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  Betweene these two rehearsed extremities of life; there were other

of a more moderate temper; not being so daintily dieted as the

first; nor drinking so dissolutely as the second; but used all

things sufficient for their appetites; and without shutting up

themselves; walked abroad; some carrying sweete nosegayes of flowers

in their hands; others odoriferous herbes; and others divers kinds

of spiceries; holding them to their noses; and thinking them most

comfortable for the braine; because the ayre seemed to be much

infected by the noysome smell of dead carkases; and other hurtfull

savours。 Some other there were also of more inhumane minde (howbeit

peradventure it might be the surest) saying; that there was no

better physicke against the pestilence; nor yet so good; as to flie

away from it; which argument mainely moving them; and caring for no

body but themselves; very many; both men and women; forsooke the City;

their owne houses; their Parents; Kindred; Friends; and Goods;

flying to other mens dwellings else…where。 As if the wrath of God;

in punnishing the sinnes of men with this plague; would fall heavily

upon none; but such as were enclosed within the City wals; or else

perswading themselves; that not any should there bee left alive; but

that the finall ending of all things was come。

  Now albeit these persons in their diversity of opinions died not

all; so undoubtedly they did not all escape; but many among them

becomming sicke; and making a generall example of their flight and

folly; among them that could not stirre out of their beds; they

languished more perplexedly then the other did。 Let us omit; that

one Citizen fled after another; and one neighbour had not any care

of another; Parents nor kinred never visiting them; but utterly they

were forsaken on all sides: this tribulation pierced into the hearts

of men; and with such a dreadfull terrour; that one Brother forsooke

another; the Unkle the Nephew; the Sister the Brother; and the Wife

her Husband: nay; a matter much greater; and almost incredible;

Fathers and Mothers fled away from their owne Children; even as if

they had no way appertained to them。 In regard whereof; it could be no

otherwise; but that a countlesse multitude of men and women fell

sicke; finding no charity among their friends; except a very few;

and subject to the avarice of servants; who attended them

constrainedly; (for great and unreasonable wages) yet few of those

attendants to be found any where too。 And they were men or women but

of base condition; as also of groser understanding; who never before

had served in any such necessities; nor indeed were any way else to be

imployed; but to give the sicke person such things as hee called

for; or to awaite the houre of his death; in the performance of

which service; oftentimes for gaine; they lost their owne lives。

  In this extreame calamity; the sicke being thus forsaken of

neighbors; kinred; and friends; standing also in such need of

servants; a custome came up among them; never heard of before; that

there was not any woman; how noble; young; or faire soever shee was;

but falling sicke; shee must of necessity have a man to attend her;

were hee young or otherwise; respect of shame or modesty no way

prevailing; but all parts of her body must be discovered to him; which

(in the like urgency) was not to be seene by any but women: whereon

ensued afterward; that upon the parties healing and recovery; it was

the occasion of further dishonesty; which many being more modestly

curious of; refused such disgracefull attending; chusing rather to

die; then by such helpe to bee healed。 In regard whereof; as well

through the want of convenient remedies; (which the sicke by no meanes

could attaine unto) as also the violence of the contagion; the

multitude of them that died night and day; was so great; that it was a

dreadfull sight to behold; and as much to heare spoken of。 So that

meere necessity (among them that remained living) begat new

behaviours; quite contrary to all which had beene in former times; and

frequently used among the City Inhabitants。

  The custome of precedent dayes (as now againe it is) was; that

women; kinred; neighbours; and friends; would meete together at the

deceased parties house; and there; with them that were of neerest

alliance; expresse their hearts sorrow for their friends losse。 If not

thus; they would assemble before the doore; with many of the best

Cittizens and kindred; and (according to the quality of the

deceased) the Cleargy met there likewise; and the dead body was

carried (in comely manner) on mens shoulders; with funerall pompe of

Torch light; and singing; to the Church appointed by the deceased。 But

these seemely orders; after that the fury of the pestilence began to

encrease; they in like manner altogether ceased; and other new

customes came in their place; because not onely people died; without

having any women about them; but infinites also past out of this life;

not having any witnesse; how; when; or in what manner they departed。

So that few or none there were; to deliver outward shew of sorrow

and grieving: but insteed thereof; divers declared idle joy and

rejoycing; a use soone learned of immodest women; having put off all

feminine compassion; yea; or regard of their owne welfare。

  Very few also would accompany the body to the grave; and they not

any of the Neighbours; although it had beene an honourable Citizen;

but onely the meanest kinde of people; such as were grave…makers;

coffin…bearers; or the like; that did these services onely for

money; and the beere being mounted on their shoulders; in all hast

they would runne away with it; not perhaps to the Church appointed

by the dead; but to the neerest at hand; having some foure or sixe

poore Priests following; with lights or no lights; and those of the

silliest; short service being said at the buriall; and the body

unreverently throwne into the first open grave they found。 Such was

the pittifull misery of poore people; and divers; who were of better

condition; as it was most lamentable to behold; because the greater

number of them; under hope of healing; or compelled by poverty; kept

still within their house weake and faint; thousands falling sicke

daily; and having no helpe; or being succoured any way with foode or

physicke; all of them died; few or none escaping。

  Great store there were; that died in the streetes by day or night;

and many more beside; although they died in their houses; yet first

they made it knowne to their neighbours; that their lives perished;

rather by the noysome smell of dead and putrified bodies; then by

any violence of the disease in themselves。 So that of these and the

rest; dying in this manner every where; the neighbours observed one

course of behaviour; (moved thereto no lesse by feare; that the

smell and corruption of dead bodies should harme them; then charitable

respect of the dead) that themselves when they could; or being

assisted by some bearers of coarses; when they were able to procure

them; would hale the bodies (already dead) out of their houses; laying

them before their doores; where such as passed by; especially in the

mornings; might see them lying in no meane numbers。 Afterward;

Bieres were brought thither; and such as might not have the helpe of

Bieres; were glad to lay them on tables; and Bieres have bin observed;

not onely to be charged with two or three dead bodies at once; but

many times it was seene also; that the wife with the husband; two or

three Brethren together; yea; the Father and the Mother; have thus

beene carried along to the grave upon one Biere。

  Moreover; oftentimes it hath beene seene; that when two Priests went

with one Crosse to fetch the body; there would follow (behind) three

or foure bearers with their Bieres; and when the Priests intended

the buriall but of one body; sixe or eight more have made up the

advantage; and yet none of them being attended by any seemly

company; lights; teares; or the very least decencie; but it plainly

appeared; that the very like account was then made of Men or Women; as

if they had bene Dogges or Swine。 Wherein might manifestly bee

noted; that that which the naturall course of things could not shew to

the wise; with rare and little losse; to wit; the patient support of

miseries and misfortunes; even in their greatest height: not onely the

wise might now learne; but also the very simplest people; and in

such sort; that they should alwaies bee prepared against all

infelicities whatsoever。

  Hallowed ground could not now suffice; for the great multitude of

dead bodies; which were daily brought to every Church in the City; and

every houre in the day; neither could the bodies have proper place

of buriall; according to our ancient custome: wherefore; after that

the Churches and Church…yards were filled; they were constrained to

make use of great deepe ditches; wherein they were buried by
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