嗔秤戻幣哉膵云利匈嬉蝕湊蛸賜塋床四衲萩晦編報炎嘔囚^泡仟 ̄云利匈
glaucus-or the wonders of the shore(鯉斥互帽)-及17何蛍
酔楯荷恬: 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈 梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何! 泌惚云慕短嗤堋響頼誅卒亮茂俊彭堋響辛聞喘貧圭 "辺茄欺厘議箝誓匂" 孔嬬 才 "紗秘慕禰" 孔嬬
Himself without witness察─in nature itself察 that He is the God of grace。
Why speak of the God of nature and the God of grace as two antithetical
terms拭The Bible never察in a single instance察makes the distinction察and
surely察if God be as He is the Eternal and Unchangeable One察and if as
we all confess the universe bears the impress of His signet察we have no
right察 in the present infantile state of science察to put arbitrary limits of
our own to the revelation which He may have thought good to make of
Himself in nature。 Nay察 rather察 let us believe that察 if our eyes were
opened察we should fulfil the requirement of Genius察to ;see the universal
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Glaucus/or The Wonders of the Shore
in the particular察─ by seeing God's whole likeness察 His whole glory察
reflected as in a mirror even in the meanest flower察and that nothing but
the dulness of our own souls prevents them from seeing day and night in
all things察however small or trivial to human eclecticism察the Lord Jesus
Christ Himself fulfilling His own saying察 My Father worketh hitherto察
and I work。;
To me it seems to sum up察in a few words察what I have tried to say
that such development and progress as have as yet been actually
discovered in nature察 bear every trace of having been produced by
successive acts of thought and will in some personal mind察 which察
however boundlessly rich and powerful察 is still the Archetype of the
human mind察 and therefore for to this I confess I have been all along
tending probably capable察 without violence to its properties察 of
becoming察like the human mind察incarnate。
But to descend from these perhaps too daring speculations察 there is
another察 and more human察 source of interest about the animal who is
writhing feebly in the glass jar of salt water察for he is one of the many
curiosities which have been added to our fauna by that humble hero Mr。
Charles Peach察the self´taught naturalist察of whom察 as we walk on toward
the rocks察something should be said察or rather read察for Mr。 Chambers察in
an often´quoted passage from his Edinburgh Journal察which I must have
the pleasure of quoting once again察has told the story better than we can
tell it此
;But who is that little intelligent´looking man in a faded naval
uniform察 who is so invariably to be seen in a particular central seat in
this section拭 That察gentle reader察is perhaps one of the most interesting
men who attend the British Association。 He is only a private in the
mounted guard preventive service at an obscure part of the Cornwall
coast察 with four shillings a day察 and a wife and nine children察 most of
whose education he has himself to conduct。 He never tastes the
luxuries which are so common in the middle ranks of life察 and even
amongst a large portion of the working classes。 He has to mend with
his own hands every sort of thing that can break or wear in his house。
Yet Mr。 Peach is a votary of Natural History察not a student of the science
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in books察 for he cannot afford books察 but an investigator by sea and
shore察a collector of Zoophytes and Echinodermata ´ strange creatures察
many of which are as yet hardly known to man。 These he collects察
preserves察and describes察and every year does he come up to the British
Association with a few novelties of this kind察 accompanied by
illustrative papers and drawings此 thus察 under circumstances the very
opposite of those of such men as Lord Enniskillen察 adding察 in like
manner察to the general stock of knowledge。 On the present occasion he
is unusually elated察for he has made the discovery of a Holothuria with
twenty tentacula察a species of the Echinodermata which Professor Forbes察
in his book on Star´Fishes察has said was never yet observed in the British
seas。 It may be of small moment to you察who察mayhap察know nothing
of Holothurias此 but it is a considerable thing to the Fauna of Britain察
and a vast matter to a poor private of the Cornwall mounted guard。
And accordingly he will go home in a few days察full of the glory of his
exhibition察 and strong anew by the kind notice taken of him by the
masters of the science察 to similar inquiries察 difficult as it may be to
prosecute them察 under such a complication of duties察 professional and
domestic。 Honest Peach humble as is thy home察 and simple thy
bearing察 thou art an honour even to this assemblage of nobles and
doctors此 nay察 more察when we consider everything察thou art an honour
to human nature itself察 for where is the heroism like that of virtuous察
intelligent察 independent poverty拭 And such heroism is thine ─
CHAMBERS' EDIN。 JOURN。察Nov。 23察1844。
Mr。 Peach has been since rewarded in part for his long labours in the
cause of science察 by having been removed to a more lucrative post on
the north coast of Scotland察the earnest察it is to be hoped察of still further
I mentioned just now Synapta察 or察 as Montagu called it察 Chirodota此
a much better name察and察I think察very uselessly changed察for Chirodota
expresses the peculiarity of the beast察which consists in ´ start not察reader
´ twelve hands察 like human hands察 while Synapta expresses merely its
power of clinging to the fingers察 which it possesses in common with
many other animals。 It is察at least察a beast worth talking about察as for
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Glaucus/or The Wonders of the Shore
finding one察I fear that we have no chance of such good fortune。
Colonel Montagu found them here some forty years ago察 and after
him察Mr。 Alder察in 1845。 I found hundreds of them察but only once察 in
1854 after a heavy south´eastern gale察 washed up among the great
Lutrariae in a cove near Goodrington察but all my dredging outside failed
to procure a specimen ´ Mr。 Alder察however察and Mr。 Cocks who find
everything察and will at last certainly catch Midgard察the great sea´serpent察
as Thor did察by baiting for him with a bull's head察have dredged them in
great numbers察the former察at Helford in Cornwall察the latter on the west
coast of Scotland。 It seems察 however察 to be a southern monster察
probably a remnant察 like the great cockle察 of the Mediterranean fauna察
for Mr。 MacAndrew finds them plentifully in Vigo Bay察and J。 M l ler
in the Adriatic察off Trieste。
But what is it like拭 Conceive a very fat short earth´worm察 not
ringed察 though察 like the earth´worm察 but smooth and glossy察 dappled
with darker spots察especially on one side察which may be the upper one。
Put round its mouth twelve little arms察on each a hand with four ragged
fingers察and on the back of the hand a stump of a thumb察and you have
Synapta Digitata Plates IV。 and V。察 from my drawings of the live
animal。 These hands it puts down to its mouth察generally in alternate
pairs察 but how it obtains its food by them is yet a mystery察 for it
酔楯荷恬: 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈 梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何!
梁椣戻幣 梁心弌傍議揖扮窟燕得胎傍竃徭失議心隈才凪万弌誌育断蛍輌臆惨軼僑〃燕慕得珊辛參資誼持蛍才将刮襲潜範寔亟圻幹慕得 瓜寡追葎娼得辛參資誼寄楚署衛、持蛍才将刮襲潜填