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the heir of redclyffe-第48部分

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entirely at liberty。'

'I dare say it may be right in you;' said Guy; grudgingly。  'However; I 

must not complain。  It is too much that you should not reject me 


To all three that space was as bright a gleam of sunshine as ever 

embellished life; so short as to be free from a single care; a 

perfectly serenely happy present; the more joyous from having been 

preceded by vexations; each of the two young things learning that there 

was love where it was most precious。  Guy especially; isolated and 

lonely as he stood in life; with his fear and mistrust of himself; was 

now not only allowed to love; and assured beyond his hopes that Amy 

returned his affection; but found himself thus welcomed by the mother; 

and gathered into the family where his warm feelings had taken up their 

abode; while he believed himself regarded only as a guest and a 


They talked on; with happy silences between; Guy standing all the time 

with his branch of roses in his hand; and Amy looking up to him; and 

trying to realize it; and to understand why she was so very; very 


No one thought of time till Charlotte rushed in like a whirlwind; 


'Oh; here you are!  We could not think what had become of you。  There 

has Deloraine been at the door these ten minutes; and Charlie sent me 

to find you; for he says if you are too late for Mrs。 Henley's dinner; 

she will write such an account of you to Philip as you will never get 


Very little of this was heard; there was only the instinctive 

consternation of being too late。  They started up; Guy threw down his 

roses; caught Amy's hand and pressed it; while she bent down her head; 

hiding the renewed blush; he dashed out of the room; and up to his own; 

while Mrs。 Edmonstone and Charlotte hurried down。  In another second; 

he was back again; and once more Amy felt the pressure of his hand on 


'Good…bye!' he said; and she whispered another 'Good…bye!' the only 

words she had spoken。

One moment more he lingered;

'My Verena!' said he; but the hurrying sounds in the hall warned him

he sprang down to the drawing…room。  Even Charles was on the alert; 

standing; leaning against the table; and looking eager; but Guy had not 

time to let him speak; he only shook hands; and wished good…bye; with a 

sort of vehement agitated cordiality; concealed by his haste。

'Where's Amy?' cried Charlotte。  'Amy!  Is not she coming to wish him 


He said something; of which 'up…stairs' was the only audible word; held 

Mrs。 Edmonstone's hand fast; while she said; in a low voice'You shall 

hear from papa to…morrow;' then sprung on his horse; and looked up。  

Amy was at the window; he saw her head bending forward; under its veil 

of curls; in the midst of the roses round the lattice; their eyes met 

once more; he gave one beamy smile; then rode off at full speed; with 

Bustle racing after him; while Amy threw herself on her knees by her 

bed; and with hands clasped over her face; prayed that she might be 

thankful enough; and never be unworthy of him。

Every one wanted to get rid of every one else except Mrs。 Edmonstone; 

for all but Charlotte guessed at the state of the case; and even she 

perceived that something was going on。  Lady Eveleen was in a state of 

great curiosity; but she had mercy; she knew that they must tell each 

other before it came to her turn; and very good…naturedly she invited 

Charlotte to come into the garden with her; and kept her out of the way 

by a full account of her last fancy ball; given with so much spirit and 

humour that Charlotte could not help attending。

Charles and Laura gained little by this kind manoeuvre; for their 

mother was gone up again to Amy; and they could only make a few 

conjectures。  Charles nursed his right hand; and asked Laura how hers 

felt?  She looked up from her work; to which she had begun to apply 

herself diligently; and gazed at him inquiringly; as if to see whether 

he intended anything。

'For my part;' he added; 'I certainly thought he meant to carry off the 

hands of some of the family。'

'I suppose we shall soon hear it explained;' said Laura; quietly。

'Soon!  If I had an many available 1egs as you; would I wait for other 

people's soon?'

'I should think she had rather be left to mamma;' said Laura; going on 

with her work。

'Then you do think there is something in it?' said Charles; peering up 

in her face; but he saw he was teasing her; recollected that she had 

long seemed out of spirits; and forbore to say any more。  He was; 

however; too impatient to remain longer quiet; and presently Laura saw 

him adjusting his crutches。

'O Charlie!  I am sure it will only be troublesome。'

'I am going to my own room;' said Charles; hopping off。  'I presume you 

don't wish to forbid that。'

His room had a door into the dressing…room; so that it was an excellent 

place for discovering all from which they did not wish to exclude him; 

and he did not believe he should be unwelcome; for though he might 

pretend it was all fun and curiosity; he heartily loved his little Amy。

The tap of his crutches; and the slow motion with which he raised 

himself from step to step; was heard; and Amy; who was leaning against 

her mother; started up; exclaiming

'0 mamma; here comes Charlie!  May I tell him?  I am sure I can't meet 

him without。'

'I suspect he has guessed it already;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; going to 

open the door; just as he reached the head of the stairs; and then 

leaving them。

'Well; Amy;' said he; looking full at her carnation cheeks; 'are you 

prepared to see me turn lead…coloured; and fall into convulsions; like 

the sister with the spine complaint?'

'0 Charlie!  You know it。  But how?'

Amy was helping him to the sofa; laid him down; and sat by him on the 

old footstool; he put his arm round her neck; and she rested her head 

on his shoulder。

'Well; Amy;' I give you joy; my small woman;' said he; talking the more 

nonsense because of the fullness in his throat; 'and I hope you give me 

credit for amazing self…denial in so doing。'

'0 Charliedear Charlie!' and she kissed him; she could not blush 

more; poor little thing; for she had already reached her utmost 

capability of redness'it is no such thing。'

'No such thing?  What has turned you into a turkey…cock all at once or 

what made him nearly squeeze off my unfortunate fingers?  No such 

thing; indeed!'

'I meanI mean; it is not _that_。  We are so very young; and I am so 


'Is that his reason?'

'You must make me so much better and wiser。  Oh; if I could but be good 


For that matter; I don't think any one else would be good enough to 

take care of such a silly little thing。  But what is the that; that it 

is; or is not?'

'Nothing now; only when we are older。  At least; you know papa has not 

heard it。'

'Provided my father gives his consent; as the Irish young lady added to 

all her responses through the marriage service。  But tell me allall 

you like; I meanfor you will have lovers' secrets now; Amy。'

Mrs。 Edmonstone had; meantime; gone down to Laura。  Poor Laura; as soon 

as her brother had left the room; she allowed the fixed composure of 

her face to relax into a restless; harassed; almost miserable 

expression; and walked up and down with agitated steps。

'0 wealth; wealth!'her lips formed the words; without uttering them

'what cruel differences it makes!  All smooth here!  Young; not to be 

trusted; with strange reserves; discreditable connections;that 

family;that fearful temper; showing itself even to her!  All will be 

overlooked!  Papa will be delighted; I know he will!  And how is it 

with us?  Proved; noble; superior; owned as such by all; as Philip is; 

yet; for that want of hateful money; he would be spurned。  And。 for 

thisfor thisthe love that has grown up with our lives must be 

crushed down and hiddenour life is wearing out in wearying self…


The lock of the door turned; and Laura had resumed her ordinary 

expression before it opened; and her mother came in: but there was 

anything but calmness beneath; for the pang of self…reproach had come

'Was it thus that she prepared to hear these tidings of her sister?'

'Well; Laura;' began Mrs。 Edmonstone; with the eager smile of one 

bringing delightful news; and sure of sympathy。

'It is so; then?' said Laura。 'Dear; dear; little Amy! I hope' and 

her eyes filled with tears; but she had learnt to dread any outbreak of 

feeling; conquered it in a minute; and said

'What has happened?  How does it stand?'

'It stands; at least as far as I can say without papa; as the dear Guy 

very rightly and wisely wished it to stand。  There is no positive 

engagement; they are both too young; but he thought it was not right to 

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