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the heir of redclyffe-第5部分

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and mother entered; the former rubbing his hands; as he always did when 

much pleased; and sending his voice before him; as he exclaimed; 'Well; 

Charlie; well; young ladies; is not he a fine felloweh?'

'Rather under…sized;' said Charles。

'Eh?  He'll grow。  He is not eighteen; you know; plenty of time; a very 

good height; you can't expect every one to be as tall as Philip; but 

he's a capital fellow。  And how have you been?any pain?'

'Hemrather;' said Charles; shortly; for he hated answering kind 

inquiries; when out of humour。

'Ah; that's a pity; I was sorry not to find you in the drawing…room; 

but I thought you would have liked just to see him;' said Mr。 

Edmonstone; disappointed; and apologizing。

'I had rather have had some notice of your intention;' said Charles; 'I 

would have made myself fit to be seen。'

'I am sorry。  I thought you would have liked his coming;' said poor Mr。 

Edmonstone; only half conscious of his offence; 'but I see you are not 

well this evening。'

Worse and worse; for it was equivalent to openly telling Charles he was 

out of humour; and seeing; as he did; his mother's motive; he was still 

further annoyed when she hastily interposed a question about Sir Guy。

'You should only hear them talk about him at Redclyffe;' said Mr 

Edmonstone。  'No one was ever equal to him; according to them。  Every 

one said the sameclergyman; old Markham; all of them。  Such attention 

to his grandfather; such proper feeling; so good…natured; not a bit of 

prideit is my firm belief that he will make up for all his family 

before him。'

Charles set up his eyebrows sarcastically。

'How does he get on with Philip?' inquired Laura。

'Excellently。  Just what could be wished。  Philip is delighted with 

him; and I have been telling Guy all the way home what a capital friend 

he will be; and he is quite inclined to look up to him。'  Charles made 

an exaggerated gesture of astonishment; unseen by his father。  'I told 

him to bring his dog。  He would have left it; but they seemed so fond 

of each other; I thought it was a pity to part them; and that I could 

promise it should be welcome here; eh; mamma?'

'Certainly。  I am very glad you brought it。'

'We are to have his horse and man in a little while。  A beautiful 

chestnutanything to raise his spirits。  He is terribly cut up about 

his grandfather。

It was now time to go down to dinner; and after Charles had made faces 

of weariness and disgust at all the viands proposed to him by his 

mother; almost imploring him to like them; and had at last ungraciously 

given her leave to send what he could not quite say he disliked; he was 

left to carry on his teasing of Charlotte; and his grumbling over the 

dinner; for about the space of an hour; when Amabel came back to him; 

and Charlotte went down。

'Hum!' he exclaimed。  'Another swan of my father's。'

'Did not you like his looks?'

'I saw only an angular hobbetyhoy。'

'But every one at Redclyffe speaks so well of him。'

'As if the same things were not said of every heir to more acres than 

brains!  However; I could have swallowed everything but the disposition 

to adore Philip。  Either it was gammon on his part; or else the work of 

my father's imagination。' 

'For shame; Charlie。'

'Is it within the bounds of probability that he should be willing; at 

the bidding of his guardian; to adopt as Mentor his very correct and 

sententious cousin; a poor subaltern; and the next in the entail?  

Depend upon it; it is a fiction created either by papa's hopes or 

Philip's self…complacency; or else the unfortunate youth must have been 

brought very low by strait…lacing and milk…and…water。'

'Mr。 Thorndale is willing to look up to Philip;'

'I don't think the Thorndale swan veryvery much better than a tame 

goose;' said Charles; 'but the coalition is not so monstrous in his 

case; since Philip was a friend of his own picking and choosing; and so 

his father's adoption did not succeed in repelling him。  But that 

Morville should receive this 〃young man's companion;〃 on the word of a 

guardian whom he never set eyes on before; is too incredibleutterly 

mythical I assure you; Amy。  And how did you get on at dinner?'

'Oh; the dog is the most delightful creature I ever saw; so sensible 

and well…mannered。' 

'It was of the man that I asked。'

'He said hardly anything; and sometimes started if papa spoke to him 

suddenly。  He winced as if he could not bear to be called Sir Guy; so 

papa said we should call him only by his name; if he would do the same 

by us。  I am glad of it; for it seems more friendly; and I am sure he 

wants to be comforted。'

'Don't waste your compassion; my dear; few men need it less。  With his 

property; those moors to shoot over; his own master; and with health to 

enjoy it; there are plenty who would change with him for all your pity; 

my silly little Amy。' 

'Surely not; with that horrible ancestry。'

'All very well to plume oneself upon。  I rather covet that ghost 


'Well; if you watched his face; I think you would be sorry for him。'

'I am tired of the sound of his name。  One fifth of November is enough 

in the year。  Here; find something to read to me among that trumpery。'

Amy read till she was summoned to tea; when she found a conversation 

going on about Philip; on whose history Sir Guy did not seem fully 

informed。  Philip was the son of Archdeacon Morville; Mrs。 Edmonstone's 

brother; an admirable and superior man; who had been dead about five 

years。  He left three children; Margaret and Fanny; twenty…five and 

twenty…three years of age; and Philip; just seventeen。  The boy was at 

the head of his school; highly distinguished for application and good 

conduct; he had attained every honour there open to him; won golden 

opinions from all concerned with him; and made proof of talents which 

could not have failed to raise him to the highest university 

distinctions。  He was absent from home at the time of his father's 

death; which took place after so short an illness; that there had been 

no time to summon him back to Stylehurst。  Very little property was 

left to be divided among the three; and as soon as Philip perceived how 

small was the provision for his sisters; he gave up his hopes of 

university honours; and obtained a commission in the army。

On hearing this; Sir Guy started forward: 'Noble!' he cried; 'and yet 

what a pity!  If my grandfather had but known it'

'Ah! I was convinced of _that_;' broke in Mr。 Edmonstone; 'and so; I am 

sure; was Philip himself; but in fact he knew we should never have 

given our consent; so he acted quite by himself; wrote to Lord 

Thorndale; and never said a word; even to his sisters; till the thing 

was done。  I never was more surprised in my life。'

'One would almost envy him the opportunity of making such a sacrifice;' 

said Sir Guy; yet one must lament it。

'It was done in a hasty spirit of independence;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; 

'I believe if he had got a fellowship at Oxford; it would have answered 

much better。'

'And now that poor Fanny is dead; and Margaret married; there is all 

his expensive education thrown away; and all for nothing;' said Mr。 


'Ah;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; 'he planned for them to go on living at 

Stylehurst; so that it would still have been his home。  It is a great 

pity; for his talent is thrown away; and he is not fond of his 


'You must not suppose; though; that he is not a practical man;' said 

Mr。 Edmonstone; 'I had rather take his opinion than any one's; 

especially about a horse; and there is no end to what I hear about his 

good sense; and the use he is of to the other young men。'

'You should tell about Mr。 Thorndale; papa;' said Laura。

'Ah that is a feather in master Philip's cap; besides; he is your 

neighbourat least; his father is。'

'I suppose you know Lord Thorndale?' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; in 


'I have seen him once at the Quarter Sessions;' said Sir Guy; 'but he 

lives on the other side of Moorworth; and there was no visiting。'

'Well; this youth; James Thorndale; the second son; was Philip's fag。'

'Philip says he was always licking him!' interposed Charlotte。'

'He kept him out of some scrape or other; continued Mr。 Edmonstone。  

'Lord Thorndale was very much obliged to him; had him to stay at his 

house; took pretty much to him altogether。  It was through him that 

Philip applied for his commission; and he has put his son into the same 

regiment; on purpose to have him under Philip's eye。  There he is at 

Broadstone; as gentlemanlike a youth as I would wish to see。  We will 

have him to dinner some day; and Maurice tooeh; mamma?  Mauricehe 

is a young Irish cousin of my own; a capital fellow at the bottom; but 

a regular thoroughgoi
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