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You can't have everything your own way。
I'm not giving in。 (我绝不让步。) 
That's blackmail! *blackmail“勒索”、“恐吓”。
A) If you don't help me; I'll turn you in。 (你要不帮我,我就把你交给警方。)
B) That's blackmail! (你这是恐吓。)*B做了坏事,而被A知道。 
Don't insult me。
Don't insult my intelligence。 *直译“你别侮辱我的才智”。用于吵架开始时。 
You're a filthy liar。 *filthy“污秽的,卑鄙的,肮脏的”。 
You'll be sorry。
I lent him money。 (我把钱借给他了。)
You'll be sorry。 (你会后悔的。)
You'll regret it。
You'll wish you hadn't done it。 (你会后悔这么做的。)
Are you crazy?
Isn't he cool? (他是不是很酷?)
Are you crazy? (你是不是疯啦?)
Are you nuts?
Are you out of your mind?
Are you insane?
Are you delirious?
Are you all there?
Are you confused? *更尖锐的说法。
Don't look at me like that!
Don't look at me like that! (别用那种眼神看着我!)
Like what? (什么眼神?)
Don't stare at me! (别盯着我。) *stare at。。。“一直盯着看,凝视”。 
I want to get even with him。
I'll pay him back。 (这个仇我一定得报。) 
That sneaky; low life creep! *sneaky“鬼鬼祟祟,卑鄙的”,low life “社会下层的人,卑怯的家伙”,creep “阴郁得让人讨厌的人”、“非常讨厌的人”。 
Is not! ? Is too! *孩子们吵架时常用。
Is not! ? Is so!
Uh…uh! ? Uh…huh! 因为Is not和Uh…uh表达的是No的意思,所以是一边摇着头一边说。 
Have it your way!
We should turn right。 (我们该往右拐。)
I think we should go left。 (我觉得该往左拐。)
Okay; okay; have it your way! (好吧,好吧,你随便吧!)
Do it your way!
Do whatever you want!
Do as you please。
It's your choice。
Suit yourself! *用于好心好意给人出主意却不被接受时。“那随你便吧,爱怎么着就怎么着吧。”

It's boring。
Do you want to watch that movie? (你想看那部电影吗?)
No; I hear it's boring。 (不,听说那电影很无聊。) 
My life is dull。 (我每天都这么无聊。)
It's dull。 (没劲。) 
It's for the birds。 *直译“帮不了谁,最多只能帮帮鸟罢了”,即“无聊,没有意思”。是比较旧的说法,但现在仍然在用。
I hate this class。 (我最讨厌上这课。)
I agree。 It's for the birds。 (没错。真无聊。)
It's no good。
It sucks。 
I'm not interested。
So; when do you want to go out with me? (你什么时候能和我约会呢?)
I'm not interested in you。 (我对你不感兴趣。) 
It's nothing great。
How's your new job? (你的新工作怎么样?)
It's nothing great。 (没什么了不起的。)
It's nothing much。 
I'm not satisfied。
I'm dissatisfied。
I'm not happy about it。
I'm not content。
I'm discontent。
It was just another meeting。 *just another“常有的,不稀奇的”。
How was the meeting? (那个会怎么样?)
It was just another meeting。 (很平常。)
It was just a meeting。
That meeting was nothing special。 (那个会没有什么特别的。) 
I can't get into my work。 *get into。。。“专心做……”、“对……抱有兴趣”。
I can't concentrate on my work。 (我不能集中精力工作。) *concentrate on。。。“集中精力做……”。
I can't get excited about my job。 (我没有工作的热情。)
I've lost interest in my work。 (我对我的工作失去了兴趣。) 
It's outdated。
It's out of date。 
Give me a break。
I don't know her; I promise。 (我发誓我不认识她。)
Give me a break! (算了吧,别玩花样了。)
Get real。 (你认真点儿。)
Tell me the truth。 (告诉我实话。)
Stop joking。 (别开玩笑。)
Get serious。 (说正经的。)
Stop kidding! (别耍弄我。)
Stop pulling my leg! (别跟我逗!)
I can't stand it。 *stand “容忍,忍耐”。
Tom is very rude。 (汤姆太粗鲁了。)
Yeah; I can't stand it。 (就是,我真受不了他。)
I can't take it (anymore)。
I can't bare it (anymore)。
I can't take the strain。
I can't stand it any longer。
I can't put up with it any longer! *put up with。。。“忍受……”。
That's enough。 *表示不想再听下去时。
Mom! She won't leave me alone and she keeps playing with my toys and。。。 (妈妈,她不让我一个人呆着,还拿我的玩具玩。)
That's enough。 Stop complaining。 (够了,别那么多牢骚了。)
I've had it。 (我受不了了。)
I've had enough。
I've heard enough! (我听够了。)
That's it。
Enough is enough。 (够了,别再说了!) 
Have a heart!
Finish your homework first; then wash my car。 (你先写作业,然后再把我的车洗了。)
Have a heart; dad! (饶了我吧,爸爸!) 
The more I hear about it; the more disgusted I get。 *The more。。。; the more。。。 “越……越……”、 “越来越……”。
The more I hear about it; the more disgusted I become。
The more I know; the sicker I feel。 
There she goes again。 *用于常说同样话的人又开始重复同一话题时。
A) Are you listening? I said。。。 (你听着呢吗? 我是说……)
B)(To C) Oh; no! There she goes again。 ([对C说]得,她又来了。)
She's starting it again。
She's saying it again。 (她又说上了。)
Oh; man!
No; you can't go。 (不行,你不能去。)
Oh; man! You never let me do anything。 (哦,真烦!你总是什么都不让我做。) 
I don't want to hear it。
I don't want to hear about it。 
Now what? *当一个计划接着一个计划,一个问题接着一个问题时,用来表示“下一个是什么?”、“怎么样?”、“这次又是什么样的事情”。多用于坏事的不断发生。
There's one more problem。 (还有个问题。)
Now what? (这次又是什么?)
What else? (还有什么?)
What's next?
What else is wrong? (还有什么不对劲的吗?)
What is it this time?

Shut up! *常用于吵架等场合,语气非常严厉。
Shut up! I don't want to hear it! (住嘴!我不想听。)
You shut up! (你住嘴!)
Shut your mouth。
Keep your mouth shut。
Be quiet! (安静!)
Shut the fuck up。 *这是一句语气尖锐、很难听的脏话,最好不用。
Can it。 
Don't be a back seat driver。 *这种说法是源于开车的时候坐在司机后边的人指示司机这么走那么走,唠唠叨叨地说个不停的情况而产生的一种表达方式。 
Stop shouting!
Stop yelling! (别吵!)
Keep your voice down! (小点声!) 
Stop complaining! *complain “抱怨”。用于针对絮絮叨叨地诉说不满、痛苦和悲伤的人。
You always come home late。 (你总这么晚回来。)
Stop complaining! (别抱怨了!) 
Calm down; will you? *calm down “安静下来”、“镇静”、“平息”。
Calm down; will you? (安静点,行不行?)
Okay。 I'll try。 (好的!我尽量。) 
Stop nagging! *nag多用于女性。是男性对爱叨叨的、小声嘟囔的女人说的。因此和stop complaining(发牢骚)的语气不太一样。
Did you fix my car? I told you to do it before dinner。 (我的车修了吗?我不是让你晚饭以前给我修好的吗?)
Stop nagging me! I'll do it。 (唠叨什么呀!我这就修。) 
Get off my back! *直译“从我背上下来”。这是句惯用短语,表示“少说废话!别多嘴!”。
But you promised! (可是,你答应我了呀!)
Get off my back。 (别再啰嗦了!)
Stop pestering me! *pester 含有“使人为难,烦恼”的意思,特别是带有“缠磨得人难受,使人苦恼”的语感。
Quit bothering me! (别再死气白赖地缠着我了!)
Don't tell me what to do! (用不着你告诉我该怎么做!)
Quit telling me what to do! (用不着你告诉我该怎么做。)
Don't talk back to me! *talk back “顶嘴”。带有孩子对父母、晚辈对长辈还嘴的语感。
I won't do it! (我才不干呢!)
Don't talk back to me! (别跟我顶嘴!)
That's the end of it。 (就这样。) *表示已经没有商量的余地。
That's final。 (就这么着。)
That's it。 (就这样。)
It's settled。 (就这么定了。) *settle “解决、决定(日期)、决定做某事”。因此该句含有“已经决定了,就别再多嘴了”的语感。一般情况下settle 表示决定的用法如以下例句。
Let's meet at 5∶00。 (我们5点见吧。)
It's settled。 (好,就这么定了。) 
Big mouth! *直译是“大嘴”。用来说那些说多余话的人。
He doesn't have a girlfriend。 (他还没有女朋友呢。)
Shut up; big mouth! (闭嘴,用你多话!)
You've got a big mouth。
You talk too much。 (你真多嘴多舌。) 
Leave me alone!
Hey; baby; what's your name? (嗨!小宝贝,你叫什么名字?)
Leave me alone! (离我远点儿!) 
None of your business。 *表示“别多管闲事、跟你有什么关系,用不着你帮忙,用不着你管”等等。
It's none of your business。
Mind your own business。 (先管好你自己吧!)
It is not your concern。
It doesn't concern you。
Stay out of it。 (你别瞎搀和。)
I don't need your input。 (用不着你帮忙。)
It's personal。 (这是我的私事。)
I don't need your two cents。 *直译“我不需要你这两分钱”。俚语,表示“用不着你指导我,这和你没关系”。
I don't think you should do that。 (我觉得你不该做。)
Thanks; but I don't need your two cents。 (谢谢,用不着你来说。) 
Who asked you?
I think you're wrong。 (我觉得你错了。)
Who asked you? (谁问你了?)
Who cares what you think? (谁管你想什么!)
I didn't ask you。 (我又没问你。)
If I wanted your opinion; I would have asked you。 (我要想问你的话,早就问了。) 
I can't talk to you now。
I don't need your help。
Your kindness is unwanted。
Your kindness is unwelcome。
I don't want your kindness。 
Get out of here! *语气强烈地让人离开某地。口语中连读。
Get out of here! (给我出去!)
They're just kittens。 (它们不过是几只小猫呀。)
Go away! (一边去!)
Get lost! (你给我消失!) *这样说起到把人轰走的效果。
Take a hike!
Get out of my face! *惯用短语,“离开我的视线”、“躲我远点儿,走开!”。
Get out of my face! (别让我看见你!)
What did I do wrong? (我做错什么了?)
Beat it! *俚语。
Buzz off! *buzz 是蜜蜂或苍蝇发出的�
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