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the Churches and Church…yards were filled; they were constrained to
make use of great deepe ditches; wherein they were buried by
hundreds at once; ranking dead bodies along in graves; as Merchandizes
are laide along in ships; covering each after other with a small
quantity of earth; and so they filled at last up the whole ditch to
the brim。
Now; because I would wander no further in everie particularity;
concerning the miseries happening in our Citie: I tell you; that
extremities running on in such manner as you have heard; little
lesse spare was made in the Villages round about; wherein (setting
aside enclosed Castles which were now filled like to small Cities)
poore Labourers and Husband…men; with their whole Families; dyed
most miserably in outhouses; yea; and in the open fieldes also;
without any assistance of physicke; or helpe of servants; and likewise
in the high…wayes; or their ploughed landes; by day or night
indifferently; yet not as men; but like brute beasts。
By meanes whereof; they became lazie and slothfull in their dayly
endevours; even like to our Citizens; not minding or medling with
their wonted affaires: but; as a waiting for death every houre;
imployed all their paines; not in caring any way for themselves; their
cattle; or gathering the fruits of the earth; or any of their
accustomed labours; but rather wasted and consumed; even such as
were for their instant sustenance。 Whereupon; it fell so out; that
their Oxen; Asses; Sheepe; and Goates; their Swine; Pullen; yea
their verie Dogges; the truest and faithfullest servants to men; being
beaten and banished from their houses; went wildly wandring abroad
in the fields; where the Corne grew still on the ground without
gathering; or being so much as reapt or cut。 Many of the foresaid
beasts (as endued with reason) after they had pastured themselves in
the day time; would returne full fed at night home to their houses;
without any government of Heardsmen; or any other。
How many faire Palaces! How many goodly Houses! How many noble
habitations; filled before with families of Lords and Ladies; were
then to be seene emptie; without any one there dwelling; except some
silly servant? How many Kindreds; worthy of memory! How many great
inheritances! And what plenty of riches; were left without any true
successours? How many good men! How many woorthy Women! How many
valiant and comely young men; whom none but Galen; Hippocrates; and
Aeesculapius (if they were living) could have bene reputed any way
unhealthfull; were seene to dine at morning with their Parents;
Friends; and familiar confederates; and went to sup in another world
with their Predecessors?
It is no meane breach to my braine; to make repetition of so many
miseries; wherefore; being willing to part with them as easily as I
may: I say that our Citie being in this case; voide of inhabitants; it
came to passe (as afterward I understoode by some of good credite)
that in the venerable Church of S。 Marie la Neufue; on a Tuesday
morning; there being then no other person; after the hearing of divine
Service; in mourning habits (as the season required) returned thence
seven discrete young Gentlewomen; all allyed together; either by
friendship; neighbor…hood; or parentage。 She among them that was
most entred into yeares; exceeded not eight and twenty; and the
yongest was no lesse then eighteene; being of Noble descent; faire
forme; adorned with exquisite behaviour; and gracious modesty。
Their names I could report; if just occasion did not forbid it; in
regard of the occasions following by them related; and because times
heereafter shall not taxe them with reproofe; the lawes of pleasure
being more straited now adayes (for the matters before revealed)
then at that time they were; not onely to their yeares but to many
much riper。 Neither will I likewise minister matter to rash heades
(over…readie in censuring commendable life) any way to impaire the
honestie of Ladies; by their idle detracting speeches。 And
therefore; to the end that what each of them saith; may be
comprehended without confusion; I purpose to stile them by names;
wholly agreeing; or (in part) conformable to their qualities。 The
first and most aged; we will name Pampinea; the second Fiametta; the
third Philamena; the fourth Aemilia; the fift Lauretta; the sixt
Neiphila; and the last we terme (not without occasion) Elissa; or
Eliza。 All of them being assembled at a corner of the Church; not by
any deliberation formerly appointed; but meerely by accident; and
sitting; as it were in a round ring: after divers sighs severelly
delivered; they conferred on sundry matters answerable to the sad
qualitie of the time; and within a while after; Madam Pampinea began
in this manner。
Faire Ladies; you may (no doubt as well as I) have often heard; that
no injury is offered to any one; by such as make use but of their owne
right。 It is a thing naturall for everie one which is borne in this
World; to aide; conserve; and defend her life so long as shee can; and
this right hath bene so powerfully permitted; that although it hath
sometimes happened; that (to defend themselves) men have beene
slaine without any offence: yet Lawes have allowed it to be so; in
whose solicitude lieth the best living of all mortals。 How much more
honest and just is it then for us; and for every other well…disposed
person; to seeke for (without wronging any) and to practise all
remedies that wee can; for the conservation of our lives? When I
well consider; what we have heere done this morning; and many other
already past (remembring (withall) what likewise is proper and
convenient for us:) I conceive (as all you may do the like) that
everie one of us hath a due respect of her selfe; and then I
mervaile not; but rather am much amazed (knowing none of us to be
deprived of a Womans best judgement) that wee seeke not after some
remedies for our selves; against that; which everie one among us;
ought (in reason) to feare。
Heere we meete and remaine (as it seemeth to mee) in no other
manner; then as if we would or should be witnesses; to all the dead
bodies at rest in their grave; or else to listen; when the religious
Sisters heere dwelling (whose number now are well…neere come to bee
none at all) sing Service at such houres as they ought to doe; or else
to acquaint all commers hither (by our mourning habits) with the
quality and quantitie of our hearts miseries。 And when we part
hence; we meete with none but dead bodies; or sicke persons
transported from one place to another; or else we see running thorow
the City (in most offensive fury) such as (by authoritie of publike
Lawes) were banished hence; onely for their bad and brutish
behaviour in contempt of those Lawes; because now they know; that
the executors of them are dead and sicke。 And if not these; more
lamentable spectacles present themselves to us; by the base
rascality of the City; who being fatted with our blood; tearme
themselves Grave…makers; and in meere contemptible mockeries of us;
are mounted on horsebacke; gallopping every where; reproaching us with
our losses and misfortunes; with lewd and dishonest songs: so that
we can heare nothing else but such and such are dead; and such and
such lie a dying: here hands wringing; and every where most
pittifull complaining。
If we returne home to our houses (I know not whether your case be
answerable to mine) when I can finde none of all my Family; but
onely my poore waiting Chamber…maide; so great are my feares; that the
very haire on my head declareth my amazement; and wheresoever I go
or sit downe; methinkes I see the ghostes and shadowes of deceased
friends; not with such lovely lookes as I was wont to behold them; but
with most horrid and dreadfull regards; newly stolne upon them I
know not how。 In these respects; both heere; else…where; and at home
in my house; methinkes I am alwaies ill; and much more (in mine owne
opinion) then any other body; not having meanes or place of
retirement; as all we have; and none to remaine heere but onely we。
Moreover; I have often heard it said; that in tarrying or departing;
no distinction is made in things honest or dishonest; onely appetite
will be served; and be they alone or in company; by day or night; they
do whatsoever their appetite desireth: not secular persons onely;
but such as are recluses; and shut up within Monasteries; breaking the
Lawes of obedience; and being addicted to pleasures of the flesh;
are become lascivious and dissolute; making the world beleeve; that
whatsoever is convenient for other women; is no way unbeseeming
them; as thinking in that manner to escape。
If it be so; as manifestly it maketh shew of it selfe; What do we
here? What stay we for? And whereon do we dreame? Why are we more
respectlesse of our health; then all the rest of the Citizens?
Repute we our selves lesse precious then all the other? Or do we
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