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the heir of redclyffe-第96部分

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no one was in hearing; and kneeling down to bring her face on a level 

with her brother's whispered'Charlie; Eva won't believe but that Guy 

and Amy kept up some intercourse last winter。'

'I can't help it; Charlotte。'

'When I tell her they did not; she only laughs at me。  Do tell her they 

did not。'

'I have too much self…respect to lay myself open to ridicule。'

'Charlie; you don't think it possible yourself?' exclaimed Charlotte; 

in consternation。

'Possibleno indeed。'

'She _will_ say it is not wrong; and that I know nothing of lovers。'

'You should have told her that ours are not commonplace lovers; but far 

beyond her small experience。'

'I wish I had!  Tell her so; Charlie; she will believe you。'

'I sha'n't say one word about it。'

'Why not?'

'Because she is not worthy。  If she can't appreciate them; I would let 

her alone。  I once thought better of Eva; but it is very bad company 

she keeps when she is not here。'

Charles; however; was not sorry when Eveleen came to sit by him; for a 

bantering conversation with her was the occupation of which he was moat 

capable。  Amy; returning; came and sat in her old place beside him; 

with her hand in his; and her quiet eyes fixed on the ground。

The last evening for many weeks that she would thus sit with him;the 

last that she would ever be a part of his home。  She had already ceased 

to belong entirely to him; she who had always been the most precious to 

him; except his mother。

Only his mother could have been a greater loss;he could not dwell on 

the anticipation; and still holding her hand; he roused himself to 

listen; and answer gaily to Eveleen's description of the tutor; Mr。 

Fielder; 'a thorough gentleman; very clever and agreeable; who had read 

all the books in the world; the ugliest; yes; without exaggeration; the 

most quaintly ugly man living;little; and looking just as if he was 

made of gutta percha; Eveleen said; 'always moving by jerks;so 

Maurice advised the boys not to put him near the fire; lest he should 


'Only when he gives them some formidable lesson; and they want to melt 

his heart;' said Charles; talking at random; in hopes of saying 

something laughable。

'Then his eyes'tis not exactly a squint; but a cast there is; and one 

set of eyelashes are black and the other light; and that gives him just 

the air of a little frightful terrier of Maurice's named Venus; with a 

black spot over one eye。  The boys never call him anything but Venus。'

'And you encourage them in respect for their tutor?'

'Oh; he holds his own at lessons; I trow; but he pretends to have such 

a horror of us wild Irish; and to wonder not to find us eating potatoes 

with our fingers; and that I don't wear a petticoat over my head 

instead of a bonnet; in what he calls the classical Carthaginian Celto…

Hibernian fashion。'

'Dear me;' said Charlotte; 'no wonder Philip recommended him。'

'0; I assure you he has the gift; no one else but Captain Morville 

talks near as well。'

So talked on Eveleen; and Charles answered her as much in her own 

fashion as he could; and when at last the evening came to an end; every 

one felt relieved。

Laura lingered long in Amy's room; perceiving that hitherto she had 

known only half the value of her sister her sweet sister。  It would be 

worse than ever now; when left with the others; all so much less 

sympathizing; all saying sharp things of Philip; none to cling to her 

with those winsome ways that had been unnoted till the time when they 

were no more to console her; and she felt them to have been the only 

charm that had softened her late dreary desolation。

So full was her heart; that she must have told Amy all her grief but 

for the part that Philip had acted towards Guy; and her doubts of Guy 

would not allow her the consolation of dwelling on Amy's happiness; 

which cheered the rest。  She could only hang about her in speechless 

grief; and caress her fondly; while Amy cried; and tried to comfort 

her; till her mother came to wish her good night。

Mrs。 Edmonstone did not stay long; because she wished Amy; if possible 

to rest。

'Mamma' said Amy; as she received her last kiss; 'I can't think why I 

am not more unhappy。'

'It is all as it should be;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone。

Amabel slept; and awakened to the knowledge that it was her wedding…

day。  She was not to appear at the first breakfast; but she came to 

meet Charles in the dressing…room; and as they sat together on the 

sofa; where she had watched and amused so many of his hours of 

helplessness; he clasped round her arm his gift;a bracelet of his 

mother's hair。  His fingers trembled and his eyes were hazy; but he 

would not let her help him。  Her thanks were obliged to be all kisses; 

no words would come but 'Charlie; Charlie! how could I ever have 

promised to leave you?'

'Nonsense! who ever dreamt that my sisters were to be three monkeys 

tied to a dog?'

It was impossible not to smile; though it was but for a moment;

Charles's mirth was melancholy。

'And; dear Charlie; you will not miss me so very much; do pray let 

Charlotte wait upon you。'

'After the first; perhaps; I may not hate her。  Oh; Amy; I little knew 

what I was doing when I tried to get him back again for you。  I was 

sawing off the bough I was sitting on。  But there!  I will not flatter 

you; you've had enough to turn that head of yours。  Stand up; and let 

me take a survey。  Very pretty; I declare;you do my education credit。  

There; if it will be for your peace; I'll do my best to wear on without 

you。  I've wanted a brother all my life; and you are giving me the very 

one I would have picked out of a thousandthe only one I could forgive 

for presuming to steal you; Amy。  Here he is。  Come in;' he added; as 

Guy knocked at his door; to offer to help him down…stairs。

Guy hardly spoke; and Amy could not look in his face。  It was late; and 

he took down Charles at once。  After this; she had very little quiet; 

every one was buzzing about her; and putting the last touches to her 

dress; at last; just as she was quite finished; Charlotte exclaimed; 

'Oh; there is Guy's step; may I call him in to have one look?'

Mrs。 Edmonstone did not say no; and Charlotte; opening the dressing…

room door; called to him。  He stood opposite to Amy for some moments; 

then said; with a smile; 'I was wrong about the grogram。  I would not 

for anything see you look otherwise than you do。'

It seemed to Mrs。 Edmonstone and Laura that these words made them lose 

sight of the details of lace and silk that had been occupying them; so 

that they only saw the radiance; purity; and innocence of Amy's bridal 

appearance。  No more was said; for Mr。 Edmonstone ran up to call Guy; 

who was to drive Charles in the pony…carriage。

Amabel; of course; went with her parents。  Poor child! her tears flowed 

freely on the way; and Mr。 Edmonstone; now that it had really come to 

the point of parting with his little Amy; was very much overcome; while 

his wife; hardly refraining from tears; could only hold her daughter's 

hand very close。

The regular morning service was a great comfort; by restoring their 

tranquillity; and by the time it was ended; Amabel's countenance had 

settled into its own calm expression of trust and serenity。  She 

scarcely even trembled when her father led her forward; her hand did 

not shake; and her voice; though very low; was firm and audible; while 

Guy's deep; sweet tones had a sort of thrill and quiver of intense 


No one could help observing that Laura was the most agitated person 

present; she trembled so much that she was obliged to lean on 

Charlotte; and her tears gave the infection to the other bridesmaids

all but Mary Ross; who could never cry when other people did; and 

little Marianne; who did nothing but look and wonder。

Mary was feeling a great deal; both of compassion for the bereaved 

family and of affectionate admiring joy for the young pair who knelt 

before the altar。  It was a showery day; with gleams of vivid sunshine; 

and one of these suddenly broke forth; casting a stream of colour from 

a martyr's figure in the south window; so as to shed a golden glory on 

the wave of brown hair over Guy's forehead; then passing on and tinting 

the bride's white veil with a deep glowing shade of crimson and purple。

Either that golden light; or the expression of the face on which it 

beamed; made Mary think of the lines

         Where is the brow to wear in mortal's sight;

         The crown of pure angelic light?

Charles stood with his head leaning against a pillar as if he could not 

bear to look up; Mr。 Edmonstone was restless and almost sobbing; Mrs。 

Edmonstone alone collected; though much flushed and somewhat trembling; 

while the only person apparently free f
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