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19-on the duty of civil disobedience-第4部分

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renders comparatively small service; and a slight tax is wont to

appear exorbitant; particularly if they are obliged to earn it by

special labor with their hands。  If there were one who lived wholly

without the use of money; the State itself would hesitate to demand

it of him。  But the rich man  not to make any invidious comparison

 is always sold to the institution which makes him rich。

Absolutely speaking; the more money; the less virtue; for money

comes between a man and his objects; and obtains them for him; and

it was certainly no great virtue to obtain it。  It puts to rest many

questions which he would otherwise be taxed to answer; while the

only new question which it puts is the hard but superfluous one; how

to spend it。  Thus his moral ground is taken from under his feet。

The opportunities of living are diminished in proportion as what are

called the 〃means〃 are increased。  The best thing a man can do for

his culture when he is rich is to endeavor to carry out those

schemes which he entertained when he was poor。  Christ answered the

Herodians according to their condition。  〃Show me the

tribute…money;〃 said he;  and one took a penny out of his pocket;

 if you use money which has the image of Caesar on it; and which

he has made current and valuable; that is; if you are men of the

State; and gladly enjoy the advantages of Caesar's government; then

pay him back some of his own when he demands it; 〃Render therefore

to Caesar that which is Caesar's; and to God those things which are

God's〃  leaving them no wiser than before as to which was which;

for they did not wish to know。

    When I converse with the freest of my neighbors; I perceive

that; whatever they may say about the magnitude and seriousness of

the question; and their regard for the public tranquillity; the long

and the short of the matter is; that they cannot spare the

protection of the existing government; and they dread the

consequences to their property and families of disobedience to it。

For my own part; I should not like to think that I ever rely on the

protection of the State。  But; if I deny the authority of the State

when it presents its tax…bill; it will soon take and waste all my

property; and so harass me and my children without end。  This is

hard。  This makes it impossible for a man to live honestly; and at

the same time comfortably in outward respects。  It will not be worth

the while to accumulate property; that would be sure to go again。

You must hire or squat somewhere; and raise but a small crop; and

eat that soon。  You must live within yourself; and depend upon

yourself always tucked up and ready for a start; and not have many

affairs。  A man may grow rich in Turkey even; if he will be in all

respects a good subject of the Turkish government。  Confucius said;

〃If a state is governed by the principles of reason; poverty and

misery are subjects of shame; if a state is not governed by the

principles of reason; riches and honors are the subjects of shame。〃

No: until I want the protection of Massachusetts to be extended to

me in some distant Southern port; where my liberty is endangered; or

until I am bent solely on building up an estate at home by peaceful

enterprise; I can afford to refuse allegiance to Massachusetts; and

her right to my property and life。  It costs me less in every sense

to incur the penalty of disobedience to the State than it would to

obey。  I should feel as if I were worth less in that case。

    Some years ago; the State met me in behalf of the Church; and

commanded me to pay a certain sum toward the support of a clergyman

whose preaching my father attended; but never I myself。  〃Pay;〃 it

said; 〃or be locked up in the jail。〃  I declined to pay。  But;

unfortunately; another man saw fit to pay it。  I did not see why the

schoolmaster should be taxed to support the priest; and not the

priest the schoolmaster: for I was not the State's schoolmaster; but

I supported myself by voluntary subscription。  I did not see why the

lyceum should not present its tax…bill; and have the State to back

its demand; as well as the Church。  However; at the request of the

selectmen; I condescended to make some such statement as this in

writing: 〃Know all men by these presents; that I; Henry Thoreau;

do not wish to be regarded as a member of any incorporated society

which I have not joined。〃  This I gave to the town clerk; and he has

it。  The State; having thus learned that I did not wish to be

regarded as a member of that church; has never made a like demand on

me since; though it said that it must adhere to its original

presumption that time。  If I had known how to name them; I should

then have signed off in detail from all the societies which I never

signed on to; but I did not know where to find a complete list。

    I have paid no poll…tax for six years。  I was put into a jail

once on this account; for one night; and; as I stood considering the

walls of solid stone; two or three feet thick; the door of wood and

iron; a foot thick; and the iron grating which strained the light; I

could not help being struck with the foolishness of that institution

which treated me as if I were mere flesh and blood and bones; to be

locked up。  I wondered that it should have concluded at length that

this was the best use it could put me to; and had never thought to

avail itself of my services in some way。  I saw that; if there was a

wall of stone between me and my townsmen; there was a still more

difficult one to climb or break through; before they could get to be

as free as I was。  I did not for a moment feel confined; and the

walls seemed a great waste of stone and mortar。  I felt as if I

alone of all my townsmen had paid my tax。  They plainly did not know

how to treat me; but behaved like persons who are underbred。  In

every threat and in every compliment there was a blunder; for they

thought that my chief desire was to stand the other side of that

stone wall。  I could not but smile to see how industriously they

locked the door on my meditations; which followed them out again

without let or hindrance; and they were really all that was

dangerous。  As they could not reach me; they had resolved to punish

my body; just as boys; if they cannot come at some person against

whom they have a spite; will abuse his dog。  I saw that the State

was half…witted; that it was timid as a lone woman with her silver

spoons; and that it did not know its friends from its foes; and I

lost all my remaining respect for it; and pitied it。

    Thus the State never intentionally confronts a man's sense;

intellectual or moral; but only his body; his senses。  It is not

armed with superior wit or honesty; but with superior physical

strength。  I was not born to be forced。  I will breathe after my own

fashion。  Let us see who is the strongest。  What force has a

multitude?  They only can force me who obey a higher law than I。

They force me to become like themselves。  I do not hear of men being

forced to have this way or that by masses of men。  What sort of life

were that to live?  When I meet a government which says to me; 〃Your

money or your life;〃 why should I be in haste to give it my money?

It may be in a great strait; and not know what to do: I cannot help

that。  It must help itself; do as I do。  It is not worth the while

to snivel about it。  I am not responsible for the successful working

of the machinery of society。  I am not the son of the engineer。  I

perceive that; when an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side; the

one does not remain inert to make way for the other; but both obey

their own laws; and spring and grow and flourish as best they can;

till one; perchance; overshadows and destroys the other。  If a plant

cannot live according to its nature; it dies; and so a man。

    The night in prison was novel and interesting enough。  The

prisoners in their shirt…sleeves were enjoying a chat and the

evening air in the doorway; when I entered。  But the jailer said;

〃Come; boys; it is time to lock up〃; and so they dispersed; and I

heard the sound of their steps returning into the hollow apartments。

My room…mate was introduced to me by the jailer as 〃a first…rate

fellow and a clever man。〃  When the door was locked; he showed me

where to hang my hat; and how he managed matters there。  The rooms

were whitewashed once a month; and this one; at least; was the

whitest; most simply furnished; and probably the neatest apartment

in the town。  He naturally wanted to know where I came from; and

what brought me there; and; when I had told him; I asked him in my

turn how he came there; presuming him to be an honest man; of

course; and; as the world goes; I believe he was。  〃Why;〃 said he;

〃they accuse me of burning a barn; but I never did it。〃  As near as

I could discover; he had probably gone to bed in a barn when drunk;

and smoked his pipe there; and so a barn was burnt。  He had the

reputation of being a clever man; ha
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