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the heir of redclyffe-第87部分

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'Yes; so Charlie told me; and that is the reason I wanted you to know。'

'Then; Amy; something of this had begun last summer?'

'Yes; but not as it is now。  I did not half know what it was then。'

'Poor dear little Amy;' said Mary; 'what a very sad winter it must have 

been for you!'

'Oh; very!' said Amy; 'but it was worse for him; because he was quite 

alone; and here every one was so kind to me。  Mamma and Laura; and poor 

Charlie; through all his illness and pain; he was so very kind。  And do 

you know; Mary; now it is all over; I am very glad of this dismal time; 

for I think that it has taught me how to bear things better。'

She looked very happy。  Yet it struck Mary that it was strange to hear 

that the first thought of a newly…betrothed maiden was how to brace 

herself in endurance。  She wondered; however; whether it was not a more 

truly happy and safe frame than that of most girls; looking forward to 

a life of unclouded happiness; such as could never be realized。  At 

least; so it struck Mary; though she owned to herself that her 

experience of lovers was limited。

Mary walked with Amy almost to the borders of Hollywell garden; and 

when the rest came up with them; though no word passed; there was a 

great deal of congratulation in her warm shake of Guy's hand; and no 

lack of reply in his proud smile and reddening cheek。  Charlotte could 

not help turning and going back with her a little way; to say; 'Are not 

you delighted; Mary?  Is not Amy the dearest thing in the world?  And 

you don't know; for it is a secret; and I know it; how very noble Guy 

has been; while they would suspect him。'

'I am very; very glad; indeed!  It is everything delightful。'

'I never was so happy in my life;' said Charlotte; 'nor Charlie; 

either。  Only think of having Guy for our brother; and he is going to 

send for Bustle to…morrow。'

Mary laughed; and parted with Charlotte; speculating on the cause of 

Laura's graver looks。  Were they caused by the fear of losing her 

sister; or by a want of confidence in Guy?

That evening; how happy was the party at Hollywell; when Charles put 

Guy through a cross…examination on the shipwreck; from the first puff 

of wind to the last drop of rain; and Guy submitted very patiently; 

since he was allowed the solace of praising his Redclyffe fishermen。

Indeed; this time was full of tranquil; serene happiness。  It was like 

the lovely weather only to be met with in the spring; and then but 

rarely; when the sky is cloudless; and intensely blue;the sunshine 

one glow of clearness without burning;not a breath of wind checks the 

silent growth of the expanding buds of light exquisite green。  Such 

days as these shone on Guy and Amabel; looking little to the future; or 

if they did so at all; with a grave; peaceful awe; reposing in the 

present; and resuming old habits;singing; reading; gardening; walking 

as of old; and that intercourse with each other that was so much more 

than ever before。

It was more; but it was not quite the same; for Guy was a very 

chivalrous lover; the polish and courtesy that sat so well on his 

frank; truthful manners; were even more remarkable in his courtship。  

His ways with Amy had less of easy familiarity than in the time of 

their brother…and…sister…like intimacy; so that a stranger might have 

imagined her wooed; not won。  It was as if he hardly dared to believe 

that she could really be his own; and treated her with a sort of 

reverential love and gentleness; while she looked up to him with ever…

increasing honour。  She was better able to understand him now than in 

her more childish days last summer; and she did not merely see; as 

before; that she was looking at the upper surface of a mystery。  He 

had; at the same time; grown in character; his excitability and over…

sensitiveness seemed to have been smoothed away; and to have given 

place to a calmness of tone; that was by no means impassibility。

When alone with Amy; he was generally very grave; often silent and 

meditative; or else their talk was deep and serious; and even with the 

family he was less merry and more thoughtful than of old; though very 

bright and animated; and showing full; free affection to them all; as 

entirely accepted and owned as one of them。

So; indeed; he was。  Mr。 Edmonstone; with his intense delight in 

lovers; patronized them; and made commonplace jokes; which they soon 

learnt to bear without much discomposure。  Mrs。 Edmonstone was all that 

her constant appellation of 'mamma' betokened; delighting in Guy's 

having learnt to call her so。  Charles enjoyed the restoration of his 

friend; the sight of Amy's happiness; and the victory over Philip; and 

was growing better every day。  Charlotte was supremely happy; watching 

the first love affair ever conducted in her sight; and little less so 

in the return of Bustle; who resumed his old habits as regularly as if 

he had only left Hollywell yesterday。

Laura alone was unhappy。  She did not understand her own feelings; but 

sad at heart she was; with only one who could sympathize with her; and 

he far away; and the current of feeling setting against him。  She could 

not conceal her depression; and was obliged to allow it to be 

attributed to the grief that one sister must feel in parting with 

another; and as her compassion for her little Amy; coupled with her 

dread of her latent jealousy; made her particularly tender and 

affectionate; it gave even more probability to the supposition。  This 

made Guy; who felt as if he was committing a robbery on them all; 

particularly kind to her; as if he wished to atone for the injury of 

taking away her sister; and his kindness gave her additional pain at 

entertaining such hard thoughts of him。

How false she felt when she was pitied! and how she hated the 

congratulations; of which she had the full share!  She thought; 

however; that she should be able to rejoice when she had heard Philip's 

opinion; and how delightful it would be for him to declare himself 

satisfied with Guy's exculpation。


I forgave thee all the blame;

I could not forgive the praise。TENNYSON

'If ever there was a meddlesome coxcomb on this earth!'  Such was the 

exclamation that greeted the ears of Guy as he supported Charles into 

the breakfast…room; and; at the same time; Mr。 Edmonstone tossed a 

letter into Guy's plate; saying;

'There's something for you to read。'

Guy began; his lips were tightly pressed together; his brows made one 

black line across his forehead; and his eye sparkled even through his 

bent…down eyelashes; but this lasted only a few moments; the forehead 

smoothed; again; and there was a kind of deliberate restraint and force 

upon himself; which had so much power; that no one spoke till he had 

finished; folded it up with a sort of extra care; and returned it; only 


'You should not show one such letters; Mr。 Edmonstone。'

'Does not it beat everything?' cried Mr。 Edmonstone。  'If that is not 

impertinence; I should like to know what is!  But he has played my Lord 

Paramount rather too long; as I can tell him!  I ask his consent; 

forsooth!  Probation; indeed!  You might marry her to…morrow; and 

welcome。  There; give it to mamma。  See if she does not say the same。  

Mere spite and malice all along。'

Poor Laura! would no one refute such cruel injustice? Yes; Guy spoke; 


'No no; that it never was。  He was quite right under his belief。'

'Don't tell me!  Not a word in his favour will I hear!' stormed on Mr。 

Edmonstone。  'Mere envy and ill…will。'

'I always told him so;' said Charles。 'Pure malignity!'

'Nonsense; Charlie!' said Guy; sharply; 'there is no such thing about 


'Come; Guy; I can't stand this;' said Mr。 Edmonstone。  'I won't have 

him defended; I never thought to be so deceived; but you all worshipped 

the boy as if every word that came out of his mouth was Gospel truth; 

and you've set him up till he would not condescend to take an advice of 

his own father; who little thought what an upstart sprig he was 

rearing; but I tell him he has come to the wrong shop for domineering

eh; mamma?'

'Well!' cried Mrs。 Edmonstone; who had read till near the end with 

tolerable equanimity; this really is too bad!'

'Mamma and all!' thought poor Laura; while her mother continued;'It 

is wilful prejudice; to say the least;I never could have believed him 

capable of it!'

Charles next had the letter; and was commenting on it in a style of 

mingled sarcasm and fury; while Laura longed to see it justify itself; 

as she was sure it would。

'Read it; all of youevery bit;' said Mr。 Edmonstone; 'that you may 

see this paragon of yours!'

'I had rather not;' said Amy; shrinking as it came towards her。

'I should like you to do so; if you don't dislik
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