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the heir of redclyffe-第64部分

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hurt by what has passed。'

'I knowI know;' said Guy; colouring deeply; and all irritation 

disappearing from voice and manner; 'I know there is no excuse for me。  

I can only repeat that I am heartily sorry for whatever I may have 

said; either of him or of you。'

'Of course;' returned Philip; 'I should never think of resenting what 

you may have said in a moment of irritation; especially as you express 

regret for it。  Consider it as entirely overlooked on my part。'

Guy was nearly choked in uttering a 'Thank you;' which did not sound; 

after all; much like acceptance of forgiveness。

'Now to the real matter at issue;' said Philip: 'the application for 

the money; which so amazed Mr。 Edmonstone。'

'I do not see that it is the point;' said Guy; 'I wanted it for a 

scheme of my own: he did not think fit to let me have it; so there is 

an end of the matter。'

'Mr Edmonstone does not think so。  He wishes to be convinced that you 

have not spent it beforehand。'

'What would you have beyond my word and honour that I have not?' 

exclaimed Guy。

Far be it from me to say that he doubts it;' said Philip; and as at 

those words the flash of the Morville eye darted lightning; he expected 

that the next moment; 'Do you?' would be thundered forth; and he could 

not; with truth; answer ' No;' but it was one of his maxims that a man 

need never be forced into an open quarrel; and he tranquilly continued…

…'but it is better not to depend entirely on assertion。  Why do you not 

bring him full proofs of your good intention; and thus restore yourself 

to his confidence?'

'I have said that I am bound not to mention the purpose。'

'Unfortunate!' said Philip; then; while Guy bit his lip till it bled; 

the pain really a relief; by giving some vent to his anger at the 

implied doubt; he went on;'If it is impossible to clear this up; the 

next advice I would give is; that you should show what your expenditure 

has been; lay your accounts before him; and let them justify you。'

Most people would have resented this as an impertinent proposal; were 

it only that doing so would have served to conceal the awkward fact 

that the accounts had not been kept at all。  Guy had never been taught 

to regard exactness in this respect as a duty; had no natural taste for 

precision; and did not feel responsible to any person; nor if he had 

kept any; could he have shown them; without exposing his uncle。  To 

refuse; would; however; be a subterfuge; and after a moment; he made an 

effort; and confessed he had none to show; though he knew Philip would 

despise him for it as a fool; and probably take it as positive evidence 

against him。

It would have been more bearable if Philip would but have said 'How 

foolish;' instead of drily repeating 'Unfortunate!'

After a pause; during which Guy was not sufficiently master of himself 

to speak; Philip added'Then this matter of the thousand pounds is to 

be passed over?  You have no explanation to offer?'

'No:' and again he paused。  'When my word is not accepted; I have no 

more to say。  But this is not the point。  What I would know is; what 

are the calumnies that accuse me of having gamed?  If you really wish 

to do me a service; you will give me an opportunity of answering these 

precious proofs。'

'I will' answered Philip; who could venture on doing so himself; 

though; for his sister's sake; it was unsafe to trust Mr。 Edmonstone; 

with whom what was not an absolute secret was not a secret at all。  'My 

uncle knows that a thirty pound cheque of his; in your name; was paid 

by you to a notorious gamester。'

Guy did not shrink; as he simply answered'It is true。'

'Yet you have neither played; nor betted; nor done anything that could 

come under the definition of gambling?'


'Then why this payment?'

'I cannot explain that。  I know appearances are against me;' replied 

Guy steadily; and with less irritation than he had hitherto shown。  I 

once thought my simple word would have sufficed; but; since it seems 

that will not do; I will not again make what you call assertions。'

'In fact; while you profess a desire to be open and sincere; a mystery 

appears at every turn。  What would you have us do?'

'As you think fit;' he answered proudly。

Philip had been used to feel men's wills and characters bend and give 

way beneath his superior force of mind。  They might; like Charles; 

chafe and rage; but his calmness always gave him the ascendant almost 

without exertion; and few people had ever come into contact with him 

without a certain submission of will or opinion。  With Guy alone it was 

not so; he had been sensible of it once or twice before; he had no 

mastery; and could no more bend that spirit than a bar of steel。  This 

he could not bear; for it obliged him to be continually making efforts 

to preserve his own sense of superiority。

'Since this is your ultimatum;' he said'since you deny your 

confidence; and refuse any reply to these charges; you have no right to 

complain of suspicion。  I shall do my best; both as your true friend; 

and as acting with your guardian's authority; to discover all that may 

lead to the elucidation of the mystery。  In the first place; I am 

desired to make every inquiry here as to your conduct and expenditure。  

I hope they will prove satisfactory。'

'I am very much obliged to you;' answered Guy; his voice stern and 

dignified; and the smile that curled his lip was like Philip's own。

Philip was positively annoyed; and desirous to say something to put him 

down; but he had not committed himself by any vehemence; and Philip was 

too cool and wise to compromise his own dignity; so he rose to go; 

saying; 'Good night!  I am sorry I cannot induce you to act in the only 

way that can right you。'

'Good night!' replied Guy; in the same dignified manner in which he had 

spoken ever since his passion had been surmounted。

They parted; each feeling that matters were just where they were 

before。  Philip went back to his inn; moralizing on the pride and 

perverseness which made it impossible to make any impression on a 

Redclyffe Morville; whom not even the fear of detection could lead to 


Next morning; while Philip was hastily breakfasting; the door opened; 

and Guy entered; pale and disturbed; as if he had been awake all night。

'Philip!' said he; in his frank; natural voice; 'I don't think we 

parted last night as your good intentions deserved。'

'0; ho!' thought Philip; 'the fear of an investigation has brought him 

to reason;' and he said; 'Well; I am very glad you see things in a 

truer light this morning;' then asked if he had breakfasted。  He had; 

and his cousin added;

'Have you anything to say on the matter we discussed last night?'

'No。  I can only repeat that I am not guilty; and wait for time to show 

my innocence。  I only came to see you once more; that I might feel we 

parted friends。'

'I shall always hope to be a true friend。'

'I did not come here for altercation;' said Guy (an answer rather to 

the spirit than the words); 'so I will say no more。  If you wish to see 

me again; you will find me in my rooms。  Good…bye。'

Philip was puzzled。  He wondered whether Guy had come wishing to 

propitiate him; but had found pride indomitable at the last moment; or 

whether he had been showing himself too severely just to admit 

entreaty。  He would be able to judge better after he had made his 

inquiries; and he proceeded with them at once。  He met with no such 

replies as he expected。  Every one spoke of Sir Guy Morville in high 

terms; as strict in his habits of application; and irreproachable in 

conduct。  He was generally liked; and some regret was expressed that he 

lived in so secluded a manner; forming so few intimacies; but no one 

seemed to think it possible that anything wrong could be imputed to 

him。  Philip could even perceive that there was some surprise that such 

inquiries should be made at all; especially by so young a man as 

himself。  Mr。 Wellwood; the person whom he most wished to see; was not 

at Oxford; but was at home preparing for his ordination。

Nor could Philip get nearer to the solution of the mystery when he went 

to the tradesmen; who were evidently as much surprised as the tutors; 

and said he always paid in ready money。  Captain Morville felt like a 

lawyer whose case is breaking down; no discoveries made; nothing done; 

but he was not one whit convinced of his cousin's innocence; thinking 

the college authorities blind and careless; and the tradesmen combined 

to conceal their extortions; or else that the mischief had been done at 

St。 Mildred's。  He was particularly provoked when he remembered Guy's 

invitation to him to come to his rooms; knowing; as he must have done; 

what would be the result of his inquiry。

Philip was consc
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