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the heir of redclyffe-第71部分

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the gig went with an echoing; thundering sound under the deep archway 

that led into the paved quadrangle; round which the house was built; 

that court where; as Philip had truly averred; the sun hardly ever 

shone; so high were the walls on each side。

Up the stone steps into the spacious dark hall; and into the large; 

gloomy library; partially lighted by a great wood fire; replying to 

Mrs。 Drew's questions about his dinner and his room; and asking Markham 

to stay and dine with him; Guy at length found himself at home; in the 

very room where he had spent every evening of his boyhood; with the 

same green leather arm…chair; in the very place where his grandfather 

used to sit。

Markham consented to dine with him; and the evening was spent in 

talking over the news of Redclyffe。  Markham spoke with much bitterness 

of the way in which Captain Morville had taken upon him; his looking 

into the accounts; though any one was welcome to examine them; was; he 

thought; scarcely becoming in so young a manthe heir…at…law; too。

'He can't help doing minutely whatever he undertakes;' said Guy。  If 

you had him here; you would never have to scold him like me。'

'Heaven forbid!' said Markham; hastily。  'I know the same place would 

not hold him and me long。'

'You have told me nothing of our new vicar。  How do you get on with 


'None the better for that same Captain Morville;' replied Markham; 

plunging forthwith into his list of grievances; respecting which he was 

waging a petty warfare; in the belief that he was standing up for his 

master's rights。

Mr。 Bernard; the former clergyman; had been a quiet; old…fashioned man; 

very kind…hearted; but not at all active; and things had gone on in a 

sleepy; droning; matter…of…fact way; which Markham being used to; 

thought exactly what ought to be。  Now; Mr。 Ashford was an energetic 

person; desirous to do his utmost for the parish; and whatever he did 

was an offence to Markham; from the daily service; to the objecting to 

the men going out fishing on Sunday。  He opposed every innovation with 

all his might; and Captain Morville's interference; which had borne 

Markham down with Mr。 Edmonstone's authority; had only made him more 

determined not to bate an inch。  He growled every time Guy was inclined 

to believe Mr。 Ashford in the right; and brought out some fresh 

complaint。  The grand controversy was at present about the school。  

There was a dame's school in the cove or fishing part of the parish; 

maintained at the expense of the estate; in a small cottage far from 

the church; and Mr。 and Mrs。 Ashford had fixed their eyes on a house in 

the village; and so near the church as to be very convenient for a 

Sunday School。  It only wanted to be floored; and to have a partition 

taken down; but to this Markham would not consent; treating it as a 

monstrous proposal to take away the school from old Jenny Robinson。

'I suppose Mr。 Ashford meant to pension her off?' said Guy。

'He did say something about it; but who is to do it; I should like to 


'We are; I suppose。'

'Pay two schoolmistresses mistresses at once!  One for doing nothing!  

A pretty tolerable proposal for Mr。 Ashford to be making?'

'I don't see why。  Of course it is my business!'

'Besides; I don't see that she is not as fit to keep school as ever she 


'That may well be;' said Guy; smiling。 'We never used to be noted for 

our learning。'

'Don't you be for bringing new lights into the parish; Sir Guy; or we 

shall never have any more peace。'

'I shall see about old Jenny;' answered Guy。  'As to the house; that 

must be done directly。  Her cottage is not fit to keep school in。'

Grunt; grunt; but though a very unbending viceroy; a must from the 

reigning baronet had a potent effect on Markham; whether it was for 

good or evil。  He might grumble; but he never disobeyed; and the boy he 

was used to scold and order had found that Morville intonation of the 

must; which took away all idea of resistance。  He still; however 


'As you please; Sir Guy; but we shall have the deer frightened; and the 

plantations cut to pieces; if the boys from the Cove are to be crossing 

the park。'

'I'll be answerable for all the damage。  If they are once properly 

spoken to; they will be on honour to behave well。  I have seen a little 

of what a village school ought to be at East…hill; and I should like to 

see Redclyffe like it。'

Grunt again; and Guy found that to make Markham amiable; he must 

inquire after all his nephews and nieces。

All the evening he had much to occupy him; and the dreaded sense of 

solitude and bereavement did not come on till he had parted with 

Markham; and stood alone before the fire in the large; gloomy room; 

where the light of the lamp seemed absorbed in the darkness of the 

distant corners; and where he had scarcely been since the moment when 

he found his grandfather senseless in that very chair。  How different 

had that room once been in his eyes; when his happy spirits defied 

every association of gloom; and the bookshelves; the carved chairs; the 

heavy dark…green curtains and deep windows were connected with merry 

freaks; earnest researches; delightful achievements or discoveries!  

How long ago that time seemed! and how changed was he!

There was a certain tendency to melancholy in Guy's mind。  High 

spirits; prosperity; and self…discipline; had kept it from developing 

itself until the beginning of his troubles; but since that time it had 

been gradually gaining ground; and this was a time of great suffering; 

as he stood alone in his forefathers' house; and felt himself; in his 

early youth; a doomed man; destined to bear the penalty of their crimes 

in the ruin of his dearest hopes; as if his heirloom of misery had but 

waited to seize on him till the very moment when it would give him the 

most to endure。

'But bear it; I must and will!' said he; lifting his head from the 

carved chimney…piece; where he had been resting it。  'I have been in 

will a murderer myself; and what right have I to repine like the 

Israelites; with their self…justifying proverb?  No; let me be thankful 

that I was not given up even then; but have been able to repent; and do 

a little better next time。  It will be a blessing as yet ungranted to 

any of us; if indeed I should bear to the full the doom of sorrow; so 

that it may be vouchsafed me only to avoid actual guilt。  Yes; Amy; 

your words are still with me〃Sintram conquered his doom;〃and it was 

by following death!  Welcome; then; whatever may be in store for me; 

were it even a long; cheerless life without you; Amy。  There is another 


With the energy of freshened resolution; he lighted his candle; and 

walked; with echoing steps; up the black oak staircase; along the broad 

gallery; up another flight; down another passage; to his own room。  He 

had expressly written 'his own room;' and confirmed it on his arrival; 

or Mrs。 Drew would have lodged him as she thought more suitably for the 

master of the house。  Nothing had been done to alter its old familiar 

aspect; except lighting a fire; which he had never seen there before。  

There were all his boyish treasures; his bows and arrows; his 

collection of birds' wings; his wonderful weapons and contrivances; 

from his fire…balloon down to the wren's…egg; all just as he left them; 

their good condition attesting the care that Mrs。 Drew had taken for 

his sake。

He renewed his acquaintance with them with a sort of regretful 

affection and superiority; but there was a refreshment in these old 

memories which aided the new feeling of life imparted to him by his 

resolution to bear。  Nor had he only to bear; he had also to do; and 

before the late hour at which he fell asleep; he had made up his mind 

what was the first step to be taken about Coombe Priory; and had 

remembered with rejoicing that whereas he had regretted leaving the 

chapel at college which had so comforted and helped him; there was now 

daily service at Redclyffe Church。  The last thing in his mind; before 

reflection was lost in sleep; was this stanza

Gales from Heaven; if so He will;

Sweeter melodies may wake

On the lowly mountain rill

Than the meeting waters make。

Who hath the Father and the Son;

May be left; but not alone。


And when the solemn deep church…bell

Entreats the soul to pray;

The midnight phantoms feel the spell;

The shadows sweep away。

Down the broad Vale of Tears afar;

The spectral camp is fled;

Faith shineth as a morning star;

Our ghastly fears are dead。LONGFELLOW

Mr。 Ashford was a connection of Lady Thorndale's; and it was about a 

year since the living of Redclyffe had been presented to him。  Mr。 and 

Mrs。 Ashford were of course anxious to learn all they could
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