the cenci-第6部分
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limbs; weights were attached to the feet; thus doubling the torture。
This last form of torture was only applied when an atrocious crime
had been proved to have been committed upon a sacred person; such as
a priest; a cardinal; a prince; or an eminent and learned man。
Having seen that Beatrice was sentenced to the torture ordinary and
extraordinary; and having explained the nature of these tortures; we
proceed to quote the official report:
〃And as in reply to every question she would confess nothing; we
caused her to be taken by two officers and led from the prison to the
torture chamber; where the torturer was in attendance; there; after
cutting off her hair; he made her sit on a small stool; undressed
her; pulled off her shoes; tied her hands behind her back; fastened
them to a rope passed over a pulley bolted into the ceiling of the
aforesaid chamber; and wound up at the other end by a four lever
windlass; worked by two men。〃
〃Before hoisting her from the ground we again interrogated her
touching the aforesaid parricide; but notwithstanding the confessions
of her brother and her stepmother; which were again produced; bearing
their signatures; she persisted in denying everything; saying; 'Haul
me about and do what you like with me; I have spoken the truth; and
will tell you nothing else; even if I were torn to pieces。'
〃Upon this we had her hoisted in the air by the wrists to the height
of about two feet from the ground; while we recited a Pater Noster;
and then again questioned her as to the facts and circumstances of
the aforesaid parricide; but she would make no further answer; only
saying; 'You are killing me! You are killing me!'
〃We then raised her to the elevation of four feet; and began an Ave
Maria。 But before our prayer was half finished she fainted away; or
pretended to do so。
〃We caused a bucketful of water to be thrown over her head; feeling
its coolness; she recovered consciousness; and cried; 'My God! I am
dead! You are killing me! My God!' But this was all she would say。
〃We then raised her higher still; and recited a Miserere; during
which; instead of joining in the prayer; she shook convulsively and
cried several times; 'My God! My God!'
〃Again questioned as to the aforesaid parricide; she would confess
nothing; saying only that she was innocent; and then again fainted
〃We caused more water to be thrown over her; then she recovered her
senses; opened her eyes; and cried; 'O cursed executioners! You are
killing me! You are killing me!' But nothing more would she say。
〃Seeing which; and that she persisted in her denial; we ordered the
torturer to proceed to the torture by jerks。
〃He accordingly hoisted her ten feet from the ground; and when there
we enjoined her to tell the truth; but whether she would not or could
not speak; she answered only by a motion of the head indicating that
she could say nothing。
〃Seeing which; we made a sign to the executioner; to let go the rope;
and she fell with all her weight from the height of ten feet to that
of two feet; her arms; from the shock; were dislocated from their
sockets; she uttered a loud cry; and swooned away。
〃We again caused water to be dashed in her face; she returned to
herself; and again cried out; 'Infamous assassins! You are killing
me; but were you to tear out my arms; I would tell you nothing else。'
〃Upon this; we ordered a weight of fifty pounds to be fastened to her
feet。 But at this moment the door opened; and many voices cried;
'Enough ! Enough! Do not torture her any more!'
These voices were those of Giacomo; Bernardo; and Lucrezia Petroni。
The judges; perceiving the obstinacy of Beatrice; had ordered that
the accused; who had been separated for five months; should be
They advanced into the torture chamber; and seeing Beatrice hanging
by the wrists; her arms disjointed; and covered with blood; Giacomo
cried out:
〃The sin is committed; nothing further remains but to save our souls
by repentance; undergo death courageously; and not suffer you to be
thus tortured。〃
Then said Beatrice; shaking her head as if to cast off grief
〃Do you then wish to die? Since you wish it; be it so。〃
Then turning to the officers:
〃Untie me;〃 said she; 〃read the examination to me; and what I have to
confess; I will confess; what I have to deny; I will deny。〃
Beatrice was then lowered and untied; a barber reduced the
dislocation of her arms in the usual manner; the examination was read
over to her; and; as she had promised; she made a full confession。
After this confession; at the request of the two brothers; they were
all confined in the same prison; but the next day Giacomo and
Bernardo were taken to the cells of Tordinona; as for the women; they
remained where they were。
The pope was so horrified on reading the particulars of the crime
contained in the confessions; that he ordered the culprits to be
dragged by wild horses through the streets of Rome。 But so barbarous
a sentence shocked the public mind; so much so that many persons of
princely rank petitioned the Holy Father on their knees; imploring
him to reconsider his decree; or at least allow the accused to be
heard in their defence。
〃Tell me;〃 replied Clement VIII; 〃did they give their unhappy father
time to be heard in his own defence; when they slew him in so
merciless and degrading a fashion?〃
At length; overcome by so many entreaties; he respited them for three
The most eloquent and skilful advocates in Rome immediately busied
themselves in preparing pleadings for so emotional a case; and on the
day fixed for hearing appeared before His Holiness。
The first pleader was Nicolo degli Angeli; who spoke with such force
and eloquence that the pope; alarmed at the effect he was producing
among the audience; passionately interrupted him。
〃Are there then to be found;〃 he indignantly cried; 〃among the Roman
nobility children capable of killing their parents; and among Roman
lawyers men capable of speaking in their defence? This is a thing we
should never have believed; nor even for a moment supposed it
All were silent upon this terrible rebuke; except Farinacci; who;
nerving himself with a strong sense of duty; replied respectfully but
〃Most Holy Father; we are not here to defend criminals; but to save
the innocent; for if we succeeded in proving that any of the accused
acted in self…defence; I hope that they will be exonerated in the
eyes of your Holiness; for just as the law provides for cases in
which the father may legally kill the child; so this holds good in
the converse。 We will therefore continue our pleadings on receiving
leave from your Holiness to do so。〃
Clement VIII then showed himself as patient as he had previously been
hasty; and heard the argument of Farinacci; who pleaded that
Francesco Cenci had lost all the rights of a father from; the day
that he violated his daughter。 In support of his contention he
wished to put in the memorial sent by Beatrice to His Holiness;
petitioning him; as her sister had done; to remove her from the
paternal roof and place her in a convent。 Unfortunately; this
petition had disappeared; and notwithstanding the minutest search
among the papal documents; no trace of it could be found。
The pope had all the pleadings collected; and dismissed the
advocates; who then retired; excepting d'Altieri; who knelt before
him; saying
〃Most Holy Father; I humbly ask pardon for appearing before you in
this case; but I had no choice in the matter; being the advocate of
the poor。〃
The pope kindly raised him; saying:
〃Go; we are not surprised at your conduct; but at that of others; who
protect and defend criminals。〃
As the pope took a great interest in this case; he sat up all night
over it; studying it with Cardinal di San Marcello; a man of much
acumen and great experience in criminal cases。 Then; having summed
it up; he sent a draft of his opinion to the advocates; who read it
with great satisfaction; and entertained hopes that the lives of the
convicted persons would be spared; for the evidence all went to prove
that even if the children had taken their father's life; all the
provocation came from him; and that Beatrice in particular had been
dragged into the part she had taken in this crime by the tyranny;
wickedness; and brutality of her father。 Under the influence of
these considerations the pope mitigated the severity of their prison
life; and even allowed the prisoners to hope that their lives would
not be forfeited。
Amidst the general feeling of relief afforded to the public by these
favours; another tragical event changed the papal mind and frustrated
all his humane intentions。 This was the atrocious murder of the
Marchese di Santa Croce; a man seventy y
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