken 

away; which made it appear that the serenity and carelessness of early 

youth had fled from her; and the air of the cares of life had come over 


Mary told her plans;Church service at four; followed by a tea…

drinking in the fields; tea in the garden for the company; and play for 

the school children and all who liked to join them。  Every one likes 

such festivals; which have the recommendation of permitting all to do 

as they please; bringing friends together in perfect ease and freedom; 

with an object that raises them above the rank of mere gatherings for 

the pleasure of rich neighbours。

Mrs。 Edmonstone gladly made the engagement and Lady Eveleen promised to 

be quite well; and to teach the children all manner of new games; 

though she greatly despised the dullness of English children; and had 

many droll stories of the stupidity of Laura's pupils; communicated to 

her; with perhaps a little exaggeration; by Charles; and still further 

embellished by herself; for the purpose of exciting Charlotte's 


Mary proceeded to her consultation about the singing; and was conducted 

by Guy and Amy to the piano; and when her ears could not be 

indoctrinated by their best efforts; they more than half engaged to 

walk to East…hill; and have a conversation with the new school…master; 

whom Mary pitied for having fallen on people so unable to appreciate 

his musical training as herself and her father。  The whole party walked 

back with her as far as the shade lasted; and at the end of the next 

field she turned; saw them standing round the stile; thought what happy 

people they were; and then resumed her wonder whither Laura's 

youthfulness had flown。

The situation of Philip and Laura had not changed。  His regiment had 

never been at any great distance from Hollywell; and he often came; 

venturing more as Laura learnt to see him with less trepidation。  He 

seldom or never was alone with her; but his influence was as strong as 

ever; and look; word; and gesture; which she alone could understand; 

told her what she was to him; and revealed his thoughts。  To him she 

was devoted; all her doings were with a view to please him; and deserve 

his affection; he was her world; and sole object。  Indeed; she was 

sometimes startled by perceiving that tenderly as she loved her own 

family; all were subordinate to him。  She had long since known the true 

name of her feelings for him; she could not tell when or how the 

certainty had come; but she was conscious that it was love that they 

had acknowledged for one another and that she only lived in the light 

of his love。  Still she did not realize the evil of concealment; it was 

so deep a sensation of her innermost heart; that she never could 

imagine revealing it to any living creature; and she had besides so 

surrendered her judgment to her idol; that no thought could ever cross 

her that he had enjoined what was wrong。  Her heart and soul were his 

alone; and she left the future to him without an independent desire or 

reflection。  All the embarrassments and discomforts which her secret 

occasioned her were met willingly for his sake; and these were not a 

few; though time had given her more self…command; or; perhaps; more 

properly speaking; had hardened her。

She always had a dread of tete…a…tetes and conversations over novels; 

and these were apt to be unavoidable when Eveleen was at Hollywell。  

The twilight wanderings on the terrace were a daily habit; and Eveleen 

almost always paired with her。  On this evening in particular; Laura 

was made very uncomfortable by Eveleen's declaring that it was 

positively impossible and unnatural that the good heroine of some novel 

should have concealed her engagement from her parents。  Laura could not 

help saying that there might be many excuses; then afraid that she was 

exciting suspicion; changed the subject in great haste; and tried to 

make Eveleen come indoors; telling her she would tire herself to death; 

and vexed by her cousin's protestations that the fresh cool air did her 

good。  Besides; Eveleen was looking with attentive eyes at another pair 

who were slowly walking up and down the shady walk that bordered the 

grass…plot; and now and then standing still to enjoy the subdued 

silence of the summer evening; and the few distant sounds that marked 

the perfect lull。

'How calmhow beautiful!' murmured Amabel。

'It only wants the low solemn surge and ripple of the tide; and its 

dash on the rocks;' said Guy。 'If ever there was music; it is there; 

but it makes one think what the ear must be that can take in the whole 

of those harmonics。'

'How I should like to hear it!'

'And see it。  0 Amy! to show you the sunny sea;the sense of breadth 

and vastness in that pale clear horizon line; and the infinite number 

of fields of light between you and it;and the free feelings as you 

stand on some high crag; the wind blowing in your face across half the 

globe; and the waves dashing far below!  I am growing quite thirsty for 

the sea。'

'You know; papa said something about your taking your reading…party to 


'True; but I don't think Markham would like it; and it would put old 

Mrs。 Drew into no end of a fuss。'

'Not like to have you?'

'0 yes; I should be all very well; but if they heard I was bringing 

three or four men with me; they would think them regular wild beasts。  

They would be in an awful fright。  Besides; it is so long since I have 

been at home; that I don't altogether fancy going there till I settle 

there for good。'

'Ah! it will be sad going there at first。'

'And it has not been my duty yet。'

'But you will be glad when you get there?'

'Sha'n't I?  I wonder if any one has been to shoot the rabbits on the 

shag rock。  They must have quite overrun it by this time。  But I don't 

like the notion of the first day。  There is not only the great change; 

but a stranger at the vicarage。'

'Do you know anything about the new clergyman?  I believe Mrs。 Ashford 

is a connection of Lady Thorndale's?'

'Yes; Thorndale calls them pattern people; and I have no doubt they 

will do great good in the parish。  I am sure we want some 

enlightenment; for we are a most primitive race; and something beyond 

Jenny Robinson's dame school would do us no harm。'

Here Mr。 Edmonstone called from the window that they must come in。

Mrs。 Edmonstone thought deeply that night。  She had not forgotten her 

notion that Eveleen was attracted by Guy's manners; and had been 

curious to see what would happen when Eveleen was sent to Hollywell for 

country air。

She had a very good opinion of Lady Eveleen。  Since the former visit; 

she had shown more spirit of improvement; and laid aside many little 

follies; she had put herself under Laura's guidance; and tamed down 

into what gave the promise of a sensible woman; more than anything that 

had hitherto been observed in her; and little addicted to match…making 

as Mrs。 Edmonstone was; she could not help thinking that Eva was almost 

worthy of her dear Guy (she never could expect to find anyone she 

should think quite worthy of him; he was too like one of her own 

children for that); and on the oth
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