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Legendary; 5th Century B。C。
by Plutarch
translated by John Dryden
THE patrician house of the Marcii in Rome produced many men of
distinction; and among the rest; Ancus Marcius; grandson to Numa by
his daughter; and king after Tullus Hostilius; of the same family were
also Publius and Quintus Marcius; which two conveyed into the city the
best and most abundant supply of water they have at Rome。 As
likewise Censorinus; who; having been twice chosen censor by the
people; afterwards himself induced them to make a law that nobody
should bear that office twice。 But Caius Marcius; of whom I now write;
being left an orphan; and brought up under the widowhood of his
mother; has shown us by experience; that; although the early loss of a
father may be attended with other disadvantages; yet it can hinder
none from being either virtuous or eminent in the world; and that it
is no obstacle to true goodness and excellence; however bad men may be
pleased to lay the blame of their corruptions upon that misfortune and
the neglect of them in their minority。 Nor is he less an evidence to
the truth of their opinion who conceive that a generous and worthy
nature without proper discipline; like a rich soil without culture; is
apt with its better fruits to produce also much that is bad and
faulty。 While the force and vigour of his soul; and a persevering
constancy in all he undertook; led him successfully into many noble
achievements; yet; on the other side; also; by indulging the vehemence
of his passion; and through an obstinate reluctance to yield or
accommodate his humours and sentiments to those of a people about him;
he rendered himself incapable of acting and associating with others。
Those who saw with admiration how proof his nature was against all the
softnesses of pleasure; the hardships of service; and the
allurements of gain; while allowing to that universal firmness of
his the respective names of temperance; fortitude; and justice; yet in
the life of the citizen and the statesman; could not choose but be
disgusted at the severity and ruggedness of his deportment; and with
his overbearing; haughty; and imperious temper。 Education and study;
and the favours of the muses; confer no greater benefit on those
that seek them than these humanizing and civilizing lessons; which
teach our natural qualities to submit to the limitations prescribed by
reason; and to avoid the wildness of extremes。
Those were times at Rome in which that kind of worth was most
esteemed which displayed itself in military achievements; one evidence
of which we find in the Latin word for virtue; which is properly
equivalent to manly courage。 As if valour and all virtue had been
the same thing; they used as the common term the name of the
particular excellence。 But Marcius; having a more passionate
inclination than any of that age for feats of war; began at once; from
his very childhood; to handle arms; and feeling that adventitious
implements and artificial arms would effect little; and be of small
use to such as have not their native and natural weapons well fixed
and prepared for service; he so exercised and inured his body to all
sorts of activity and encounter; that besides the lightness of a
racer; he had a weight in close seizures and wrestlings with an enemy;
from which it was hard for any to disengage himself; so that his
competitors at home in displays of bravery; loth to own themselves
inferior in that respect; were wont to ascribe their deficiencies to
his strength of body; which they say no resistance and no fatigue
could exhaust。
The first time he went out to the wars; being yet a stripling; was
when Tarquinius Superbus; who had been King of Rome and was afterwards
expelled; after many unsuccessful attempts; now entered upon his
last effort; and proceeded to hazard all as it were upon a single
throw。 A great number of the Latins and other people of Italy joined
their forces; and were marching with him toward the city; to procure
his restoration; not; however; so much out of a desire to serve and
oblige Tarquin; as to gratify their own fear and envy at the
increase of the Roman greatness; which they were anxious to check
and reduce。 The armies met and engaged in a decisive battle; in the
vicissitudes of which Marcius; while fighting bravely in the
dictator's presence; saw a Roman soldier struck down at a little
distance; and immediately stepped in and stood before him; and slew
his assailant。 The general; after having gained the victory; crowned
him for this act; one of the first; with a garland of oaken
branches; it being the Roman custom thus to adorn those who had
saved the life of a citizen; whether that the law intended some
special honour to the oak; in memory of the Arcadians; a people the
oracle had made famous by the name of acorn…eaters; or whether the
reason of it was because they might easily; and in all places where
they fought; have plenty of oak for that purpose; or; finally; whether
the oaken wreath; being sacred to Jupiter; the guardian of the city;
might; therefore; be thought a proper ornament for one who preserved a
citizen。 And the oak; in truth; is the tree which bears the most and
the prettiest fruit of any that grow wild; and is the strongest of all
that are under cultivation; its acorns were the principal diet of
the first mortals; and the honey found in it gave them drink。 I may
say; too; it furnished fowl and other creatures as dainties; in
producing mistletoe for bird…lime to ensnare them。 In this battle;
meantime; it is stated that Castor and Pollux appeared; and
immediately after the battle were seen at Rome just by the fountain
where their temple now stands; with their horses foaming with sweat;
and told the news of the victory to the people in the forum。 The
fifteenth of July; being the day of this conquest; became consequently
a solemn holiday sacred to the Twin Brothers。
It may be observed; in general; that when young men arrive early
at fame and repute; if they are of a nature but slightly touched
with emulation; this early attainment is apt to extinguish their
thirst and satiate their appetite; whereas the first distinctions of
more and solid and weighty characters do but stimulate and quicken
them and take them away like a wind in the pursuit of honour; they
look upon these marks and testimonies to their virtue not as a
recompense received for what they have already done; but as a pledge
given by themselves of what they will perform hereafter; ashamed now
to forsake or underlive the credit they have won; or; rather; not to
exceed and obscure all that is gone before by the lustre of their
following actions。 Marcius; having a spirit of this noble make; was
ambitious always to surpass himself; and did nothing how extraordinary
soever; but he thought he was bound to outdo it at the next
occasion; and ever desiring to give continual fresh instances of
prowess; he added one exploit to another; and heaped up trophies
upon trophies; so as to make it matter of contest also among his
commanders; the latter still vying with the earlier; which should
pay him the greatest honour and speak highest in his commendation。
Of all the numerous wars and conflicts in those days there was not one
from which he returned without laurels and rewards。 And; whereas
others made glory the end of their daring; the end of his glory was
his mother's gladness; the delight she took to hear him praised and to
see him crowned; and her weeping for joy in his embraces rendered
him in his own thoughts the most honoured and most happy person in the
world。 Epaminondas is similarly said to have acknowledged his feeling;
that it was the greatest felicity of his whole life that his father
and mother survived to hear of his successful generalship and his
victory of Leuctra。 And he had the advantage; indeed; to have both his
parents partake with him; and enjoy the pleasure of his good
fortune。 But Marcius; believing himself bound to pay his mother
Volumnia all that gratitude and duty which would have belonged to
his father; had he also been alive; could never satiate himself in his
tenderness and respect to her。 He took a wife; also; at her request
and wish; and continued; even after he had children; to live still
with his mother; without parting families。
The repute of his integrity and courage had; by this time; gained
him a considerable influence and authority in Rome; when the senate;
favouring the wealthier citizens; began to be at variance with the
common people; who made sad complaints of the rigorous and inhuman
usage they received from the money…lenders。 For as many as were behind
with them; and had any sort of property; they stripped of all they
had; by the way of pledges and sales; and such as through former
exactions were reduced already to extreme indigence; and had nothing
more to be deprived of; these they led away in person and put their
bodies under constraint; notwithstanding the scars and wounds that
they could show in attestation of their public services in numerous
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