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the heir of redclyffe-第65部分

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invitation to him to come to his rooms; knowing; as he must have done; 

what would be the result of his inquiry。

Philip was conscious that it would have been kind to have gone to say 

that; so far; he had found nothing amiss; but he did not like giving 

Guy this passing triumph。  It made no difference in his real opinion; 

and why renew a useless discussion?  He persuaded himself that he had 

left himself no time; and should miss the train; and hastened off to 

the station; where he had to wait a quarter of an hour; consoling 

himself with reflecting

'After all; though I might have gone to him; it would have been 

useless。  He is obstinate; and occasions of irritating his unfortunate 

temper are above all to be avoided。'

One short year after; what would not Philip have given for that quarter 

of an hour!

By six o'clock he was at St。 Mildred's; greeted with delight by his 

sister; and with cordiality by Dr。 Henley。  They were both proud of 

him; and every tender feeling his sister had was for Philip; her pet; 

and her pupil in his childhood; and her most valued companion and 

counsellor through her early womanhood。

She had a picked dinner…party to meet him; for she knew the doctor's 

conversation was not exactly the thing to entertain him through a whole 

evening; and the guests might well think they had never seen a 

handsomer or more clever brother and sister than Mrs。 Henley and 

Captain Morville。  The old county families; if they did wonder at her 

marriage; were always glad to meet her brother; and it was a great 

pleasure to him to see old friends。

Only once did his sister; in the course of the evening; make him feel 

the difference of their sentiments; and that was about Miss Wellwood。  

Philip defended her warmly; and when he heard that there was a plan 

getting up for excluding her from the hospital; he expressed strong 

disapprobation at the time; and after the guests were gone; spoke upon 

the subject with his sister and her husband。  The doctor entered into 

no party questions; and had only been stirred up to the opposition by 

his wife; he owned that the Miss Wellwoods had done a great deal of 

good; and made the nurses do their duty better than he had ever known; 

and was quite ready to withdraw his opposition。  Mrs。 Henley argued 

about opinions; but Philip was a match for her in her own line; and the 

end of it was; that though she would not allow herself to be convinced; 

and shook her head at her brother's way of thinking; he knew he had 

prevailed; and that Miss Wellwood would be unmolested。

There was not another person in the world to whom Margaret would have 

yielded; and it served to restore him to the sense of universal 

dominion which had been a little shaken by his conversation with Guy。

'Sir Guy was a great deal with the Wellwoods;' said Mrs。 Henley。

'Was he; indeed?'

'0; you need not think of _that_。  It would be too absurd。  The 

youngest must be twice his age。'

'I was not thinking of any such thing;' said Philip; smiling; as he 

thought of the very different course Guy's affections had taken。

'I did hear he was to marry Lady Eveleen de Courcy。  Is there anything 

in that report?'

'No; certainly not。'

'I should pity the woman who married him; after the specimen I saw of 

his temper。'

'Poor boy!' said Philip。

'Lady Eveleen has been a great deal at Hollywell; has she not?  I 

rather wondered my aunt should like to have her there; considering all 


'What things; sister?'


'Considering what a catch he would be for one of the Edmonstone girls。'

'I thought you had just been pitying the woman who should marry him。  

Perhaps my aunt had Lady Eveleen there to act as a screen for her own 


'That our good…natured aunt should have acted with such ultra…

prudence!' said Margaret; laughing at his grave ironical tone。  'Lady 

Eveleen is very pretty; is she not?  A mere beauty; I believe?'

'Just so; she is much admired; but Guy is certainly not inclined to 

fall in love with her。'

'I should have thought him the very man to fall in love young; like his 

father。  Do you think there is any chance for either of the 

Edmonstones?  Laura's beauty he spoke of; but it was not in a very 

lover…like way。  Do you admire Laura so much?'

'She is very pretty。'

'And little Amy?'

'She is a mere child; and will hardly ever be anything more; but she is 

a very good little amiable thing。'

'I wish poor Charles's temper was improved。'

'So do I; but it is very far from improvement at present; in 

consequence of his zeal for Guy。  Guy has been very attentive and good 

natured to him; and has quite won his heart; so that I should 

positively honour him for his championship if it was not in great 

degree out of opposition to his father and myself。  To…morrow; 

Margaret; you must give me some guide to the most probable quarters for 

learning anything respecting this poor boy's follies。'

Mrs。 Henley did her best in that way; and Philip followed up his 

inquiries with great ardour; but still unsuccessfully。  Jack White; the 

hero of the draft; was not at St。 Mildred's; nor likely to be heard of 

again till the next races; and whether Sir Guy had been on the race…

ground at all was a doubtful point。  Next; Philip walked to Stylehurst; 

to call on Colonel Harewood; and see if he could learn anything in 

conversation with him; but the Colonel did not seem to know anything; 

and his sons were not at home。  Young Morville was; he thought; a 

spirited lad; very good natured; he had been out shooting once or twice 

with Tom; and had a very fine spaniel。  If he had been at the races; 

the Colonel did not know it; he had some thoughts of asking him to join 

their party; but had been prevented。

This was no reason; thought Philip; why Guy might not have been with 

Tom Harewood without the Colonel's knowledge。  Tom was just the man to 

lead him amongst those who were given to betting; he might have been 

drawn in; and; perhaps; he had given some pledge of payment when he was 

of age; or; possibly; obtained an immediate supply of money from the 

old steward at Redclyffe; who was devotedly attached to him。  If so; 

Philip trusted to be able to detect it from the accounts; on the other 

supposition; there was no hope of discovery。

The conversation with Colonel Harewood kept him so late that he had no 

time for going; as usual; to his old haunts; at Stylehurst; nor did he 

feel inclined just then to revive the saddening reflections they 

excited。  He spent the evening in talking over books with his sister; 

and the next day proceeded on his journey to Thorndale Park。

This was one of the places where he was always the most welcome; ever 

since he had been a school…boy; received in a way especially 

flattering; considering that the friendship was entirely owing to the 

uncompromising good sense and real kindness with which he had kept in 

order the follies of his former fag。

Charles might laugh; and call them the young man and young man's 

companion; and Guy more classically term them the pious Aeneas and his 

fidus Achates; but it was a friendship that did honour to both; and the 

value that the Thorndales set upon Captain Morville was not misplaced; 

and scarcely over…rated。  Not particularly clever themselves; they the 

more highly appreciated his endowments; and were proud that James had 

been able to make such a friend; for they knew; as well as the rest of 

the world; that Captain Morville was far from seeking the acquaintance 

for the sake of their situation in life; but that it was from real 

liking and esteem。  How far this esteem was gained by the deference the 

whole family paid to his opinion; was another question; at any rate; 

the courting was from them。

The Miss Thorndales deemed Captain Morville the supreme authority in 

drawing; literature; and ecclesiastical architecture; and whenever a 

person came in their way who was thought handsome; always pronounced 

that he was not by any means equal to James's friend。  Lady Thorndale 

delighted to talk over James with him; and thank him for his kindness; 

and Lord Thorndale; rather a pompous man himself; liked his somewhat 

stately manners; and talked politics with him; sincerely wishing he was 

his neighbour at Redclyffe; and calculating how much good he would do 

there。  Philip listened with interest to accounts of how the Thorndale 

and Morville influence had always divided the borough of Moorworth; 

and; if united; might dispose of it at will; and returned evasive 

answers to questions what the young heir of Redclyffe might be likely 

to do。

James Thorndale drove his friend to Redclyffe; as Philip had authority 

from Mr。 Edmonstone to transact any business that might be required 

with Markham; the steward; and; as has been said before; he ex
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