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the heir of redclyffe-第44部分

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should think quite worthy of him; he was too like one of her own 

children for that); and on the other hand; how delighted Lord and Lady 

Kilcoran would be。  It was a very pretty castle in the air; but in the 

midst of it; the notion suddenly darted into Mrs。 Edmonstone's head; 

that while she was thinking of it; it was Amy; not Eveleen; who was 

constantly with Guy。  Reading and music; roses; botany; and walks on 

the terrace!  She looked back; and it was still the same。  Last Easter 

vacation; how they used to study the stars in the evening; to linger in 

the greenhouse in the morning nursing the geraniums; and to practise 

singing over the school…room piano; how; in a long walk; they always 

paired together; and how they seemed to share every pursuit or 


Now Mrs。 Edmonstone was extremely fond of Guy; and trusted him 

entirely; but she thought she ought to consider how far this should be 

allowed。  Feeling that he ought to see more of the world; she had sent 

him as much as she could into society; but it had only made him cling 

closer to home。  Still he was but twenty; it was only a country 

neighbourhood; and there was much more for him to see before he could 

fairly be supposed to know his own mind。  She knew he would act 

honourably; but she had a horror of letting him entangle himself with 

her daughter before he was fairly able to judge of his own feelings。  

Or; if this was only behaving with a brother's freedom and confidence; 

Mrs。 Edmonstone felt it was not safe for her poor little Amy; who might 

learn so to depend on him as to miss him grievously when this intimacy 

ceased; as it must when he settled at his own home。  It would be right; 

while it was still time; to make her remember that they were not 

brother and sister; and by checking their present happy; careless; 

confidential intercourse; to save her from the chill which seemed to 

have been cast on Laura。  Mrs。 Edmonstone was the more anxious; because 

she deeply regretted not having been sufficiently watchful in Laura's 

case; and perhaps she felt an unacknowledged conviction that if there 

was real love on Guy's part; it would not be hurt by a little reserve 

on Amy's。  Yet to have to speak to her little innocent daughter on such 

a matter disturbed her so much; that she could hardly have set about 

it; if Amy had not; at that very moment; knocked at her door。

'My dear; what has kept you up so late?'

'We have been sitting in Eveleen's room; mamma; hearing about her 

London life; and then we began to settle our plans for to…morrow; and I 

came to ask what you think of them。  You know Guy has promised to go 

and hear the East…hill singing; and we were proposing; if you did not 

mind it; to take the pony…carriage and the donkey; and go in the 

morning to East…hill; have luncheon; and get Mary to go with us to the 

top of the great down; where we have never been。  Guy has been wanting 

us; for a long time past; to go and see the view; and saying there is a 

track quite smooth enough to drive Charlie to the top。'

Amy wondered at her mother's look of hesitation。  In fact; the scheme 

was so accordant with their usual habits that it was impossible to find 

any objection; yet it all hinged on Guy; and the appointment at East…

hill might lead to a great many more。

'Do you wish us to do anything else; mamma?  We don't care about it。'

'No; my dear;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; 'I see no reason against it。  But…

…' and she felt as if she was making a desperate plunge; 'there is 

something I want to say to you。'

Amy stood ready to hear; but Mrs。 Edmonstone paused。  Another effort; 

and she spoke:…

'Amy; my dear; I don't wish to find fault; but I thought of advising 

you to take care。  About Guy'

The very brilliant pink which instantly overspread Amy's face made her 

mother think her warning more expedient。

'You have been spending a great deal of time with him of late; very 

sensibly and pleasantly; I know; I don't blame you at all; my dear; so 

you need not look distressed。  I only want you to be careful。  You 

know; though we call him cousin; he is scarcely a relation at all。'

'0 mamma; don't go on;' said poor little Amy; hurriedly; 'indeed I am 

very sorry!'

For Amy understood that it was imputed to her that she had been forward 

and unmaidenly。  Mrs。 Edmonstone saw her extreme distress; and; grieved 

at the pain she had inflicted; tried to reassure her as much as might 

be safe。

'Indeed; my dear; you have done nothing amiss。  I only intended to tell 

you to be cautious for fear you should get into a way of going on which 

might not look well。  Don't make any great difference; I only meant 

that there should not be quite so much singing and gardening alone with 

him; or walking in the garden in the evening。  You can manage to draw 

back a little; so as to keep more with me or with Laura; and I think 

that will be the best way。'

Every word; no matter what; increased the burning of poor Amy's cheeks。  

A broad accusation of flirting would have been less distressing to many 

girls than this mild and delicate warning was to one of such shrinking 

modesty and maidenly feeling。  She had a sort of consciousness that she 

enjoyed partaking in his pursuits; and this made her sense of confusion 

and shame overwhelming。  What had she been thoughtlessly doing?  She 

could not speak; she could not look。  Her mother put her arm round her; 

and Amy hid her head on her shoulder; and held her fast。  Mrs。 

Edmonstone kissed and caressed the little fluttering bird; then saying; 

'Good night; my own dear child;' unloosed her embrace。

'Good night; dear mamma;' whispered Amy。 'I am very sorry。'

'You need not be sorry; my dear; only be careful。  Good night。'  And it 

would be hard to say whether the mother or the daughter had the hottest 


Poor little Amy! what was her dismay as she asked herself; again and 

again; what she had been doing and what she was to do?  The last was 

plain;she knew what was right; and do it she must。  There would be an 

end of much that was pleasant; and a fresh glow came over her as she 

owned how very; very pleasant; but if it was not quite the thing;if 

mamma did not approve; so it must be。  True; all her doings received 

their zest from Guy;her heart bounded at the very sound of his 

whistle; she always heard his words through all the din of a whole 

party;nothing was complete without him; nothing good without his 

without his approval;but so much the more shame for her。  It was a 

kind of seeking him which was of all things the most shocking。  So 

there should be an end of it;never mind the rest!  Amy knelt down; 

and prayed that she might keep her resolution。

She did not know how much of her severity towards herself was learned 

from the example that had been two years before her。  Nor did she think 

whether the seeking had been mutual; she imagined it all her own doing; 

and did not guess that she would give pain to Guy by withdrawing 

herself from him。

The morning gave vigour to her resolution; and when Laura came to ask 

what mamma thought of their project; Amy looked confusedsaid she did 

not knowshe believed it would not do。  But just then in came her 

mother; to say she had been considering of the expedition; and meant to 

join it herself。  Amy understood; blushed; and was silently grateful。

When Laura wanted to alter her demeanour towards Guy; being perfectly 

cool; and not in the least conscious; she had acted with great 

judgment; seen exactly what to do; and what to leave undone; so as to 

keep up appearances。  But it was not so with Amy。  She was afraid of 

herself; and was in extremes。  She would not come down till the last 

moment; that there might be no talking in the window。  She hardly spoke 

at breakfast…time; and adhered closely to Laura and Eveleen when they 

wandered in the garden。  Presently Charles looked out from the 

dressing…room window; calling;

'Amy; Guy is ready to read。'

'I can't come。  Read without me;' she answered; hoping Charlie would 

not be vexed; and feeling her face light up again。

The hour for the expedition came; and Amy set off walking with Laura; 

because Guy was with Mrs。 Edmonstone; but presently; after holding open 

a gate for Charlotte; who was on the donkey; he came up to the sisters; 

and joined in the conversation。  Amy saw something in the hedgea 

foxglove; she believedit would have done as well if it had been a 

nettleshe stopped to gather it; hoping to fall behind them; but they 

waited for her。  She grew silent; but Guy appealed to her。  She ran on 

to Charlotte and her donkey; but at the next gate Guy had joined 

company again。  At last she put herself under her mother's wing; and by 

keeping with her did pretty well all the time she was at East…hill。  

But when they went on; she was riding the donkey; and it; as d
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