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the heir of redclyffe-第47部分

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from higher things; and; therefore; to be combated; he deemed her 

rather a guide and guard whose love might arm him; soothe him; and 

encourage him。  Yet he had little hope; for he did not do justice to 

his powers of inspiring affection; no one could distrust his temper and 

his character as much as he did himself; and with his ancestry and the 

doom he believed attached to his race; with his own youth and untried 

principles; with his undesirable connections; and the reserve he was 

obliged to exercise regarding them; he considered himself as 

objectionable a person as could well be found; as yet untouched by any 

positive crime; and he respected the Edmonstones too much to suppose 

that these disadvantages could be counterbalanced for a moment by his 

position; indeed; he interpreted Amy's coolness by supposing that there 

was a desire to discourage his attentions。  No poor tutor or penniless 

cousin ever felt he was doing a more desperate thing in confessing an 

attachment; than did Sir Guy Morville when he determined that all 

should be told; at the risk of losing her for ever; and closing against 

himself the doors of his happy home。  It was not right and fair by her 

parents; he thought; so to regard their daughter; and live in the same 

house with his sentiments unavowed; and as to Amy herself; if his 

feelings had reached such a pitch of sensitiveness that he must needs 

behave like an angry lion; because her name had been dragged into an 

idle joke; it was high time it should be explained; unpropitious as the 

moment might be for declaring his attachment; when he had manifested 

such a temper as any woman might dread。  Thus he made up his mind that; 

come of it what might; he would not leave Hollywell that day till the 

truth was told。  Just as he was turning to find Mrs。 Edmonstone and 

'put his fate to the touch;' a little figure stood beside him; and 

Amy's own sweet; low tones were saying; imploringly;

'Guy; I wanted to tell you how sorry I am you were so teased last 


'Don't think of it!' said he; taken extremely by surprise

'It was our fault; I could not stop it; I should have kept Charlotte in 

better order; but they would not let her hear me。  I knew it was what 

you dislike particularly; and I was very sorry。'

'YouI wasI was。  But no matter now。  Amy;' he added earnestly; 'may 

I ask you to walk on with me a little way?  I must say something to 


Was this what 'mamma' objected to?  Oh no!  Amy felt she must stay now; 

and; in truth; she was glad it was right; though her heart beat fast; 

fast; faster; as Guy; pulling down a long; trailing branch of Noisette 

rose; and twisting it in his hand; paused for a few moments; then spoke 

collectedly; and without hesitation; though with the tremulousness of 

subdued agitation; looking the while not at her; but straight before 


'You ought to be told why your words and looks have such effect on me 

as to make me behave as I did last night。  Shame on me for such 

conduct!  I know its evil; and how preposterous it must make what I 

have to tell you。  I don't know now long it has been; but almost ever 

since I came here; a feeling has been growing up in me towards you; 

such as I can never have for any one else。'

The flame rushed into Amy's cheeks; and no one could have told what she 

felt; as he paused again; and then went on speaking more quickly; as if 

his emotion was less under control。

'If ever there is to be happiness for me on earth; it must be through 

you; as you; for the last three years; have been all my brightness 

here。  What I feel for you is beyond all power of telling you; Amy!  

But I know full well all there is against meI know I am untried; and 

how can I dare to ask one born to brightness and happiness to share the 

doom of my family?'

Amy's impulse was that anything shared with him would be welcome; but 

the strength of the feeling stifled the power of expression; and she 

could not utter a word。

'It seems selfish even to dream of it;' he proceeded; 'yet I must;I 

cannot help it。  To feel that I had your love to keep me safe; to know 

that you watched for me; prayed for me; were my own; my Verena;oh 

Amy! it would be more joy than I have ever dared to hope for。  But 

mind;' he added; after another brief pause; 'I would not even ask you 

to answer me now; far less to bind yourself; even ifif it were 

possible。  I know my trial is not come; and were I to render myself; by 

positive act; unworthy even to think of you; it would be too dreadful 

to have entangled you; and made you unhappy。  No。  I speak now; because 

I ought not to remain here with such feelings unknown to your father 

and mother。'

At that moment; close on the other side of the box…tree clump; were 

heard the wheels of Charles's garden…chair; and Charlotte's voice 

talking to him; as he made his morning tour round the garden。  Amy flew 

off; like a little bird to its nest; and never stopped till; breathless 

and crimson; she darted into the dressing room; threw herself on her 

knees; and with her face hidden in her mother's lap; exclaimed in 

panting; half…smothered; whispers; which needed all Mrs。 Edmonstone's 

intuition to make them intelligible;

'0 mamma; mamma; he sayshe says he loves me!'

Perhaps Mrs。 Edmonstone was not so very much surprised; but she had no 

time to do more than raise and kiss the burning face; and see; at a 

moment's glance; how bright was the gleam of frightened joy; in the 

downcast eye and troubled smile; when two knocks; given rapidly; were 

heard; and almost at the same moment the door opened; and Guy stood 

before her; his face no less glowing than that which Amy buried again 

on her mother's knee。

'Come in; Guy;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; as he stood doubtful for a moment 

at the door; and there was a sweet smile of proud; joyful affection on 

her face; conveying even more encouragement than her tone。  Amy raised 

her head; and moved as if to leave the room。  

'Don't go;' he said; earnestly; 'unless you wish it。'

Amy did not wish it; especially now that she had her mother to save her 

confusion; and she sat on a footstool; holding her mother's hand; 

looking up to Guy; whenever she felt bold enough; and hanging down her 

head when he said what showed how much more highly he prized her than 

silly little Amy could deserve。

'You know what I am come to say;' he began; standing by the mantel…

shelf; as was his wont in his conferences with Mrs。 Edmonstone; and he 

repeated the same in substance as he had said to Amy in the garden; 

though with less calmness and coherence; and far more warmth of 

expression; as if; now that she was protected by her mother's presence; 

he exercised less force in self…restraint。

Never was anyone happier than was Mrs。 Edmonstone; loving Guy so 

heartily; seeing the beauty of his character in each word; rejoicing 

that such affection should be bestowed on her little Amy; exulting in 

her having won such a heart; and touched and gratified by the free 

confidence with which both had at once hastened to pour out all to her; 

not merely as a duty; but in the full ebullition of their warm young 

love。  The only difficulty was to bring herself to speak with prudence 

becoming her position; whilst she was sympathizing with them as 

ardently as if she was not older than both of them put together。  When 

Guy spoke of himself as unproved; and undeserving of trust; it was all 

she could do to keep from declaring there was no one whom she thought 

so safe。

'While you go on as you have begun; Guy?'

'If you tell me to hope!  Oh; Mrs。 Edmonstone; is it wrong that an 

earthly incentive to persevere should have power which sometimes seems 

greater than the true one?'

'There is the best and strongest ground of all for trusting you;' said 

she。 'If you spoke keeping right only for Amy's sake; then I might 

fear; but when she is second; there is confidence indeed。'

'If speaking were all!' said Guy。

'There is one thing I ought to say;' she proceeded; 'you know you are 

very young; and thoughthough I don't know that I can say so in my own 

person; a prudent woman would say; that you have seen so little of the 

world; that you may easily meet a person you would like better than 

such a quiet little dull thing as your guardian's daughter。'

The look that he cast on Amy was worth seeing; and then; with a smile; 

he answered

'I am glad you don't say it in your own person。'

'It is very bold and presumptuous in me to say anything at all in 

papa's absence' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; smiling; 'but I am sure he will 

think in the same way; that things ought to remain as they are; and 

that it is our duty not to allow you to be; or to feel otherwise than 

entirely at liberty。'

'I dare say it may be right in you;' said Guy; grudgingly。  'However; I 

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