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the heir of redclyffe-第77部分

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into it a coil of rope; and called out in his clear commanding voice

'Five to go with me!'

Hanging back was at an end。  They were brave men; who had wanted 

nothing but a leader; and with Sir Guy at their head; were ready for 

anything。  Not five; but five…and…twenty were at his command; and even 

in the hurry of the moment; a strong; affectionate feeling filled his 

eyes with tears as he saw these poor fellows ready to trust their lives 

in his hands。

'Thank youthank you!' he exclaimed。  'Not all; though; you; Ben 

Robinson; Harry Ray; Charles Ray; Ben Ledbury; Wat Green。'

They were all young men; without families; such as could best be 

spared; and each; as his name was called; answered; 'Here; Sir Guy!' 

and came forward with a resolute satisfied air。

'It would be best to have a second boat;' said Guy。  'Mr。 Brown;' to 

the owner of the telescope; 'will you lend yours? 'tis the strongest 

and lightest。  Thank you。  Martin had best steer it; he knows the 

rocks;' and he went on to name the rest of the crew; but at the last 

there was a moment's pause; as if he doubted。

A tall athletic young fisherman took advantage of it to press forward。

'Please your honour; Sir Guy; may not I go?'

'Better not; Jem;' answered Guy。  'Remember;' in a lower voice; 'your 

mother has no one but you。  Here!' he called; cheerfully; 'Jack Horn; 

you pull a good oar!  Now; then; are we ready?'

'All ready;yes; sir!'

The boat was launched; not without great difficulty; in the face of 

such a sea。  The men stoutly took their oars; casting a look forward at 

the rocks; then at the quay; and on the face of their young steersman。  

Little they guessed the intense emotion that swelled in his breast as 

he took the helm; to save life or to lose it; enjoying the enterprise; 

yet with the thought that his lot might be early death; glad it was 

right thus to venture; earnest to save those who had freely trusted to 

him; and rapidly; though most earnestly; recalling his own repentance。  

All this was in his mind; though nothing was on his face but cheerful 


Night though it was; tidings of the wreck had reached the upper part of 

the village; and Mr。 Ashford; putting his head out of his window to 

learn the cause of the sounds in the street; was informed by many 

voices that a ship was on the Shag reef; and that all were lost。  To 

hasten to the Cove to learn the truth; and see if any assistance could 

yet be afforded; was his instant thought; and he had not taken many 

steps before he was overtaken by a square; sturdy figure; wrapped in an 

immense great…coat。

'So; Mr。 Markham; you are on your way to see about this wreck。'

'Why; ay;' said Markham; roughly; though not with the repellent manner 

usual with him towards Mr。 Ashford; 'I must be there; or that boy will 

be in the thickest of it。  Wherever is mischief; there is he。  I only 

wonder he has not broken his neck long ago。'

'By mischief; you mean danger?'

'Yes。  I hope he has not heard of this wreck; for if he has; no power 

on earth would keep him back from it。'

Comparing the reports they had heard; the clergyman and steward walked 

on; Markham's anxiety actually making him friendly。  They reached the 

top of the steep street of the Cove; but though there was a good view 

of the sea from thence; they could distinguish nothing; for another 

cloud was rising; and had obscured the moon。  They were soon on the 

quay; now still more crowded; and heard the exclamations of those who 

were striving to keep their eyes on the boats。

'There's one!'  'No!'  'Yes; 'tis!'  'That's Sir Guy's!'

'Sir Guy!' exclaimed Markham。  'You don't mean he is gone?  Then I am 

too late!  What could you be thinking of; you old fool; Jonas; to let 

that boy go?  You'll never see him again; I can tell you。  Mercy!  Here 

comes another squall!  There's an end of it; then!'

Markham seemed to derive some relief from railing at the fishermen; 

singly and collectively; while Mr。 Ashford tried to learn the real 

facts; and gather opinions as to the chance of safety。  The old 

fishermen held that there was frightful risk; though the attempt was 

far from hopeless; they said the young men were all good at their oars; 

Sir Guy knew the rocks very well; and the chief fear was; that he might 

not know how to steer in such a sea; but they had seen that; though 

daring; he was not rash。  They listened submissively to Mr。 Markham; 

but communicated in an under…tone to the vicar; how vain it would have 

been to attempt to restrain Sir Guy。

'Why; sir;' said old James Robinson; 'he spoke just like the captain of 

a man…of…war; and for all Mr。 Markham says; I don't believe he'd have 

been able to gainsay him。'

'Your son is gone with him?'

'Ay; sir; and I would not say one word to stop him。  I know Sir Guy 

won't run him into risk for nothing; and I hope; please God; if Ben 

comes back safe; it may be the steadying of him。'

''Twas he that volunteered to go before Sir Guy came; they say?'

'Yes; sir;' said the old man; with a pleased yet melancholy look。  

'Ben's brave enough; but there's the difference。  He'd have done it for 

the lark; and to dare the rest; but Sir Guy does it with thought; and 

because it is right。  I wish it may be the steadying of Ben!'

The shower rushed over them again; shorter and less violent than the 

former one; but driving in most of the crowd; and only leaving on the 

quay the vicar; the steward; and a few of the most anxious fishermen。  

They could see nothing; for the dark slanting line of rain swept over 

the waves; joining together the sea and thick low cloud; and the 

roaring of the sea and moaning of the wind were fearful。  No one spoke; 

till at last the black edges of the Shag loomed clearer; the moon began 

to glance through the skirts of the cloud; and the heaving and tossing 

of the sea; became more discernible。

'There!there!' shouted young Jem; the widow's son。

'The boats?'


'Where?where?for heaven's sake!  That's nothing!' cried Markham。

'Yesyes!  I see both;' said Jem。  'The glass!  Where's Mr; Brown's 


Markham was trying to fix his own; but neither hand nor eye were steady 

enough; he muttered;'Hang the glass!' and paced up and down in 

uncontrollable anxiety。  Mr。 Ashford turned with him; trying to speak 

consolingly; and entirely liking the old man。  Markham was not 

ungrateful; but he was almost in despair。

'It is the same over again!' said he。  'He is the age his father was; 

though Mr。 Morville never was such as heneverhow should he?  He is 

the last of themthe besthe would have beenhe was。  Would to 

heaven I were with him; that; if he is lost; we might all go together。'

'There; sir;' called Jem; who; being forbidden to do anything but 

watch; did so earnestly; 'they be as far now as opposite West Cove。  

Don't you see them; in that light place?'

The moon had by this time gone down; but the first great light of dawn 

was beginning to fall on the tall Shag; and show its fissures and dark 

shades; instead of leaving it one hard; unbroken mass。  Now and then 

Jem thought he saw the boats; but never so distinctly as to convince 

the watchers that they had not been swamped among the huge waves that 

tumbled and foamed in that dangerous tract。

Mr。 Ashford had borrowed Markham's telescope; and was looking towards 

the rock; where the shipwrecked crew had taken refuge。

'There is some one out of the boat; climbing on the rocks。  Can you 

make him out; Jem?'

'I seeI see;' said Mr。 Brown; 'there are two of them。  They are 

climbing along the lee…side of the long ridge of rocks。'

'Ay; ay;' said old Ledbury; 'they can't get in a boat close to the flat 

rocks; they must take out a line。  Bold fellows!'

'Where are the boats?' asked Mr。 Ashford。

'I can tell that;' said Ledbury; 'they must have got under the lee of 

the lesser Shag。  There's a ring there that Sir Guy had put in to moor 

his boat to。  They'll be made fast there; and those two must be taking 

the rope along that ledge; so as for the poor fellows on the rock to 

have a hold of; as they creep along to where the boats are。'

'Those broken rocks!' said Mr。 Ashford。  'Can there be a footing; and 

in such a sea?'

'Can you give a guess who they be; sir?' asked Robinson; earnestly。  

'If you'd only let Jem have a look; maybe he could guess。'

Markham's glass was at his service。

'Hullo! what a sea!  I see them now。  That's Ben going lastI know his 

red cap。  And the firstwhy; 'tis Sir Guy himself!'

'Don't be such a fool; Jem' cried Markham; angrily。  'Sir Guy knows 

better。  Give me the glass。'

But when it was restored; Markham went on spying in silence; while 

Brown; keeping fast possession of his own telescope; communicated his 


'Ay; I see
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