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the heir of redclyffe-第53部分

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early bloom; her height little less than that of her tall brother; and 

her manner and air had something very distinguished。  The first time 

Guy saw her; he was strongly reminded both of Philip and of Mrs。 

Edmonstone; but not pleasingly。  She seemed to be her aunt; without the 

softness and motherly affection; coupled with the touch of naivete that 

gave Mrs。 Edmonstone her freshness; and loveableness; and her likeness 

to her brother included that decided; self…reliant air; which became 

him well enough; but which did not sit as appropriately on a woman。

Guy soon discovered another resemblancefor the old; unaccountable 

impatience of Philip's conversation; and relief in escaping from it; 

haunted him before he had been a quarter of an hour in Mrs。 Henley's 

drawing…room。  She asked after the Hollywell party; she had not seen 

her cousins since her marriage; and happily for his feelings; passed 

over Laura and Amy as if they were nonentities; but they were all too 

near his heart for him to be able with patience to hear 'poor 

Charles's' temper regretted; and still less the half…sarcastic; half…

compassionate tone in which she implied that her aunt spoilt him 

dreadfully; and showed how cheap she hold both Mr。 and Mrs。 Edmonstone。

Two years ago; Guy could not have kept down his irritation; but now he 

was master of himself sufficiently to give a calm; courteous reply; so 

conveying his own respect for them; that Mrs。 Henley was almost 


Stylehurst had great interest for Guy; both for the sake of Archdeacon 

Morville's kindness; and as the home which Philip regarded with 

affection; that seemed the one softening touch in his character。  So 

Guy visited the handsome church; studied the grave…yard; and gathered 

the traditions of the place from the old sexton's wife; who rejoiced in 

finding an auditor for her long stories of the good Archdeacon; Miss 

Fanny; and Mr。 Philip。  She shook her head; saying times were changed; 

and 'Miss Morville that was; never came neist the place。'

The squire; Colonel Harewood; was an old friend of his grandfather's; 

and therefore was to be called on。  He had never been wise; and had 

been dissipated chiefly from vacancy of mind; he was now growing old; 

and led a quieter life; and though Guy did not find him a very 

entertaining companion; he accepted; his civilities; readily; for his 

grandfather's sake。  When his sons came home; Guy recognized in them 

the description of men he was wont to shun at Oxford; as much from 

distaste as from principle; but though he did not absolutely avoid 

them; he saw little of them; being very busy; and having pleasant 

companions in his fellow pupils。  It was a very merry party at South 

Moor; and Guy's high spirits made him the life of everything。

The first time Mr。 Wellwood went to call on his cousins at St。 

Mildred's; the daughters of that officer who had fallen by the hand of 

old Sir Guy; he began repeating; for the twentieth time; what an 

excellent fellow Morville was; then said he should not have troubled 

them with any of his pupils; but Morville would esteem their receiving 

him as an act of forgiveness; and besides; he wished them to know one 

whom he valued so highly。  Guy thus found himself admitted into an 

entirely new region。  There were two sisters; together in everything。  

Jane; the younger; was a kind…hearted; commonplace person; who would 

never have looked beyond the ordinary range of duties and charities; 

but Elizabeth was one of those who rise up; from time to time; as 

burning and shining lights。  It was not spending a quiet; easy life; 

making her charities secondary to her comforts; but devoting time; 

strength; and goods; not merely giving away what she could spare; but 

actually sharing all with the poor; reserving nothing for the future。  

She not only taught the young; and visited the distressed; but she 

gathered orphans into her house; and nursed the sick day and night。  

Neither the means nor the strength of the two sisters could ever have 

been supposed equal to what they were known to have achieved。  It 

seemed as if the power grew with the occasion; and as if they had some 

help which could not fail them。  Guy venerated them more and more; and 

many a long letter about them was written to Mrs。 Edmonstone for Amy to 

read。  There is certainly a 'tyrannous hate' in the world for unusual 

goodness; which is a rebuke to it; and there was a strong party against 

the sisters。  At the head of it was Mrs。 Henley; who had originally 

been displeased at their preferring the direction of the clergyman to 

that of the ladies' committee; though the secret cause of her dislike 

was; perhaps; that Elizabeth Wellwood was just what Margaret Morville 

might have been。  So she blamed them; not; indeed for their charity; 

but for slight peculiarities which might well have been lost in the 

brightness of the works of mercy。  She spoke as with her father's 

authority; though; if she had been differently disposed; she might have 

remembered that his system and principles were the same as theirs; and 

that; had he been alive; he would probably have fully approved of their 

proceedings。  Archdeacon Morville's name was of great weight; and 

justified many persons; in their own opinion; in the opposition made to 

Miss Wellwood; impeding her usefulness; and subjecting her to endless 

petty calumnies。

These made Guy very angry。  He knew enough of the Archdeacon through 

Mrs。 Edmonstone; and the opinions held by Philip; to think his daughter 

was ascribing to him what he had never held but; be that as it might; 

Guy could not bear to hear good evil spoken of; and his indignation was 

stirred as he heard these spiteful reports uttered by people who sat at 

home at ease; against one whose daily life was only too exalted for 

their imitation。  His brow contracted; his eye kindled; his lip was 

bitten; and now and then; when he trusted himself to reply; it was with 

a keen; sharp power of rebuke that made people look round; astonished 

to hear such forcible words from one so young。  Mrs。 Henley was afraid 

of him; without knowing it; she thought she was sparing the Morville 

temper when she avoided the subject; but as she stood in awe of no one 

else; except her brother; she disliked him accordingly。

One evening Guy had been dining at Dr。 Henley's; and was setting out; 

enjoying his escape from Mrs。 Henley and her friends; and rejoicing in 

the prospect of a five miles' walk over the hills by moonlight。  He had 

only gone the length of two streets; when he saw a dark figure at a 

little distance from him; and a voice which he had little expected to 

hear; called out;

'Sir Guy himself!  No one else could whistle that Swedish air so 


'My uncle!' exclaimed Guy。  'I did not know that you were here!'

Mr。 Dixon laughed; said something about a fortunate rencontre; and 

began an account about a concert somewhere or other; mixed up with 

something about his wife and child; all so rambling and confused; that 

Guy; beginning to suspect he had been drinking; was only anxious to get 

rid of him; asked where he lodged; and talked of coming to see him in 

the morning。  He soon found; however; that this had not been the case; 

at least not to any great extent。  Dixon was only nervous and excited; 

either about something he had done; or some request he had to make; and 

he went on walking by his nephew's side; talking in a strange; 

desultory way of open; generous…hearted fellows overlooking a little 

indiscretion; and of Guy's riches; which he seemed to think 


'If there is anything that you want me to do for you; tell me plainly 

what it is;' said Guy; at last。

Mr。 Dixon began to overwhelm him with thanks; but he cut them short。  

'I promise nothing。  Let me hear what you want; and I can judge whether 

I can do it。'

Sebastian broke out into exclamations at the words 'if I can;' as if he 

thought everything in the power of the heir of Redclyffe。

'Have I not told you;' said Guy; 'that for the present I have very 

little command of money?  Hush! no more of that;' he added; sternly; 

cutting off an imprecation which his uncle was commencing on those who 

kept him so short。

'And you are content to bear it?  Did you never hear of ways and means?  

If you were to say but one word of borrowing; they would go down on 

their knees to you; and offer you every farthing you have to keep you 

in their own hands。'

'I am quite satisfied;' said Guy; coldly。

'The greater fool are you!' was on Dixon's lips; but he did not utter 

it; because he wanted to propitiate him; and after some more 

circumlocution; Guy succeeded in discovering that he had been gambling; 

and had lost an amount which; unless he could obtain immediate 

assistance; would become known; and lead to the loss of his character 

and s
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