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the heir of redclyffe-第6部分

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is a young Irish cousin of my own; a capital fellow at the bottom; but 

a regular thoroughgoing rattle。  That was my doing。  I told his father 

that he could not do better than put him into the …th。  Nothing like a 

steady friend and a good example; I said; and Kilcoran always takes my 

advice; and I don't think he has been sorry。  Maurice has kept much 

more out of scrapes of late。'

'0 papa;' exclaimed Charlotte; 'Maurice has been out riding on a hired 

horse; racing with Mr。 Gordon; and the horse tumbled down at the bottom 

of East…hill; and broke its knees。' 


'That's the way;' said Mr。 Edmonstone; 'the instant my back is turned。'

Thereupon the family fell into a discussion of home affairs; and 

thought little more of their silent guest。


The hues of bliss more brightly glow 

Chastised by sober tints of woe。GRAY

'What use shall I make of him?' said Charles to himself; as he studied 

Sir Guy Morville; who sat by the table; with a book in his hand。

He had the unformed look of a growing boy; and was so slender as to 

appear taller than he really was。  He had an air of great activity; and 

though he sat leaning back; there was no lounging in his attitude; and 

at the first summons he roused up with an air of alert attention that 

recalled to mind the eager head of a listening greyhound。  He had no 

pretension to be called handsome; his eyes were his best feature; they 

were very peculiar; of a light hazel; darker towards the outside of the 

iris; very brilliant; the whites tinted with blue; and the lashes 

uncommonly thick and black; the eyebrows were also very dark; and of a 

sharply…defined angular shape; but the hair was much lighter; loose; 

soft; and wavy; the natural fairness of the complexion was shown by the 

whiteness of the upper part of the forehead; though the rest of the 

face; as well as the small taper hands; were tanned by sunshine and 

sea…breezes; into a fresh; hardy brown; glowing with red on the cheeks。

'What use shall I make of him?' proceeded Charles's thoughts。  'He 

won't be worth his salt if he goes on in this way; he has got a graver 

specimen of literature there than I ever saw Philip himself read on a 

week…day; he has been puritanized till he is good for nothing; I'll 

trouble myself no more about him!'  He tried to read; but presently 

looked up again。  'Plague!  I can't keep my thoughts off him。  That 

sober look does not sit on that sun…burnt face as if it were native to 

it; those eyes don't look as if the Redclyffe spirit was extinguished。'


Mrs。 Edmonstone came in; and looking round; as if to find some 

occupation for her guest; at length devised setting him to play at 

chess with Charles。  Charles gave her an amiable look; expressing that 

neither liked it; but she was pretty well used to doing him good 

against his will; and trusted to its coming right in time。  Charles was 

a capital chess…player; and seldom found any one who could play well 

enough to afford him much real sport; but he found Sir Guy more nearly 

a match than often fell to his lot; it was a bold dashing game; that 

obliged him to be on his guard; and he was once so taken by surprise as 

to be absolutely check…mated。  His ill…humour evaporated; he was 

delighted to find an opponent worth playing with; and henceforth there 

were games almost every morning or evening; though Sir Guy seemed not 

to care much about them; except for the sake of pleasing him。

When left to himself; Guy spent his time in reading or in walking about 

the lanes alone。  He used to sit in the bay…window of the drawing…room 

with his book; but sometimes; when they least expected it; the girls 

would find his quick eyes following them with an air of amused 

curiosity; as Amabel waited on Charles and her flowers; or Laura drew; 

wrote letters; and strove to keep down the piles of books and 

periodicals under which it seemed as if her brother might some day be 

stifleda vain task; for he was sure to want immediately whatever she 

put out of his reach。

Laura and Amabel both played and sung; the former remarkably well; and 

the first time they had any music after the arrival of Sir Guy; his 

look of delighted attention struck everyone。  He ventured nearer; stood 

by the piano when they practised; and at last joined in with a few 

notes of so full and melodious a voice; that Laura turned round in 

surprise; exclaiming; 'You sing better I than any of us!'

He coloured。  'I beg your pardon;' he said; 'I could not help it; I 

know nothing of music。'

'Really!' said Laura; smiling incredulously。 

'I don't even know the notes。'

'Then you must have a very good ear。  Let us try again。' 

The sisters were again charmed and surprised; and Guy looked gratified; 

as people do at the discovery of a faculty which they are particularly 

glad to possess。  It was the first time he appeared to brighten; and 

Laura and her mother agreed that it would do him good to have plenty of 

music; and to try to train that fine voice。  He was beginning to 

interest them all greatly by his great helpfulness and kindness to 

Charles; as he learnt the sort of assistance he required; as well as by 

the silent grief that showed how much attached he must have been to his 


On the first Sunday; Mrs。 Edmonstone coming into the drawing…room at 

about half…past five; found him sitting alone by the fire; his dog 

lying at his feet。  As he started up; she asked if he had been here in 

the dark ever since church…time?

'I have not wanted light;' he answered with a sigh; long; deep; and 

irrepressible; and as she stirred the fire; the flame revealed to her 

the traces of tears。  She longed to comfort him; and said

'This Sunday twilight is a quiet time for thinking。'

'Yes;' he said; 'how few Sundays ago' and there he paused。 

'Ah! you had so little preparation。'

'None。  That very morning he had done business with Markham; and had 

never been more clear and collected。'

'Were you with him when he was taken ill?' asked Mrs。 Edmonstone; 

perceiving that it would be a relief to him to talk。 

'No; it was just before dinner。  I had been shooting; and went into the 

library to tell him where I had been。  He was well then; for he spoke; 

but it was getting dark; and I did not see his face。  I don't think I 

was ten minutes dressing; but when I came down; he had sunk back in his 

chair。  I saw it was not sleepI rangand when Arnaud came; we knew 

how it was。'  His; voice became low with strong emotion。'

'Did he recover his consciousness?' 

'Yes; that was _the_ comfort;' said Guy; eagerly。  'It was after he had 

been bled that he seemed to wake up。  He could not speak or move; but 

he looked at meorI don't know what I should have done。'  The last 

words were almost inaudible from the gush of tears that he vainly 

struggled to repress; and he was turning away to hide them; when he saw 

that Mrs。 Edmonstone's were flowing fast。

'You had great reason to be attached to him!' said she; as soon as she 

could speak。

'Indeed; indeed I had。'  And after a long silence 'He was everything 

to me; everything from the first hour I can recollect。  He never let me 

miss my parents。  How he attended to all my pleasures and wishes; how 

he watched and cared for me; and bore with me; even I can never know。'

He spoke in short half sentences of intense feeling; and Mrs。 

Edmonstone was much moved by such affection in one said to have been 

treated with an excess of strictness; much compassionating the lonely 

boy; who had lost every family tie in one。

'When the first pain of the sudden parting has passed;' said she; 'you 

will like to remember the affection which you knew how to value;'

'If I had but known!' said Guy; 'but there was I; hasty; reckless; 

disregarding his comfort; rebelling against0; what would I not give 

to have those restraints restored!'

'It is what we all feel in such losses;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone。  'There 

is always much to wish otherwise; but I am sure you can have the 

happiness of knowing you were his great comfort。'

'It was what I ought to have been。'

She knew that nothing could have been more filial and affectionate than 

his conduct; and tried to say something of the kind; but he would not 


'That is worst of all;' he said; 'and you must not trust what they say 

of me。  They would be sure to praise me; if I was anything short of a 


A silence ensued; while Mrs。 Edmonstone was trying to think of some 

consolation。  Suddenly Guy looked up; and spoke eagerly:…

'I want to ask somethinga great favourbut you make me venture。  You 

see how I am left aloneyou know how little I can trust myself。  Will 

you take me in handlet me talk to youand tell me if I am wrong; as 

freely as if I were Charles?  I know it is asking a gr
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