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the heir of redclyffe-第58部分

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'Eh?  Oh; ay; he says he can't tellbound in honour。'

'It is easy to write off…hand; and say I cannot satisfy you; I am bound 

in honour; but that is not what most persons would think a full 

justification; especially considering the terms on which you stand。'

'Why; yes; he might have said more。  It would have been safe enough 

with me。'

'It is his usual course of mystery; reserve; and defiance。'

'The fact is;' said Mr。 Edmonstone; turning away; 'that it is a very 

proper letter; right sense; proper feelingand if he never gamed in 

his life; what would you have more?'

'There are different ways of understanding such a denial as this;' said 

Philip。  'See; he says not in the way in which I suppose。'  He held up 

his hand authoritatively; as his aunt was about to interpose。  'It was 

against gaming that his vow was made。  I never thought he had played; 

but he never says he has not betted。'

'He would never be guilty of a subterfuge!' exclaimed Mr。 Edmonstone; 


'I should not have thought so; without the evidence of the payment of 

the cheque; my uncle had just given him; to this gambling fellow;' said 

Philip; 'yet it is only the natural consequence of the habit of eluding 

inquiry into his visits to London。'

'I can't see any reason for so harsh an accusation;' said she。

'I should hardly want more reason than his own words。  He refuses to 

answer the question on which my uncle's good opinion depends; he owns 

he has been to blame; and thus retracts his full denial。  In my 

opinion; his letter says nothing so plainly as; 〃While I can stand fair 

with you I do not wish to break with you。〃'

'He will not find that quite so easy。' cried Mr。 Edmonstone。  'I am no 

fool to be hoodwinked; especially where my little Amy is concerned。  

I'll see all plain and straight before he says another word of her。  

But you see what comes of their settling it while I was out of the 


Mrs; Edmonstone was grieved to see him so hurt at this。  It could not 

have been helped; and if all had been smooth; he never would have 

thought of it again; but it served to keep up his dignity in his own 

eyes; and; as he fancied; to defend him from Philip's censure; and he 

therefore made the most of it; which so pained her that she did not 

venture to continue her championship of Guy。

'Well; well;' said Mr。 Edmonstone; 'the question is what to do next

eh; Philip?'  I wish he would have spoken openly。  I hate mysteries。  

I'll write and tell him this won't do; he must be expliciteh; 


'We will talk it over by and by;' said Philip。

His aunt understood that it was to be in her absence; and left the 

room; fearing it would be impossible to prevent Amy from being 

distressed; though she had no doubt that Guy would be able to prove his 

innocence of the charges。  She found Amy waiting for her in her room。

'Don't; ring; mamma; dear。  I'll fasten your dress;' said she; then 

pausing'Oh! mamma; I don't know whether I ought to ask; but if you 

would only tell me if there is nothing gone wrong。'

'I don't believe there is anything really wrong; my dear;' said Mrs。 

Edmonstone; kissing her; as she saw how her colour first deepened and 

then faded。

'Oh! no;' said she。

'But there is some mystery about his money…matters; which has vexed 

your papa。'

'And what has Philip to do with it?'

'I cannot quite tell; my dear。  I believe Margaret Henley has heard 

something; but I do not know the whole。'

'Did you see his letter; mamma?  said Amy; in a low; trembling voice。

'Yes; it is just like himself; and absolutely denies the accusations。'

Amy did not say 'then they are false;' but she held up her head。

'Then papa is satisfied?' she said。

'I have no doubt all will be made clear in time;' said her mother; 'but 

there is still something unexplained; and I am afraid things may not go 

smoothly just now。  I am very sorry; my little Amy; that such a cloud 

should have come over you; she added; smoothing fondly the long; soft 

hair; sad at heart to see the cares and griefs of womanhood gathering 

over her child's bright; young life。

'I said I must learn to bear things!' murmured Amy to herself。  'Only;' 

and the tears filled her eyes; and she spoke with almost childish 

simplicity of manner; 'I can't bear them to vex him。  I wish Philip 

would let papa settle it alone。  Guy will be angry; and grieved 


They were interrupted by the dinner…bell; but Amy ran into her own room 

for one moment。

'I said I would learn to bear;' said she to herself; 'or I shall never 

be fit for him。  Yes; I will; even though it is the thinking he is 

unhappy。  He said I must be his Verena; I know what that means; I ought 

not to be uneasy; for he will bear it beautifully; and say he is glad 

of it afterwards。  And I will try not to seem cross to Philip。'

Mr。 Edmonstone was fidgety and ill at ease; found fault with the 

dinner; and was pettish with his wife。  Mrs。 Edmonstone set Philip off 

upon politics; which lasted till the ladies could escape into the 

drawing…room。  In another minute Philip brought in Charles; set him 

down; and departed。  Amy; who was standing by the window; resting her 

forehead against the glass; and gazing into the darkness; turned round 

hastily; and left the room; but in passing her brother; she put her 

hand into his; and received a kind pressure。  Her mother followed her; 

and the other three all began to wonder。  Charles said he had regularly 

been turned out of the dining…room by Philip; who announced that he 

wanted to speak to his uncle; and carried him off。

They conjectured; and were indignant at each other's conjectures; till 

their mother returned; and gave them as much information as she could; 

but this only made them very anxious。  Charles was certain that Mrs。 

Henley had laid a cockatrice egg; and Philip was hatching it; and Laura 

could not trust herself to defend Philip; lest she should do it too 

vehemently。  They could all agree in desire to know the truth; in hope 

that Guy was not culpable; and; above all; in feeling for Amy; but by 

tacit consent they were silent on the three shades of opinion in their 

minds。  Laura was confident that Philip was acting for the best; Mrs。 

Edmonstone thought he might be mistaken in his premises; but desirous 

of Guy's real good; and Charles; though sure he would allege nothing 

which he did not believe to be true; also thought him ready to draw the 

worst conclusions from small grounds; and to take pleasure in driving 

Mr。 Edmonstone to the most rigorous measures。

Philip; meanwhile; was trying to practise great moderation and 

forbearance; not bringing forward at first what was most likely to 

incense Mr。 Edmonstone; and without appearance of animosity in his 

cool; guarded speech。  There was no design in this; he meant only to be 

just; yet anything less cool would have had far less effect。

When he shut the dining…room door; he found his uncle wavering; touched 

by the sight of his little Amy; returning to his first favourable view 

of Guy's letter; ready to overlook everything; accept the 

justification; and receive his ward on the same footing as before; 

though he was at the same time ashamed that Philip should see him 

relent; and desirous of keeping up his character for firmness; little 

guessing how his nephew felt his power over him; and knew that he could 

wield him at will。

Perceiving and pitying his feebleness; and sincerely believing strong 

measures the only rescue for Amy; the only hope for Guy; Philip found 

himself obliged to work on him by the production of another letter from 

his sister。  He would rather; if possible; have kept this back; so much 

did his honourable feeling recoil from what had the air of slander and 

mischief…making; but he regarded firmness on his uncle's part as the 

only chance for Guy or for his cousin; and was resolved not to let him 

swerve from strict justice。

Mrs。 Henley had written immediately after Guy's outburst in her house; 

and; taking it for granted that her brother would receive a challenge; 

she wrote in the utmost alarm; urging him to remember how precious he 

was to her; and not to depart from his own principles。

'You would not be so mad as to fight him; eh?' said Mr。 Edmonstone; 

anxiously。 'You know betterbesides; for poor Amy's sake。'

'For the sake of right;' replied Philip; 'no。  I have reassured my 

sister。  I have told her that; let the boy do what he will; he shall 

never make me guilty of his death。'

'You have heard from him; then?'

'No; I suppose a night's reflection convinced him that he had no 

rational grounds for violent proceedings; and he had sense enough not 

to expose himself to such an answer as I should have given。  What 

caused his wrath to be directed 
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