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the heir of redclyffe-第49部分

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engagement; they are both too young; but he thought it was not right to 

remain here without letting us know his sentiments towards her。'

A pang shot through Laura; but it was but for a moment。  Guy might 

doubt where Philip need never do so。  Her mother went on;

'Their frankness and confidence are most beautiful。  We know dear 

little Amy could not help it; but there was something very sweet; very 

noble; in his way of telling all。'

Another pang for Laura。  But no! it was only poverty that was to blame。  

Philip would speak as plainly if his prospects were as fair。

'Oh; I hope it will do well;' said she。

'It must;it will!' cried Mrs。 Edmonstone; giving way to her joyful 

enthusiasm of affection。  'It is nonsense to doubt; knowing him as we 

do。  There is not a man in the world with whom I could be so happy to 

trust her。'

Laura could not hear Guy set above all men in the world; and she 

remembered Philip's warning to her; two years ago。

'There is much that is very good and very delightful about him;' she 

said; hesitatingly。

'You are thinking of the Morville temper;' said her mother; 'but I am 

not afraid of it。  A naturally hot temper; controlled like his by 

strong religious principle; is far safer than a cool easy one; without 

the principle。'

Laura thought this going too far; but she felt some compensation due to 

Guy; and acknowledged how strongly he was actuated by principle。  

Howeverand it was well for herthey could not talk long; for Eveleen 

and Charlotte were approaching; and she hastily asked what was to be 

done about telling Eva; who could not fail to guess something。

'We must tell her; and make her promise absolute secrecy;' said Mrs。 

Edmonstone。  'I will speak to her myself; but I must wait till I have 

seen papa。  There is no doubt of what he will say; but we have been 

taking quite liberties enough in his absence。'

Laura did not see her sister till luncheon; when Amy came down; with a 

glow on her cheeks that made her so much prettier than usual; that 

Charles wished Guy could have seen her。  She said little; and ran up 

again as soon as she could。  Laura followed her; and the two sisters 

threw their arms fondly round each other; and kissed repeatedly。

'Mamma has told you? said Amy。  'Oh; it has made me so very happy; and 

every one is so kind。'

'Dear; dear Amy!'

'I'm only afraid'

'He has begun so well'

'Oh; nonsense!  You cannot think I could be so foolish as to be afraid 

for him!  Oh no!  But if he should take me for more than I am worth。  0 

Laura; Laura!  What shall I do to be as good and sensible as you!  I 

must not be silly little Amy any more。'

'Perhaps he likes you best as you are?'

'I don't mean cleverness: I can't help that;and he knows how stupid I 

am;but I am afraid he thinks there is more worth in me。  Don't you 

know; he has a sort of sunshine in his eyes and mind; that makes all he 

cares about seem to him brighter and better than it really is。  I am 

afraid he is only dressing me up with that sunshine。'

'It must be strange sunshine that you want to make you better and 

brighter than you are;' said Laura; kissing her。

'I'll tell you what it is;' said Amy folding her hands; and standing 

with her face raised; 'it won't do now; as you told me once; to have no 

bones in my character。  I must learn to be steady and strong; if I can; 

for if this is to be; he will depend on me;  I don't mean; to advise 

him; for he knows better than anybody; but to beyou know whatif 

vexation; or trouble was to come!  And Laura; think if he was to depend 

on me; and I was to fail!  Oh; do help me to have firmness and self…

command; like you!'

'It was a long time ago that we talked of your wanting bones。'

'Yes; before he came; but I never forget it。'

Laura was obliged to go out with Eveleen。  All went their different 

ways; and Amy had the garden to herself to cool her cheeks in。  But 

this was a vain operation; for a fresh access of burning was brought on 

while Laura was helping her to dress for dinner; when her father's 

quick step sounded in the passage。  He knocked at her door; and as she 

opened it; he kissed her on each cheek; and throwing his arm round her; 


'Well; Miss Amy; you have made a fine morning's work of it!  A pretty 

thing; for young ladies to be accepting offers while papa is out of the 

way。  Eh; Laura?'

Amy knew this was a manifestation of extreme delight; but it was not 

very pleasant to Laura。

'So you have made a conquest!' proceeded Mr。 Edmonstone; 'and I 

heartily wish you joy of it; my dear。  He is as amiable and good…

natured a youth as I would wish to see; and I should say the same if he 

had not a shilling in the world。'

Laura's heart bounded; but she knew; whatever her father might fancy; 

the reality would be very different if Guy were as poor as Philip。

'I shall write to him this very evening;' he continued; 'and tell him; 

if he has the bad taste to like such a silly little white thing; I am 

not the man to stand in his way。  Eh; Amy?  Shall I tell him so?'

'Tell him what you please; dear papa。'

'Eh?  What I please?  Suppose I say we can't spare our little one; and 

he may go about his business?'

'I'm not afraid of you; papa。'

'Come; she's a good little thingsha'n't be teased。  Eh; Laura? what 

do you think of it; our beauty; to see your younger sister impertinent 

enough to set up a lover; while your pink cheeks are left in the 


Laura not being wont to make playful repartees; her silence passed 

unnoticed。  Her feelings were mixed; but perhaps the predominant one 

was satisfaction that it was not for her pink cheeks that she was 


It had occurred to Mrs。 Edmonstone that it was a curious thing; after 

her attempt at scheming for Eveleen; to have to announce to her that 

Guy was attached to her own daughter; nay; after the willingness 

Eveleen had manifested to be gratified with any attention Guy showed 

her; it seemed doubtful for a moment whether the intelligence would be 

pleasing to her。  However; Eveleen was just the girl to like men better 

than women; and never to be so happy as when on the verge of flirting; 

it would probably have been the same with any other youth that came in 

her; way; and Guy might fully be acquitted of doing more than paying 

her the civilities which were requisite from him to any young lady 

visitor。  He had; two years ago; when a mere boy; idled; laughed; and 

made fun with her; but his fear of trifling away his time had made him 

draw back; before he had involved himself in what might have led to 

anything further; and during the present visit; no one could doubt that 

he was preoccupied with Amy。  At any rate; it was right that Eveleen 

should know the truth; in confidence; if only to prevent her from 

talking of any surmises she might have。

Mrs。 Edmonstone was set at ease in a moment。  Eveleen was enchanted; 

danced round and round the room; declared they would be the most 

charming couple in the world; she had seen it all along; she was so 

delighted they had come to an understanding at last; poor things; they 

were so miserable all last week; and she must take credit to herself 

for having done it all。  Was not her aunt very  much obliged to her?

'My dear Eva;' exclaimed  Mrs。 Edmonstone; into whose mind the notion 

never entered that any one could boast of such a proceeding as hers 

last night; but the truth was that Eveleen; feeling slightly culpable; 

was delighted that all had turned out so well; and resolved to carry it 

off with a high hand。

'To be sure!  Poor little Amy! when she looked ready to sink into the 

earth; she little knew her obligations to me!  Was not it the cleverest 

thing in the world?  It was just the touch they wantedthe very 


'My dear; I am glad I know that you are sometimes given to talking 

nonsense;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; laughing。

'And you won't believe me serious?  You won't be grateful to me for my 

lucky hit' said Eveleen; looking comically injured。  'Oh auntie; that 

is very hard; when I shall believe to my dying day that I did it!'

'Why; Eva; if I thought it had been done by design; I should find it 

very hard to forgive you for it at all; rather hard even to accept Guy; 

so you had better not try to disturb my belief that it was only that 

spirit of mischief that makes you now and then a little mad。'

'Oh dear! what a desperate scolding you must have given poor little 

Charlotte!' exclaimed Eveleen; quaintly。

Mrs。 Edmonstone could not help laughing as she confessed that she had 

altogether forgotten Charlotte。

'Then you will。  You'll go on forgetting her;' cried Eveleen。  'She 

only did what she was told; and did not know the malice of it。  There; 

you're relenting!  There's a good aunt!  And
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