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the heir of redclyffe-第61部分

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to a fit of weeping; nor was it till this had spent itself that she 

could collect her thoughts。

She was sitting on the side of her bed trying to compose herself; when 

Laura; came in。

'My own Amymy poor; dearest;I am very sorry!'

'Thank you; dear Laura;' and Amy gladly rested her aching head on her 


'I wish I knew what to do for you!' proceeded Laura。  'You cannot; 

cease to think about him; and yet you ought。'

'If I ought; I suppose I can;' said Amy in a voice exhausted with 


'That's right; darling。  You will not be weak; and pine for one who is 

not worthy。'

'Not worthy; Laura?' said Amy; withdrawing her arm; and holding up her 


'Ah! my poor Amy; we thought'

'Yes; and it is so still。  I know it is so。  I know he did not do it。'

'Then what do you think of Margaret and Philip?'

'There is some mistake。'

And how can you defend what he said of papa?'

'I don't;' said Amy; hiding her face。  'That is the worst; but I am 

sure it was only a moment's passion; and that he must be very unhappy 

about it now。  I don't think papa would mind it; at least not long; if 

it was not for this other dreadful misapprehension。  0; Laura! why 

cannot something be done to clear it up?'

'Everything will be done;' said Laura。  Papa has written to Mr。 

Wellwood; and Philip means to go and make inquiries at Oxford and St。 


'When?' asked Amy。

'Not till term begins。  You know he is to have a fortnight's leave 

before the regiment goes to Ireland。'

'Oh; I hope it will come right then。  People must come to an 

understanding when they meet; it is so different from writing。'

'He will do everything to set things on a right footing。  You may be 

confident of that; Amy; for your sake as much as anything else。'

'I can't think why he should know I have anything to do with it;' said 

Amy; blushing。  'I had much rather he did not。'

'Surely; Amy; you think be can be trusted with your secret; and there 

is no one who can take more care for you。  You must look on him as one 

of ourselves。'

Amy made no answer; and Laura; was annoyed。

'You are vexed with him for having told this to papa; but that is not 

reasonable of you; Amy; your better sense must tell you that it is the 

only truly kind course; both towards Guy and yourself。'

It was said in Philip's manner; which perhaps made it harder to bear; 

and Amy could scarcely answer; 

'He means it for the best。'

'You would not have had him be silent?'

'I don't know;' said Amy; sadly。  'No; he should have done something; 

but he might have done it more kindly。'

Laura endeavoured to persuade her that nothing could have been more 

kind and judicious; and Amy sat dejectedly owning the good intention; 

and soothed by the affection of her family; with the bitter suffering 

of her heart unallayed; with all her fond tender feelings torn at the 

thought of what Guy must be enduring; and with the pain of knowing it 

was her father's work。  She had one comfort; in the certainty that Guy 

would bear it nobly。  She was happy to find her confidence confirmed by 

her mother and Charles; and one thing she thought she need not give up; 

though she might no longer think of him as her lover; she might be his 

Verena still; whether he knew it or not。  It could not be wrong to 

remember any one in her prayers; and to ask that he might not be led 

into temptation; but have strength to abide patiently。  That helped her 

to feel that he was in the hands of One to whom the secrets of all 

hearts are known; and a line of poetry seemed to be whispered in her 

ears; in his own sweet tones;

           Wait; and the cloud shall roll away。

So; after the first day; she went on pretty well。  She was indeed 

silent and grave; and no longer the sunbeam of Hollywell; but she took 

her share in what was passing; and a common observer would hardly have 

remarked the submissive melancholy of her manner。  Her father was very 

affectionate; and often called her his jewel of good girls; but he was 

too much afraid of women's tears to talk to her about Guy; he left that 

to her mother: and Mrs。 Edmonstone; having seen her submit to her 

father's will; was unwilling to say more。

She doubted whether it was judicious to encourage her in dwelling on 

Guy; for; even supposing his character clear; they had offended him 

deeply; and released him from any engagement to her; so that there was 

nothing to prevent him from forming an attachment elsewhere。  Mrs。 

Edmonstone did not think he would; but it was better to say nothing 

about him; lest she should not speak prudently; and only keep up the 

subject in Amy's mind。

Charles stormed and wrangled; told Mr。 Edmonstone 'he was breaking his 

daughter's heart; that was all;' and talked of unfairness and 

injustice; till Mr。 Edmonstone vowed it was beyond all bearing; that 

his own son should call him a tyrant; and accused Guy of destroying all 

peace in his family。

The replies to the letters came; some thought them satisfactory; and 

the others wondered that they thought so。  Mr。 Wellwood gave the 

highest character of his pupil; and could not imagine how any 

irregularities could be laid to his charge; but when asked in plain 

terms how he disposed of his time; could only answer in general; that 

he had friends and engagements of his own at St。 Mildred's and its 

neighbourhood; and had been several times at Mrs。 Henley's and at 

Colonel Harewood's。  The latter place; unfortunately; was the very 

object of Philip's suspicions; and thus the letter was anything but an 


Guy wrote to Charles in the fulness of his heart; expressing gratitude 

for his confidence and sympathy。  He again begged for the supposed 

evidence of his misconduct; declaring he could explain it; whatever it 

might be; and proceeded to utter deep regrets for his hasty 


'I do not know what I may have said;' he wrote; 'I have no doubt it was 

unpardonable; for I am sure my feelings were so; and that I deserve 

whatever I have brought on myself。  I can only submit to Mr。 

Edmonstone's sentence; and trust that time will bring to his knowledge 

that I am innocent of what I am accused of。  He has every right to be 

displeased with me。

Charles pronounced this to be only Guy's way of abusing himself; but 

his father saw in it a disguised admission of guilt。  It was thought; 

also; to be bad sign that Guy intended to remain at South Moor till the 

end of the vacation; though Charles argued that he must be somewhere; 

and if they wished to keep him out of mischief; why exile him from 

Hollywell!  He would hardly listen to his mother's representation; that 

on Amy's account it would not be right to have him there till the 

mystery was cleared up。

He tried to stir his father up to go and see Guy at St。 Mildred's; and 

investigate matters for himself; but; though Mr。 Edmonstone would have 

liked the appearance of being important; this failed; because Philip 

declared it to be unadvisable; knowing that it would be no 

investigation at all; and that his uncle would be talked over directly。  

Next; Charles would have persuaded Philip himself to go; but the 

arrangements about his leave did not make this convenient; and it was 

put off till he should pay his farewell visit to his sister; in 

October。  Lastly; Charles wrote to Mrs。 Henley; entreating her to give 

him some information about this mysterious evidence which was wanting; 

but her reply was a complete 'set down' for interference in a matter 

with which he had no concern。

He was very angry。  In fact; the post seldom came in without 

occasioning a fresh dispute; which only had the effect of keeping up 

the heat of Mr。 Edmonstone's displeasure; and making the whole house 


Fretfulness and ill…humour seemed to have taken possession of Charles 

and his father。  Such a state of things had not prevailed since Guy's 

arrival: Hollywell was hardly like the same house; Mrs。 Edmonstone and 

Laura could do nothing without being grumbled at or scolded by one or 

other of the gentlemen; even Amy now and then came in for a little 

petulance on her father's part; and Charles could not always forgive 

her for saying in her mournful; submissive tome;'It is of no use to 

talk about it!'


This just decree alone I know;

Man must be disciplined by woe;

To me; whate'er of good or ill

The future brings; since come it will;

I'll bow my spirit; and be still。

         AESCHYLUS; (Anstice's Translation。)

Guy; in the meantime; was enduring the storm in loneliness; for he was 

unwilling to explain the cause of his trouble to his companions。  The 

only occasion of the suspicions; which he could think of; was his 

request for the sum of money; and this 
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