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He was beloved by all; and most of all by the children;
For he told them tales of the Loup…garou in the forest;
And of the goblin that came in the night to water the horses;
And of the white L閠iche; the ghost of a child who unchristened
Died; and was doomed to haunt unseen the chambers of children;
And how on Christmas eve the oxen talked in the stable;
And how the fever was cured by a spider shut up in a nutshell;
And of the marvellous powers of four…leaved clover and horsehoes;
With whatsoever else was writ in the lore of the village。
Then up rose from his seat by the fireside Basil the blacksmith;
Knocked from his pipe the ashes; and slowly extending his right hand;
〃Father Leblanc;〃 he exclaimed; 〃thou hast heard the talk in the village;
And; perchance; canst tell us some news of these ships and their errand。〃
Then with modest demeanor made answer the notary public:
〃Gossip enough have I heard; in sooth; yet am never the wiser;
And what their errand may be I know not better than others。
Yet am I not of those who imagine some evil intention
Brings them here; for we are at peace; and why then molest us?〃
〃God's name!〃 shouted the hasty and somewhat irascible blacksmith;
〃Must we in all things look for the how; and the why; and the wherefore?
Daily injustice is done; and might is the right of the strongest!〃
But; without heeding his warmth; continued the notary public:
〃Man is unjust; but God is just; and finally justice
Triumphs; and well I remember a story; that often consoled me;
When as a captive I lay in the old French fort at Port Royal。〃
This was the old man's favorite tale; and he loved to repeat it
When his neighbors complained that any injustice was done them。
〃Once in an ancient city; whose name I no longer remember;
Raised aloft on a column; a brazen statue of Justice
Stood in the public square; upholding the scales in its left hand;
And in its right a sword; as an emblem that justice presided
Over the laws of the land; and the hearts and homes of the people。
Even the birds had built their nests in the scales of the balance;
Having no fear of the sword that flashed in the sunshine above them。
But in the course of time the laws of the land were corrupted;
Might took the place of right; and the weak were oppressed; and the mighty
Ruled with an iron rod。  Then it chanced in a nobleman's palace
That a necklace of pearls was lost; and erelong a suspicion
Fell on an orphan girl who lived as maid in the household。
She; after form of trial condemned to die on the scaffold;
Patiently met her doom at the foot of the statue of Justice。
As to her Father in heaven her innocent spirit ascended;
Lo! o'er the city a tempest rose; and the bolts of the thunder
Smote the statue of bronze; and hurled in wrath from its left hand
Down on the pavement below the clattering scales of the balance;
And in the hollow thereof was found the nest of a magpie;
Into whose clay…built walls the necklace of pearls was inwoven。〃
Silenced; but not convinced; when the story was ended; the blacksmith
Stood like a man who fain would speak; but findeth no language;
All his thoughts were congealed into lines on his face; as the vapors
Freeze in fantastic shapes on the window…panes in the winter。

  Then Evangeline lighted the brazen lamp on the table;
Filled; till it overflowed; the pewter tankard with home…brewed
Nut…brown ale; that was famed for its strength in the village of Grand…Pr?
While from his pocket the notary drew his papers and inkhorn;
Wrote with a steady hand the date and the age of the parties;
Naming the dower of the bride in flocks of sheep and in cattle。
Orderly all things proceeded; and duly and well were completed;
And the great seal of the law was set like a sun on the margin。
Then from his leathern pouch the farmer threw on the table
Three times the old man's fee in solid pieces of silver;
And the notary rising; and blessing the bride and the bridegroom;
Lifted aloft the tankard of ale and drank to their welfare。
Wiping the foam from his lip; he solemnly bowed and departed;
While in silence the others sat and mused by the fireside;
Till Evangeline brought the draught…board out of its corner。
Soon was the game begun。  In friendly contention the old men
Laughed at each lucky hit; or unsuccessful manoeuver;
Laughed when a man was crowned; or a breach was made in the king…row。
Meanwhile apart; in the twilight gloom of a window's embrasure;
Sat the lovers; and whispered together; beholding the moon rise
Over the pallid sea and the silvery mist of the meadows。
Silently one by one; in the infinite meadows of heaven;
Blossomed the lovely stars; the forget…me…nots of the angels。

  Thus passed the evening away。  Anon the bell from the belfry
Rang out the hour of nine; the village curfew; and straightway
Rose the guests and departed; and silence reigned in the household。
Many a farewell word and sweet good night on the door…step
Lingered long in Evangeline's heart; and filled it with gladness。
Carefully then were covered the embers that glowed on the hearth…stone;
And on the oaken stairs resounded the tread of the farmer。
Soon with a soundless step the foot of Evangeline followed。
Up the staircase moved a luminous space in the darkness;
Lighted less by the lamp than the shining face of the maiden。
Silent she passed the hall; and entered the door of her chamber。
Simple that chamber was; with its curtains of white; and its clothes…press
Ample and high; on whose spacious shelves were carefully folded
Linen and woollen stuffs; by the hand of Evangeline woven。
This was the precious dower she would bring to her husband in marriage;
Better than flocks and herds; being proofs of her skill as a housewife。
Soon she extinguished her lamp; for the mellow and radiant moonlight
Streamed through the windows; and lighted the room; till the heart of the maiden
Swelled and obeyed its power; like the tremulous tides of the ocean。
Ah! she was fair; exceeding fair to behold; as she stood with
Naked snow…white feet on the gleaming floor of her chamber!
Little she dreamed that below; among the trees of the orchard;
Waited her lover and watched for the gleam of her lamp and her shadow。
Yet were her thoughts of him; and at times a feeling of sadness
Passed o'er her soul; as the sailing shade of clouds in the moonlight
Flitted across the floor and darkened the room for a moment。
And; as she gazed from the window; she saw serenely the moon pass
Forth from the folds of a cloud; and one star follow her footsteps;
As out of Abraham's tent young Ishmael wandered with Hagar!


  PLEASANTLY rose next morn the sun on the village of Grand…Pr?
Pleasantly gleamed in the soft; sweet air the Basin of Minas;
Where the ships; with their wavering shadows; were riding at anchor。
Life had long been astir in the village; and clamorous labor
Knocked with its hundred hands at the golden gates of the morning。
Now from the country around; from the farms and neighboring hamlets;
Came in their holiday dresses the blithe Acadian peasants。
Many a glad good morrow and jocund laugh from the young folk
Made the bright air brighter; as up from the numerous meadows;
Where no path could be seen but the track of wheels in the greensward;
Group after group appeared; and joined; or passed on the highway。
Long ere noon; in the village all sounds of labor were silenced。
Thronged were the streets with people; and noisy groups at the house…doors
Sat in the cheerful sun; and rejoiced and gossiped together;
Every house was an inn; where all were welcomed and feasted;
For with this simple people; who lived like brothers together;
All things were held in common; and what one had was another's。
Yet under Benedict's roof hospitality seemed more abundant:
For Evangeline stood among the guests of her father;
Bright was her face with smiles; and words of welcome and gladness
Fell from her beautiful lips; and blessed the cup as she gave it。

  Under the open sky; in the odorous air of the orchard;
Bending with golden fruit; was spread the feast of betrothal。
There in the shade of the porch were the priest and the notary seated;
There good Benedict sat; and sturdy Basil the blacksmith。
Not far withdrawn from these; by the cider…press and the beehives;
Michael the fiddler was placed; with the gayest of hearts and of waistcoats。
Shadow and light from the leaves alternately played on his snow…white
Hair; as it waved in the wind; and the jolly face of the fiddler
Glowed like a living coal when the ashes are blown from the embers。
Gayly the old man sang to the vibrant sound of his fiddle;
Tous les Bourgeois de Chartres; and Le Carillon de Dunkerque;
And anon with his wooden shoes beat time to the music。
Merrily; merrily whirled the wheels of the dizzying dances
Under the orchard…trees and down the path to the meadows;
Old folk and young together; and children mingled among them。
Fairest of all the maids was Evangeline; Benedict's daughter!
Noblest of all the youths was Gabriel; son of the blacksmith!

  So passed the morning away。  And lo! with a summons sonorous
Sounded the bell from its tower; and over the meadows a drum beat。
Thronged erelong was the church with men。  Without
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