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poems of william blake-第5部分

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   Sit in a cage and sing?

 How can a child; when fears annoy;

   But droop his tender wing;

   And forget his youthful spring?


 Oh father and mother; if buds are nipped;

   And blossoms blown away;

 And if the tender plants are stripped

   Of their joy in the springing day;

   By sorrow and care's dismay; 


 How shall the summer arise in joy;

   Or the summer fruits appear?

 Or how shall we gather what griefs destroy;

   Or bless the mellowing year;

   When the blasts of winter appear?





 Whate'er is born of mortal birth

 Must be consumed with the earth;

 To rise from generation free:

 Then what have I to do with thee?

 The sexes sprang from shame and pride;

 Blown in the morn; in evening died;

 But mercy changed death into sleep;

 The sexes rose to work and weep。


 Thou; mother of my mortal part;

 With cruelty didst mould my heart;

 And with false self…deceiving tears

 Didst bind my nostrils; eyes; and ears;


 Didst close my tongue in senseless clay;

 And me to mortal life betray。

 The death of Jesus set me free:

 Then what have I to do with thee?





 Youth of delight!  come hither

 And see the opening morn;

 Image of Truth new…born。

 Doubt is fled; and clouds of reason;

 Dark disputes and artful teazing。

 Folly is an endless maze;

 Tangled roots perplex her ways;

 How many have fallen there!

 They stumble all night over bones of the dead;

 And feel  they know not what but care;

 And wish to lead others; when they should be led。




 Cruelty has a human heart;

   And Jealousy a human face;

 Terror the human form divine;

   And Secresy the human dress。


 The human dress is forged iron;

   The human form a fiery forge;

 The human face a furnace sealed;

   The human heart its hungry gorge。


 NOTE:  Though written and engraved by Blake; 〃A DIVINE IMAGE〃 was never


William Blake's 


THEL'S Motto

Does the Eagle know what is in the pit?

Or wilt thou go ask the Mole:

Can Wisdom be put in a silver rod?

Or Love in a golden bowl?


The Author & Printer Willm。 Blake。 1780



The daughters of Mne Seraphim led round their sunny flocks;

All but the youngest: she in paleness sought the secret air。

To fade away like morning beauty from her mortal day:

Down by the river of Adona her soft voice is heard;

And thus her gentle lamentation falls like morning dew。

O life of this our spring!  why fades the lotus of the water?

Why fade these children of the spring? born but to smile & fall。

Ah! Thel is like a watry bow; and like a parting cloud;

Like a reflection in a glass: like shadows in the water

Like dreams of infants; like a smile upon an infants face。

Like the doves voice; like transient day; like music in the air:

Ah! gentle may I lay me down and gentle rest my head。

And gentle sleep the sleep of death; and gently hear the voice 

Of him that walketh in the garden in the evening time。

The Lilly of the valley breathing in the humble grass

Answerd the lovely maid and said: I am a watry weed;

And I am very small and love to dwell in lowly vales:

So weak the gilded butterfly scarce perches on my head

Yet I am visited from heaven and he that smiles on all

Walks in the valley; and each morn over me spreads his hand

Saying; rejoice thou humble grass; thou new…born lily flower。

Thou gentle maid of silent valleys and of modest brooks:

For thou shall be clothed in light; and fed with morning manna:

Till summers heat melts thee beside the fountains and the springs

To flourish in eternal vales: they why should Thel complain。

Why should the mistress of the vales of Har; utter a sigh。

She ceasd & smild in tears; then sat down in her silver shrine。

Thel answerd; O thou little virgin of the peaceful valley。

Giving to those that cannot crave; the voiceless; the o'er tired

The breath doth nourish the innocent lamb; he smells the milky garments

He crops thy flowers while thou sittest smiling in his face;

Wiping his mild and meekin mouth from all contagious taints。

Thy wine doth purify the golden honey; thy perfume。

Which thou dost scatter on every little blade of grass that springs

Revives the milked cow; & tames the fire…breathing steed。

But Thel is like a faint cloud kindled at the rising sun:

I vanish from my pearly throne; and who shall find my place。

Queen of the vales the Lily answered; ask the tender cloud;

And it shall tell thee why it glitters in the morning sky。

And why it scatters its bright beauty thro the humid air。

Descend O little cloud & hover before the eyes of Thel。

The Cloud descended and the Lily bowd her modest head:

And went to mind her numerous charge among the verdant grass。


O little Cloud the virgin said; I charge thee to tell me

Why thou complainest now when in one hour thou fade away:

Then we shall seek thee but not find: ah Thel is like to thee。

I pass away; yet I complain; and no one hears my voice。

The Cloud then shewd his golden head & his bright form emerg'd。

Hovering and glittering on the air before the face of Thel。

O virgin know'st thou not our steeds drink of the golden springs

Where Luvah doth renew his horses: lookst thou on my youth。

And fearest thou because I vanish and am seen no more。

Nothing remains; O maid I tell thee; when I pass away。

It is to tenfold life; to love; to peace; and raptures holy:

Unseen descending; weigh my light wings upon balmy flowers:

And court the fair eyed dew; to take me to her shining tent

The weeping virgin; trembling kneels before the risen sun。

Till we arise link'd in a golden band and never part:

But walk united bearing food to all our tender flowers。

Dost thou O little cloud?  I fear that I am not like thee:

For I walk through the vales of Har; and smell the sweetest flowers:

But I feed not the little flowers: I hear the warbling birds;

But I feed not the warbling birds; they fly and seek their food:

But Thel delights in these no more because I fade away

And all shall say; without a use this shining women liv'd;

Or did she only live to be at death the food of worms。

The Cloud reclind upon his airy throne and answerd thus。

Then if thou art the food of worms; O virgin of the skies;

How great thy use; how great thy blessing; every thing that lives。

Lives not alone nor or itself: fear not and I will call;

The weak worm from its lowly bed; and thou shalt hear its voice。

Come forth worm and the silent valley; to thy pensive queen。

The helpless worm arose and sat upon the Lillys leaf;

And the bright Cloud saild on; to find his partner in the vale。


Then Thel astonish'd view'd the Worm upon its dewy bed。

Art thou a Worm?  image of weakness。  art thou but a Worm?

I see thee like an infant wrapped in the Lillys leaf;

Ah weep not little voice; thou can'st not speak; but thou can'st weep:

Is this a Worm?  I see they lay helpless & naked: weeping

And none to answer; none to cherish thee with mothers smiles。

The Clod of Clay heard the Worms voice & rais'd her pitying head:

She bowd over the weeping infant; and her life exhald

In milky fondness; then on Thel she fix'd her humble eyes

O beauty of the vales of Har; we live not for ourselves;

Thou seest me the meanest thing; and so I am indeed:

My bosom of itself is cold; and of itself is dark;

But he that loves the lowly; pours his oil upon my head

And kisses me; and binds his nuptial bands around my breast。

And says; Thou mother of my children; I have loved thee

And I have given thee a crown that none can take away。

But how this is sweet maid; I know not; and I cannot know

I ponder; and I cannot ponder; yet I live and love。

The daughter of beauty wip'd her pitying tears with her white veil;

And said; Alas!  I knew not this; and therefore did I weep:

That Go
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