the autobiography of a quack-第14部分
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When I awoke I was lying in the cabin near by; upon a pile of rubbish。 Ten or twelve guerrillas were gathered about the fire; apparently drawing lots for my watch; boots; hat; etc。 I now made an effort to find out how far I was hurt。 I discovered that I could use the left forearm and hand pretty well; and with this hand I felt the right limb all over until I touched the wound。 The ball had passed from left to right through the left biceps; and directly through the right arm just below the shoulder; emerging behind。 The right arm and forearm were cold and perfectly insensible。 I pinched them as well as I could; to test the amount of sensation remaining; but the hand might as well have been that of a dead man。 I began to understand that the nerves had been wounded; and that the part was utterly powerless。 By this time my friends had pretty well divided the spoils; and; rising together; went out。 The old woman then came to me; and said: ‘‘Reckon you'd best git up。 They…'uns is a…goin' to take you away。'' To this I only answered; ‘‘Water; water。'' I had a grim sense of amusement on finding that the old woman was not deaf; for she went out; and presently came back with a gourdful; which I eagerly drank。 An hour later the graybacks returned; and finding that I was too weak to walk; carried me out and laid me on the bottom of a common cart; with which they set off on a trot。 The jolting was horrible; but within an hour I began to have in my dead right hand a strange burning; which was rather a relief to me。 It increased as the sun rose and the day grew warm; until I felt as if the hand was caught and pinched in a red…hot vise。 Then in my agony I begged my guard for water to wet it with; but for some reason they desired silence; and at every noise threatened me with a revolver。 At length the pain became absolutely unendurable; and I grew what it is the fashion to call demoralized。 I screamed; cried; and yelled in my torture; until; as I suppose; my captors became alarmed; and; stopping; gave me a handkerchief;my own; I fancy;and a canteen of water; with which I wetted the hand; to my unspeakable relief。
It is unnecessary to detail the events by which; finally; I found myself in one of the rebel hospitals near Atlanta。 Here; for the first time; my wounds were properly cleansed and dressed by a Dr。 Oliver T。 Wilson; who treated me throughout with great kindness。 I told him I had been a doctor; which; perhaps; may have been in part the cause of the unusual tenderness with which I was managed。 The left arm was now quite easy; although; as will be seen; it never entirely healed。 The right arm was worse than ever the humerus broken; the nerves wounded; and the hand alive only to pain。 I use this phrase because it is connected in my mind with a visit from a local visitor;I am not sure he was a preacher;who used to go daily through the wards; and talk to us or write our letters。 One morning he stopped at my bed; when this little talk occurred:
‘‘How are you; lieutenant?''
‘‘Oh;'' said I; ‘‘as usual。 All right; but this hand; which is dead except to pain。''
‘‘Ah;'' said he; ‘‘such and thus will the wicked besuch will you be if you die in your sins: you will go where only pain can be felt。 For all eternity; all of you will be just like that handknowing pain only。''
I suppose I was very weak; but somehow I felt a sudden and chilling horror of possible universal pain; and suddenly fainted。 When I awoke the hand was worse; if that could be。 It was red; shining; aching; burning; and; as it seemed to me; perpetually rasped with hot files。 When the doctor came I begged for morphia。 He said gravely: ‘‘We have none。 You know you don't allow it to pass the lines。'' It was sadly true。
I turned to the wall; and wetted the hand again; my sole relief。 In about an hour Dr。 Wilson came back with two aids; and explained to me that the bone was so crushed as to make it hopeless to save it; and that; besides; amputation offered some chance of arresting the pain。 I had thought of this before; but the anguish I feltI cannot say enduredwas so awful that I made no more of losing the limb than of parting with a tooth on account of toothache。 Accordingly; brief preparations were made; which I watched with a sort of eagerness such as must forever be inexplicable to any one who has not passed six weeks of torture like that which I had suffered。
I had but one pang before the operation。 As I arranged myself on the left side; so as to make it convenient for the operator to use the knife; I asked: ‘‘Who is to give me the ether?'' ‘‘We have none;'' said the person questioned。 I set my teeth; and said no more。
I need not describe the operation。 The pain felt was severe; but it was insignificant as compared with that of any other minute of the past six weeks。 The limb was removed very near to the shoulder…joint。 As the second incision was made; I felt a strange flash of pain play through the limb; as if it were in every minutest fibril of nerve。 This was followed by instant; unspeakable relief; and before the flaps were brought together I was sound asleep。 I dimly remember saying; as I pointed to the arm which lay on the floor: ‘‘There is the pain; and here am I。 How queer!'' Then I sleptslept the sleep of the just; or; better; of the painless。 From this time forward I was free from neuralgia。 At a subsequent period I saw a number of cases similar to mine in a hospital in Philadelphia。
It is no part of my plan to detail my weary months of monotonous prison life in the South。 In the early part of April; 1863; I was exchanged; and after the usual thirty days' furlough returned to my regiment a captain。
On the 19th of September; 1863; occurred the battle of Chickamauga; in which my regiment took a conspicuous part。 The close of our own share in this contest is; as it were; burned into my memory with every least detail。 It was about 6 P。 M。; when we found ourselves in line; under cover of a long; thin row of scrubby trees; beyond which lay a gentle slope; from which; again; rose a hill rather more abrupt; and crowned with an earthwork。 We received orders to cross this space and take the fort in front; while a brigade on our right was to make a like movement on its flank。
Just before we emerged into the open ground; we noticed what; I think; was common in many fightsthat the enemy had begun to bowl round shot at us; probably from failure of shell。 We passed across the valley in good order; although the men fell rapidly all along the line。 As we climbed the hill; our pace slackened; and the fire grew heavier。 At this moment a battery opened on our left; the shots crossing our heads obliquely。 It is this moment which is so printed on my recollection。 I can see now; as if through a window; the gray smoke; lit with red flashes; the long; wavering line; the sky blue above; the trodden furrows; blotted with blue blouses。 Then it was as if the window closed; and I knew and saw no more。 No other scene in my life is thus scarred; if I may say so; into my memory。 I have a fancy that the horrible shock which suddenly fell upon me must have had something to do with thus intensifying the momentary image then before my eyes。
When I awakened; I was lying under a tree somewhere at the rear。 The ground was covered with wounded; and the doctors were busy at an operating…table; improvised from two barrels and a plank。 At length two of them who were examining the wounded about me came up to where I lay。 A hospital steward raised my head and poured down some brandy and water; while another cut loose my pantaloons。 The doctors exchanged looks and walked away。 I asked the steward where I was hit。
‘‘Both thighs;'' said he; ‘‘the doctors won't do nothing。''
‘‘No use?'' said I。
‘‘Not much;'' said he。
‘‘Not much means none at all;'' I answered。
When he had gone I set myself to thinking about a good many things I had better have thought of before; but which in no way concern the history of my case。 A half…hour went by。 I had no pain; and did not get weaker。 At last; I cannot explain why; I began to look about me。 At first things appeared a little hazy。 I remember one thing which thrilled me a little; even then。
A tall; blond…bearded major walked up to a doctor near me; saying; ‘‘When you've a little leisure; just take a look at my side。''
‘‘Do it now;'' said the doctor。
The officer exposed his wound。 ‘‘Ball went in here; and out there。''
The doctor looked up at himhalf pity; half amazement。 ‘‘If you've got any message; you'd best send it by me。''
‘‘Why; you don't say it's serious?'' was the reply。
‘‘Serious! Why; you're shot through the stomach。 You won't live over the day。''
Then the man did what struck me as a very odd thing。 He said; ‘‘Anybody got a pipe?'' Some one gave him a pipe。 He filled it deliberately; struck a light with a flint; and sat down against a tree near to me。 Presently the doctor came to him again; and asked him what he could do for him。
‘‘Send me a drink of Bourbon。''
‘‘Anything else?''
As the doctor left him; he called him back。 ‘‘It's a little rough; doc; isn't it?''
No more passed; and I saw this man no longer。 Another set of doctors were handling my legs; for the first time causing pain。 A mome
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