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by Boccaccio Giovanni
Gracious Ladies; so often as I consider with my selfe; and observe
respectively; how naturally you are enclined to compassion; as many
times doe I acknowledge; that this present worke of mine; will (in
your judgement) appeare to have but a harsh and offensive beginning;
in regard of the mournfull remembrance it beareth at the verie
entrance of the last Pestilentiall mortality; universally hurtfull
to all that beheld it; or otherwise came to knowledge of it。 But for
all that; I desire it may not be so dreadfull to you; to hinder your
further proceeding in reading; as if none were to looke thereon; but
with sighes and teares。 For; I could rather wish; that so fearefull
a beginning; should seeme but as an high and steepy hil appeares to
them; that attempt to travell farre on foote; and ascending the same
with some difficulty; come afterward to walk upon a goodly even
plaine; which causeth the more contentment in them; because the
attayning thereto was hard and painfull。 For even as pleasures are cut
off by griefe and anguish; so sorrowes cease by joyes most sweete
and happie arriving。
After this briefe mollestation; briefe I say; because it is
contained within small compasse of Writing; immediately followeth
the most sweete and pleasant taste of pleasure; whereof (before) I
made promise to you。 Which (peradventure) could not bee expected by
such a beginning; if promise stood not thereunto engaged。 And
indeed; if I could well have conveyed you to the center of my
desire; by any other way; then so rude and rocky a passage as this is;
I would gladly have done it。 But because without this Narration; we
could not demonstrate the occasion how and wherefore the matters
hapned; which you shall reade in the ensuing Discourses: I must set
them downe (even as constrained thereto by meere necessity) in writing
after this manner。
The yeare of our blessed Saviours incarnation; 1348; that
memorable mortality happened in the excellent City; farre beyond all
the rest in Italy; which plague; by operation of the superiour bodies;
or rather for our enormous iniquities; by the just anger of God was
sent upon us mortals。 Some few yeeres before; it tooke beginning in
the Easterne partes; sweeping thence an innumerable quantity of living
soules: extending it selfe afterward from place to place Westward;
until it seized on the said City。 Where neither humane skill or
providence; could use any prevention; notwithstanding it was
cleansed of many annoyances; by diligent Officers thereto deputed:
besides prohibition of all sickly persons enterance; and all
possible provision dayly used for conservation of such as were in
health; with incessant prayers and supplications of devoute people;
for the asswaging of so dangerous a sicknesse。
About the beginning of the yeare; it also began in very strange
manner; as appeared by divers admirable effects; yet not as it had
done in the East Countries; where Lord or Lady being touched
therewith; manifest signes of inevitable death followed thereon; by
bleeding at the nose。 But here it began with yong children; male and
female; either under the armepits; or in the groine by certaine
swellings; in some to the bignesse of an Apple; in others like an
Egge; and so in divers greater or lesser; which (in their vulgar
Language) they termed to be a Botch or Byle。 In very short time after;
those two infected parts were growne mortiferous; and would disperse
abroad indifferently; to all parts of the body; whereupon; such was
the quality of the disease; to shew it selfe by blacke or blew
spottes; which would appeare on the armes of many; others on their
thighes; and every part else of the body: in some great and few; in
others small and thicke。
Now; as the Byle (at the beginning) was an assured signe of neere
approaching death; so prooved the spots likewise to such as had
them: for the curing of which sicknesse it seemed; that the Physitians
counsell; the vertue of Medicines; or any application else; could
not yeeld any remedy: but rather it plainely appeared; that either the
nature of the disease would not endure it; or ignorance in the
Physitians could not comprehend from whence the cause proceeded; and
so by consequent; no resolution was to be determined。 Moreover; beside
the number of such as were skilfull in Art; many more both women and
men; without ever having any knowledge in Physicke; became Physitians:
so that not onely few were healed; but (well…neere) all dyed; within
three dayes after the saide signes were seene; some sooner; and others
later; commonly without either Feaver; or any other accident。
And this pestilence was yet of farre greater power or violence; for;
not onely healthfull persons speaking to the sicke; comming to see
them; or ayring cloathes in kindnesse to comfort them; was an occasion
of ensuing death: but touching their garments; or any foode whereon
the sicke person fed; or any thing else used in his service; seemed to
transferre the disease from the sicke to the sound; in very rare and
miraculous manner。 Among which matter of marvell; let me tell you
one thing; which if the eyes of many (as well as mine owne) had not
seene; hardly could I be perswaded to write it; much lesse to
beleeve it; albeit a man of good credit should report it。 I say;
that the quality of this contagious pestilence was not onely of such
efficacy; in taking and catching it one of another; either men or
women: but it extended further; even in the apparent view of many;
that the cloathes; or anything else; wherein one died of that disease;
being toucht; or lyen on by any beast; farre from the kind or
quality of man; they did not onely contaminate and infect the said
beast; were it Dogge; Cat; or any other; but also it died very soone
Mine owne eyes (as formerly I have said) among divers other; one day
had evident experience heereof: for some poore ragged cloathes of
linnen and wollen; torne from a wretched body dead of that disease;
and hurled in the open streete; two Swine going by; and (according
to their naturall inclination) seeking for foode on every dunghill;
tossed and tumbled the cloaths with their snouts; rubbing their
heads likewise upon them; and immediately; each turning twice or
thrice about; they both fell downe dead on the saide cloathes; as
being fully infected with the contagion of them: which accident; and
other the like; if not far greater; begat divers feares and
imaginations in them that beheld them; all tending to a most
inhumane and uncharitable end; namely; to flie thence from the
sicke; and touching any thing of theirs; by which meanes they
thought their health should be safely warranted。
Some there were; who considered with themselves; that living
soberly; with abstinence from all superfluity; it would be a
sufficient resistance against all hurtfull accidents。 So combining
themselves in a sociable manner; they lived as separatists from all
other company; being shut up in such houses; where no sicke body
should be neere them。 And there; for their more security; they used
delicate viands and excellent wines; avoiding luxurie; and refusing
speech to one another; not looking forth at the windowes; to heare
no cries of dying people; or see any coarses carried to buriall; but
having musicall instruments; lived there in all possible pleasure。
Others; were of a contrary opinion; who avouched; that there was no
other physicke more certaine; for a disease so desperate; then to
drinke hard; be merry among themselves; singing continually; walking
every where; and satisfying their appetites with whatsoever they
desired; laughing; and mocking at every mournefull accident; and so
they vowed to spend day and night: for now they would goe to one
Taverne; then to another; living without any rule or measure; which
they might very easily doe; because every one of them; (as if he
were to live no longer in this World) had even forsaken all things
that hee had。 By meanes whereof; the most part of the houses were
become common; and all strangers; might do the like (if they pleased
to adventure it) even as boldly as the Lord or owner; without any
let or contradiction。
Yet in all this their beastly behaviour; they were wise enough; to
shun (so much as they might) the weake and sickly: In misery and
affliction of our City; the venerable authority of the Lawes; as
well divine as humane; was even destroyed; as it were; through want of
the lawfull Ministers of them。 For they being all dead; or lying sicke
with the rest; or else lived so solitary; in such great necessity of
servants and attendants; as they could not execute any office; whereby
it was lawfull for every one to do as he listed。
Betweene these two rehearsed extremities of life; there wer
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