of the rise and progress of the arts and sciences-第1部分
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David Hume
Nothing requires greater nicety; in our enquiries concerning
human affairs; than to distinguish exactly what is owing to
; and what proceeds from ; nor is there any
subject; in which an author is more liable to deceive himself by
false subtilties and refinements。 To say; that any event is
derived from chance; cuts short all farther enquiry concerning
it; and leaves the writer in the same state of ignorance with the
rest of mankind。 But when the event is supposed to proceed from
certain and stable causes; he may then display his ingenuity; in
assigning these causes; and as a man of any subtilty can never be
at a loss in this particular; he has thereby an opportunity of
swelling his volumes; and discovering his profound knowledge; in
observing what escapes the vulgar and ignorant。
The distinguishing between chance and causes must depend
upon every particular man's sagacity; in considering every
particular incident。 But; if I were to assign any general rule to
help us in applying this distinction; it would be the following;
Two natural reasons may。 be assigned for this rule。 ;
If you suppose a dye to have any biass; however small; to a
particular side; this biass; though; perhaps; it may not appear
in a few throws; will certainly prevail in a great number; and
will cast the balance entirely to that side。 In like manner; when
any beget a particular inclination or passion; at a
certain time; and among a certain people; though many individuals
may escape the contagion; and be ruled by passions peculiar to
themselves; yet the multitude will certainly be seized by the
common affection; and be governed by it in all their actions。
; Those principles of causes; which are fitted to
operate on a multitude; are always of a grosser and more stubborn
nature; less subject to accidents; and less influenced by whim
and private fancy; than those which operate on a few only。 The
latter are commonly so delicate and refined; that the smallest
incident in the health; education; or fortune of a particular
person; is sufficient to divert their course; and retard their
operation; nor is it possible to reduce them to any general
maxims or observations。 Their influence at one time will never
assure us concerning their influence at another; even though all
the general circumstances should be the same in both cases。
To judge by this rule; the domestic and the gradual
revolutions of a state must be a more proper subject of reasoning
and observation; than the foreign and the violent; which are
commonly produced by single persons; and are more influenced by
whim; folly; or caprice; than by general passions and interests。
The depression of the lords; and rise of the commons in England;
after the statutes of alienation and the encrease of trade and
industry; are more easily accounted for by general principles;
than the depression of the Spanish; and rise of the French
monarchy; after the death of Charles V。 Had Harry IV; Cardinal
Richlieu and Louis XIV been Spaniards; and Philip II; III; and
IV; and Charles II been Frenchmen; the history of these two
nations had been entirely reversed。
For the same reason; it is more easy to account for the rise
and progress of commerce in any kingdom; than for that of
learning; and a state; which should apply itself to the
encouragement of the one; would be more assured of success; than
one which should cultivate the other。 Avarice; or the desire of
gain; is an universal passion; which operates at all times; in
all places; and upon all persons: But curiosity; or the love of
knowledge; has a very limited influence; and requires youth;
leisure; education; genius; and example; to make it govern any
person。 You will never want booksellers; while there are buyers
of books: But there may frequently be readers where there are no
authors。 Multitudes of people; necessity and liberty; have
begotten commerce in Holland: But study and application have
scarcely produced any eminent writers。
We may; therefore; conclude; that there is no subject; in
which we must proceed with more caution; than in tracing the
history of the arts and sciences; lest we assign causes which
never existed; and reduce what is merely contingent to stable and
universal principles。 Those who cultivate the sciences in any
state; are always few in number: The passion; which governs them;
limited: Their taste and judgment delicate and easily perverted:
And their application disturbed with the smallest accident。
Chance; therefore; or secret and unknown causes; must have a
great influence on the rise and progress of all the refined arts。
But there is a reason; which induces me not to ascribe the
matter altogether to chance。 Though the persons; who cultivate
the sciences with such astonishing success; as to attract the
admiration of posterity; be always few; in all nations and all
ages; it is impossible but a share of the same spirit and genius
must be antecedently diffused throughout the people among whom
they arise; in order to produce; form; and cultivate; from their
earliest infancy; the taste and judgment of those eminent
writers。 The mass cannot be altogether insipid; from which such
refined spirits are extracted。 'There is a God within us;' says
OVID; 'who breathes that divine fire; by which we are
animated。''2' Poets; in all ages; have advanced this claim to
inspiration。 There is not; however; any thing supernatural in the
case。 Their fire is not kindled from heaven。 It only runs along
the earth; is caught from one breast to another; and burns
brightest; where the materials are best prepared; and most
happily disposed。 The question; therefore; concerning the rise
and progress of the arts and sciences; is not altogether a
question concerning the taste; genius; and spirit of a few; but
concerning those of a whole people; and may; therefore; be
accounted for; in some measure; by general causes and principles。
I grant; that a man; who should enquire; why such a particular
poet; as Homer for instance; existed; at such a place; in such a
time; would throw himself headlong into chimaera; and could never
treat of such a subject; without a multitude of false subtilties
and refinements。 He might as well pretend to give a reason; why
such particular generals; as Fabius and Scipio; lived in Rome at
such a time; and why Fabius came into the world before Scipio。
For such incidents as these; no other reason can be given than
that of Horace:
But I am persuaded; that in many cases good reasons might be
given; why such a nation is more polite and learned at a
particular time; than any of its neighbours。 At least; this is so
curious a subject; that it were a pity to abandon it entirely;
before we have found whether it be susceptible of reasoning; and
can be reduced to any general principles。
My first observation on this head is; 。
In the first ages of the world; when men are as yet
barbarous and ignorant; they seek no farther security against
mutual violence and injustice; than the choice of some rulers;
few or many; in whom they place an implicit confidence; without
providing any security; by laws or political institutions;
against the violence and injustice of these rulers。 If the
authority be centered in a single person; and if the people;
either by conquest; or by the ordinary course of propagation;
encrease to a great multitude; the monarch; finding it
impossible; in his own person; to execute every office of
sovereignty; in every place; must delegate his authority to
inferior magistrates; who preserve peace and order in their
respective districts。 As experience and education have not yet
refined the judgments of men to any considerable degree; the
prince; who is himself unrestrained; never dreams of restraining
his ministers; but delegates his full authority to every one;
whom he sets over any portion of the people。 All general laws are
attended with inconveniencies; when applied to particular cases;
and it requires great penetration and experience; both to
perceive that these inconveniencies are fewer than what result
from full discretionary powers in every magistrate; and also to
discern what general laws are; upon the whole; attended with
fewest inconveniencies。 This is a matter of so great diffi
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