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the heir of redclyffe-第45部分

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But when they went on; she was riding the donkey; and it; as donkeys 

always are; was resolved on keeping a…head of the walkers; so that as 

Guy kept by her side; it was a more absolute tete…a…tete than ever。

At the top of the hill they found a fine view; rich and extensive; 

broad woods; fields waving with silvery barley; trim meadows; fair hazy 

blue distance; and a dim line of sea beyond。  This; as Amy knew; was 

Guy's delight; and further; what she would not tell herself; was that 

he chiefly cared for showing it to her。  It was so natural to call him 

to admire everything beautiful; and ask if it was equal to Redclyffe; 

that she found herself already turning to him to participate in his 

pleasure; as he pointed out all that was to be seen; but she 

recollected; blushed; and left her mother to speak。  He had much to 

show。  There was a hanging wood on one side of the hill; whence he had 

brought her more than one botanical prize; and she must now visit their 

native haunts。  It was too great a scramble for Mrs。 Edmonstone; with 

all her good will; Eveleen was to be kept still; and not to tire 

herself; Laura did not care for botany; nor love brambles; and Amy was 

obliged to stand and look into the wood; saying; 'No; thank you; I 

don't think I can;' and then run back to Mary and Charles; while 

Charlotte was loudly calling out that it was delightful fun; and that 

she was very stupid。  In another minute Guy had overtaken her; and in 

his gentle; persuasive voice; was telling her it was very easy; and she 

must come and see the bird's…nest orchises。  She would have liked it 

above all things; but she thought it very kind of Guy not to seem angry 

when she said; 'No; thank you。'

Mary; after what she had seen yesterday; could not guess at the real 

reason; or she would have come with her; but she thought Amy was tired; 

and would rather not。  Poor Amy was tired; very tired; before the walk 

was over; but her weary looks made it worse; for Guy offered her his 

arm。  'No thank you;' she said; 'I am getting on very well;' and she 

trudged on resolutely; for her mother was in the carriage; and to lag 

behind the others would surely make him keep with her。

Mrs。 Edmonstone was very sorry for her fatigue; but Amy found it a good 

excuse for not wandering in the garden; or joining in the music。  It 

had been a very uncomfortable day; she hoped she had done right; at any 

rate; she had the peaceful conviction of having tried to do so。

The next day; Amy was steady to her resolution。  No reading with the 

two youths; though Charles scolded her; sitting in her room till Guy 

was gone out; going indoors as soon as she heard him return; and in the 

evening staying with Charles when her sisters and cousins went out; but 

this did not answer; for Guy came and sat by them。  She moved away as 

soon as possible; but the more inclined she was to linger; the more she 

thought she ought to go; so murmuring something about looking for 

Laura; she threw on her scarf; and sprung to the window。  Her muslin 

caught on the bolt; she turned; Guy was already disentangling it; and 

she met his eye。  It was full of anxious; pleading inquiry; which to 

her seemed upbraiding; and; not knowing what to do; she exclaimed; 

hurriedly; 'Thank you; no harm done!' and darted into the garden; 

frightened to feel her face glowing and her heart throbbing。  She could 

not help looking back to see if he was following。  No; he was not 

attempting it; he was leaning against the window; and on she hastened; 

the perception dawning on her that she was hurting him; he might think 

her rude; unkind; capricious; he who had always been so kind to her; 

and when he was going away so soon。  'But it is right; it must be 

done;' said little Amy to herself; standing still; now that she was out 

of sight。  'If I was wrong before; I must bear it now; and he will see 

the rights of it sooner or later。  The worst of all would be my not 

doing the very _most_ _right_ to please any body。  Besides he can't 

really care for missing silly little Amy when he has mamma and Charlie。  

And he is going away; so it will be easier to begin right when he comes 

back。  Be that as it may; it must be done。  I'll get Charlie to tell me 

what he was saying about the painted glass。'


Oh; thou child of many prayers!

Life hath quicksandslife hath snares

Care and age come unawares。

Like the swell of some sweet tune;

Morning rises into noon;

May glides onward into June。Longfellow

'What is the matter with Amy?  What makes her so odd?' asked Charles; 

as his mother came to wish him good night。

'Poor little dear! don't take any notice;' was all the answer he 

received; and seeing that he was to be told no more; he held his peace。

Laura understood without being told。  She; too; had thought Guy and Amy 

were a great deal together; and combining various observations; she 

perceived that her mother must have given Amy a caution。  She therefore 

set herself; like a good sister; to shelter Amy as much as she could; 

save her from awkward situations; and; above all; to prevent her 

altered manner from being remarked。  This was the less difficult; as 

Eveleen was subdued and languid; and more inclined to lie on the sofa 

and read than to look out for mirth。

As to poor little Amy; her task was in one way become less hard; for 

Guy had ceased to haunt her; and seemed to make it his business to 

avoid all that could cause her embarrassment; but in another way it 

hurt her much more; for she now saw the pain she was causing。  If 

obliged to do anything for her; he would give a look as if to ask 

pardon; and then her rebellious heart would so throb with joy as to 

cause her dismay at having let herself fall into so hateful a habit as 

wishing to attract attention。  What a struggle it was not to obey the 

impulse of turning to him for the smile with which he would greet 

anything in conversation that interested them both; and how wrong she 

thought it not to be more consoled when she saw him talking to Eveleen; 

or to any of the others; as if he was doing very well without her。  

This did not often happen; he was evidently out of spirits; and 

thoughtful; and Amy was afraid some storm might be gathering respecting 

Mr。 Sebastian Dixon; about whom there always seemed to be some 

uncomfortable mystery。

Mrs。 Edmonstone saw everything; and said nothing。  She was very sorry 

for them both; but she could not interfere; and could only hope she had 

done right; and protected Amy as far as she was able。  She was vexed 

now and then to see Eveleen give knowing smiles and significant 

glances; feared that she guessed what was going on; and wondered 

whether to give her a hint not to add to Amy's confusion; but her great 

dislike to enter on such a subject prevailed; and she left things to 

take their course; thinking that; for once; Guy's departure would be a 


The approach of anything in the shape of a party of pleasure was one of 

the best cures for Eveleen's ailments; and the evening before Mary's 

tea…drinking; she was in high spirits; laughing and talking a great 

deal; and addressing herself chiefly to Guy。  He exerted himself to 

answer; but it did not come with life and spirit; his countenance did 

not light up; and at last Eveleen said; 'Ah! I see I am a dreadful 

bore。  I'll go away; and leave you to repose。'

'Lady Eveleen!' he exclaimed; in consternation; 'what have I been 

doingwhat have I been thinking of?'

'Nay; that is best known to yourself; though I think perhaps I could 

divine;' said she; with that archness and grace that always seemed to 

remove the unfavourable impression that her proceedings might have 

given。  'Shall I?'

'No; no;' he answered; colouring crimson; and then trying to laugh off 

his confusion; and find some answer; but without success; and Eveleen; 

perceiving her aunt's eyes were upon her; suddenly recollected that she 

had gone quite as far as decorum allowed; and made as masterly a 

retreat as the circumstances permitted。

'Well; I have always thought a 〃penny for your thoughts〃 the boldest 

offer in the world; and now it is proved。'

This scene made Mrs。 Edmonstone doubly annoyed; the next morning; at 

waking with a disabling headache; which made it quite impossible for 

her to attempt going to Mary Ross's fete。  With great sincerity; Amy 

entreated to be allowed to remain at home; but she thought it would 

only be making the change more remarkable; she did not wish Mary to be 

disappointed; among so many ladies; Amy could easily avoid getting into 

difficulties; while Laura would; she trusted; be able to keep Eveleen 

in order。

The day was sunny; and all went off to admiration。  The gentlemen 

presided over the cricket; and the ladies over 'blind man's buff' and 

'thread my needle;' but perha
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