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the heir of redclyffe-第98部分

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'Ought I not to be here? he said。  'I could not help coming once more。  

This room has always been the kernel of my home; my happiness here。'

'Indeed; it has been a very great pleasure to have you here。'

'You have been very kind to me;' he proceeded; in a low; reflecting 

tone。  'You have helped me very much; very often; even when Do you 

remember the day I begged you to keep me in order; as if I were 

Charles?  I did not think then'

He was silent; and Mrs。 Edmonstone little able to find words; smiling; 

tried to say;'I little thought how truly and how gladly I should be 

able to call you my son;' and ended by giving him a mother's kiss。

'I wish I could tell you half;' said Guy;'half what I feel for the 

kindness that made a home to one who had no right to any。  Coming as a 

stranger; I found'

'We found one to love with all our hearts;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone。  'I 

have often looked back; and seen that you brought a brightness to us 

allespecially to poor Charles。  Yes; it dates from your coming; and I 

can only wish and trust; Guy; that the same brightness will rest on 

your own home。'

'There must be brightness where she is;' said Guy。

'I need not tell you to take care of her;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; 

smiling。  'I think I can trust you; but I feel rather as I did when 

first I sent her and Laura to a party of pleasure by themselves。'

Laura at this moment; came in。  Alone with Amy; she could not speak; 

she could only cry; and fearful of distressing her sister; she came 

away; but here; with Guy; it was worse; for it was unkind not to speak 

one warm word to him。  Yet what could she say!  He spoke first

'Laura; you must get up your looks again; now this turmoil is over。  

Don't do too much mathematics; and wear yourself down to a shadow。'

Laura gave her sad; forced smile。

'Will you do one thing for me; Laura?  I should like to have one of 

your perspective views of the inside of the church。  Would it be too 

troublesome to do?'

'Oh; no; I shall be very glad。'

'Don't set about it till you quite like it; and have plenty of time。  

Thank you。  I shall think it is a proof that you can forgive me for all 

the pain I am causing you。  I am very sorry。

'You are so very kind;' said Laura; bursting into tears; and; as her 

mother was gone; she could not help adding; 'but don't try to comfort 

me; Guy; don't blame yourself;'tisn't only that;but I am so very; 

very unhappy。'

'Amy told me you were grieved for Philip。  I wish I could help it; 

Laura。  I want to try to meet him in Switzerland; and; if we can; 

perhaps it may be set right。  At any rate he will be glad to know you 

see the rights of it。'

Laura wept still more; but she could never again lose the sisterly 

feeling those kind words had awakened。  If Philip had but known what he 


Charlotte ran in。  'Oh; I am glad to find you here; Guy; I wanted to 

put you in mind of your promise。  You must write me the first letter 

you sign 〃Your affectionate brother!〃'

'I won't forget; Charlotte。'

'Guy!  Where's Guy?' called Mr。 Edmonstone。  'The rain's going off。  

You must come down; both of you; or you'll be too late。'

Mrs。 Edmonstone hastened to call Amabel。  Those moments that she had 

been alone; Amabel had been kneeling in an earnest supplication that 

all might be forgiven that she had done amiss in the home of her 

childhood; that the blessings might be sealed on her and her husband; 

and that she might go forth from her father's house in strength sent 

from above。  Her mother summoned her; she rose; came calmly forth; met 

Guy at the head of the stairs; put her arm in his; and they went down。

Charles was on the sofa in the ante…room; talking fast; and striving 

for high spirits。

'Amy; woman; you do us credit!  Well; write soon; and don't break your 

heart for want of me。'

There was a confusion of good…byes; and then all came out to the hall 

door; even Charles; with Charlotte's arm。  One more of those fast…

locked embraces between the brother and sister; and Mr。 Edmonstone put 

Amabel into the carriage。

'Good…bye; good…bye; my own dearest little one!  Bless you; bless you! 

and may you be as happy as a Mayflower!  Guy; goodbye。  I've given you 

the best I had to give;and 'tis you that are welcome to her。  Take 

care what you do with her; for she's a precious little jewel!  Good…

bye; my boy!'

Guy's face and grasping hand were the reply。  As he was about to spring 

into the carriage; he turned again。  'Charlotte; I have shut Bustle up 

in my room。  Will you let him out in half an hour?  I've explained it 

all to him; and he will be very good。  Good…bye。'

'I'll take care of him。  I'll mention him in every letter。'

'And; Markham; mind; if our house is not ready by Michaelmas; we shall 

be obliged to come and stay with you。'


Lastly; as if he could not help it; Guy dashed up the step once more; 

pressed Charles's hand; and said; 'God bless you; Charlie!'

In an instant he was beside Amabel; and they drove off;Amabel leaning 

forward; and gazing wistfully at her mother and Charles; till she was 

startled by a long cluster of laburnums; their yellow bloom bent down 

and heavy with wet; so that the ends dashed against her bonnet; and the 

crystal drops fell on her lap。

'Why; Amy; the Hollywell flowers are weeping for the loss of you!

She gave a sweet; sunny smile through her tears。  At that moment they 

came beyond the thick embowering shrubs; while full before them was the 

dark receding cloud; on which the sunbeams were painting a wide…spanned 

rainbow。   The semicircle was perfect; and full before them; like an 

arch of triumph under which they were to pass。

'How beautiful!' broke from them both。

'Guy;' said the bride; after a few minutes had faded the rainbow; and 

turned them from its sight; 'shall I tell you what I was thinking?  I 

was thinking; that if there is a doom on us; I am not afraid; if it 

will only bring a rainbow。'

'The rainbow will come after; if not with it;' said Guy。


She's a winsome wee thing;

She's a handsome wee thing;

She's a bonnie wee thing;

This sweet wee wifie of mine。BURNS

'Look here; Amy;' said Guy; pointing to a name in the traveller's book 

at Altdorf。

'Captain Morville!' she exclaimed; 'July 14th。  That was only the day 

before yesterday。'

'I wonder whether we shall overtake him!  Do you know what was this 

gentleman's route?' inquired Guy; in French that was daily becoming 

more producible。

The gentleman having come on foot; with nothing but his knapsack; had 

not made much sensation。  There was a vague idea that he had gone on to 

the St。 Gothard; but the guide who was likely to know; was not 

forthcoming; and all Guy's inquiries only resulted in; 'I dare say we 

shall hear of him elsewhere。'

To tell the truth; Amabel was not much disappointed; and she could see; 

though he said nothing; that Guy was not very sorry。  These two months 

had been so very happy; there had been such full enjoyment; such 

freedom from care and vexation; or aught that could for a moment ruffle 

the stream of delight。  Scenery; cathedrals music; paintings; 

historical association; had in turn given unceasing interest and 

pleasure; and; above all; Amabel had been growing more and more into 

the depths of her husband's mind; and entering into the grave; noble 

thoughts inspired by the scenes they were visiting。  It had been a sort 

of ideal happiness; so exquisite; that she could hardly believe it 

real。  A taste of society; which they had at Munich; though very 

pleasant; had only made them more glad to be alone together again; any 

companion would have been an interruption; and Philip; so intimate; yet 

with his carping; persecuting spirit towards Guy; was one of the last 

persons she could wish to meet; but knowing that this was by no means a 

disposition Guy wished to encourage; she held her peace。

For the present; no more was said about Philip; and they proceeded to 

Interlachen; where they spent a day or two; while Arnaud was with his 

relations; and they visited the two beautiful lakes of Thun and 

Brientz。  On first coming among mountains; Amabel had been greatly 

afraid of the precipices; and had been very much alarmed at the way in 

which Guy clambered about; with a sureness of foot and steadiness of 

head acquired long ago on the crags of Redclyffe; and on which the 

guides were always complimenting him; but from seeing him always come 

down safe; and from having been enticed by him to several heights; 

which had at first seemed to her most dizzy and dangerous; she had 

gradually laid aside her fears; and even become slightly; very 

slightly; adventurous herself。

One beautiful evening; they were wandering on the side of the 

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